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  • CFGTRIB - Tax Configurator -

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Procedure for Utilization

Credit Reversal - With Product Resale


  • Environment updated to release or above;


In this register, fill in the following data:

Section Enter the Rule Code:

Rule Code: In this field, enter the identifier code. This field is required and you can register no more than one rule with the same code, because this code is used for linking with the other entities.

Description: In this field, enter the rule description. Describe it as you wish, to make identifying the rule easier.

Section Rule Configuration

Value per dependent: Deduction value per dependent, to be multiplied by the registered quantity.

Date to be used when searching the balance per dependent: Date type with which the bill related to the invoice in Financials is queried. 1 = Issue; 2 = Actual Due Date; 3 = Booking Date; 4 = No Query in Financials.



This rule is linked to the calculation index I:DED_DEPENDENTES. This index also remains available in the formula component. Primarily it must be bound to Calculation Rule - Tax Documents, though you may use it in other rules by formula, if needed. The deduction value per dependent is obtained by multiplying the value per dependent entered in the register by the quantity of dependents of the supplier. The system then checks whether the deduction value was already used on the bill's date of maturity, issue or booking. If not, the deduction is used as expected; otherwise, the value is no longer used on the same day, in accordance with the criterion adopted in the deduction per dependent rule.


In this register, fill in the following data:

Section Service Code:

Service Code: In this field, enter the service code. This field is required and you can register no more than one rule with the same code, because this code is used for linking with the other entities.

Description: This field is automatically filled in with the service code description registered in Protheus.

Section Taxes

Tax: Tax Code to be bound to the service code, which may have a general rate configuration for all cities or a specific configuration per city.

Description: This field is automatically filled in with the tax description registered in the Tax Configurator.

Rate: Default rate for all cities that fit the rule.

Section Specific Rate by City

State: State that contains the specific rate by city

City Code: Code of city that contains the specific rate.

Description: This field is automatically filled in with the description of the city selected.

Specific Rate: Specific rate for the city that fits the rule.


In this register, fill in the following data:

Section Tax Status Code

In this section, provide data to define and identify the CST.

Code: In this field, enter the identifier code. This field is required and you can register no more than one with the same code, because this code is used for linking with the other entities, such as the bookkeeping rule.

Description: In this field, enter the description of the new tax status code group. Describe it as you wish, to make identifying the register easier.

Tax ID: Enter the code that identifies the generic tax that will contain a tax classification procedure. This Tax ID is the TOTVS ID code mentioned in the tax register.

Start Date: Start Date of CST register validity; that is, if the tax document date is previous to the start date of validity, the register is not used for CST classification. If it is after or equal, then the register is used. This field is required.

End Date: End Date of CST register validity. Of course, this is used only when the end date is known. When the end date of validity is not known, leave it blank.

Section CST:

In this section, enter the tax classification code and its respective description for the Tax ID selected.

CST: Enter the tax classification code.

Description: Description of the new tax classification code.


In this register, fill in the following data:

Rule Definition Section

In this section, provide data to define and identify the CST.

Code (CJ4_CONDIGO): In this field, enter the identifier code. This field is required and you can register no more than one with the same code, because this code is used for linking with the other entities, such as Calculation Rule - Tax Documents.

Description (CJ4_DESCR): In this field, enter the description of the new bookkeeping rule. Describe it as you wish, to make identifying the register easier.

Section Form Generation Mode:

Mode for Bookkeeping Form Generation (CJ4_MODO): Mode of tax Payment form generation. 1=Invoice and 2=Verification.

View Form When Generating the Invoice (CJ4_VTELA): Option to view the form onscreen when adding the document.

Increase Form (CJ4_MAJSEP): Enter whether to generate separate forms when generating the form, if there is a tax increase calculation.

Section Form Generation Criterion:

State of Origin and Destination (CJ4_ORIDES): Generation of tax payment form for operations: 1=Interstate Only; 2=Internal Only; 3=Neutral.

Import or Export (CJ4_IMPEXP): Generation of tax payment form: 1=Import Only; 2=Export Only; 3=Neutral.

State Registration at State of Destination (CJ4_IE): Generate form for collection at State of Destination when: 1=Has SR; 2=Lacks SR; 3=Neutral.

Section GNRE Due Date:

Due Date (CJ4_CFVENC): Due Date Option: 1=Add business days; 2=Fixed Day current month; 3=Fixed Day following month.

Quantity of Days to Add (CJ4_QTDDIA): Quantity of days to be added in accordance with the option selected in due date configuration field (CJ4_CFVENC).

Date of Fixed Day (CJ4_DTFIXA): Fixed date for GNRE due date. This field is enabled in accordance with option 2 or 3 of field (CJ4_CFVENC).

Section GNRE Complementary Information:

CNPJ/EIN (CJ4_CNPJ): Printing of participant CNPJ/EIN in GNRE.

State Registration (CJ4_IEGUIA): State registration to be printed in GNRE. 1=Participant; 2=Sigamat (Company Register in Protheus); 3=SR of State.

State (CJ4_UF): State to be used when printing the GNRE: 1=Parameter (MV_ESTADO); 2=State of Origin; 3=State of Destination; 4=Invoice State.

Add. Info (CJ4_INFCOM): Code of additional information to be recorded in the Form complement.

Description (CJ4_DESINF): Description of additional information selected in field (CJ4_INFCOM).


In this register, fill in the following data:

Section Rule Definition:

Tax Code (CJ5_CODIGO): Code of tax that contains the rule for generating the revenue code. Tax examples: ICMS, ICMS ST, IPI, PIS, COFINS and more.

Description (CJ5_DESCR): This field is automatically filled in with the tax description registered in the Tax Configurator.

Section Document Templates Definition:

Document Template (CJ7_ESPECI): Kind of tax document. (SX5 - Table 42). If you want to configure all kinds, enter ALL.

Description (CJ7_DESCR): Description of tax document kind registered in generic table.

Section Code by State:

State (CJ6_ESTADO): State that contains the rule. If you want to configure all states, enter **.

Revenue Code (CJ6_CODREC): Code of Revenue. Example: 100013 - Communication ICMS.

Revenue Det. (CJ6_DETALH): Details on Revenue. If the state lacks revenue code details, this field remains blank.

Reference (CJ6_REF): Reference period. Example: Monthly, 1st Fortnight, 2nd Fortnight, etc.


FCA Economic Indicators Register


In this register, fill in the following data:

Section FCA (Update and Conversion Factor) Economic Indicators:

State (F0R_UF): State at issue.

Period (F0R_PERIOD):  Reference year and month.

Indicator (F0R_INDICE): Economic index for conversion factor.



To use this register, bind its index (I:INDICE_AUXILIAR_FCA) to a formula. Refer to Calculation Formula Details for further utilization information.


In this register, fill in the following data:

Product Tax Profile

In this section, enter a code and a description to identify the profile registered. Be mindful that the product profile rule code cannot be repeated.


On this grid, enter which products integrate the profile. There must be at least one line on this grid. The product cannot repeat itself in the same profile, and must have at least one product entered.

Product Origins

On this grid, enter the origins that belong in this profile. There must be at least one line on this grid. The product origin cannot repeat itself in the same profile, and must have at least one origin entered.


This register has an automatic load of profile suggestions that facilitate its use.

Operation Tax Profile

In this section, enter a code and a description to identify the profile registered. Be mindful that the product profile rule code cannot be repeated.


On this grid, enter which CFOPs compose this profile. There must be at least one line on this grid

Type of Operation

On this grid, enter which Operation Types compose this profile. There must be at least one line on this grid.

If you need to use all operation types in the profile, you do not need to type all operation types. Just add a line to the grid with the code "ALL" for the system to automatically use all operation types.

Service Code

On this grid, enter which Service Codes compose this profile. If not a service operation profile, leave this tab blank.


Participant Tax Profile Register

Use this routine to define participant profiles to calculate generic taxes, following criteria set by the customer.


In this register, fill in the following data:

Participant Tax Profile

In this section, enter a code and a description to identify the profile registered. Be mindful that the product profile rule code cannot be repeated.


In this section, define which participants compose the participants profile through fields:

Type: Use this field to define the participant type: 1 - Supplier (SA2) or 2 - Customer (SA1)

Participant: In this field, enter the participant code. This will be a customer or supplier code in accordance with the type specified previously.

Store: In this field, enter the participant's store, whether a customer or supplier store depending on the previously specified participant type.


In this register, fill in the following data:

Origin and Destination Tax Profile

In this section, enter a code and a description to identify the profile registered. Be mindful that the product profile rule code cannot be repeated.

States of Origin/Destination

On this grid, enter the States of origin and destination that compose the profile.

Origin State: In this field, enter the state of origin of the operation.

Target State: In this field, enter the state of destination of the operation.



The combination of State of Origin + State of Destination cannot be repeated within the same profile.


In this section, enter the definition and identification data of the rule and source value; that is, the starting value for base composition.

Rule Code: In this field, enter the identifier code. This field is required and you can register no more than one rule with the same code, because this code is used for linking with the other entities.

Description: In this field, enter the rule description. Describe it as you wish, to make identifying the rule easier.

Source Value: In this field, select the starting value for composing the calculation base. The available options are:

  • 01 - Value of Goods: The starting value for the base is the value of the goods.
  • 02 - Quantity: The starting value for the base is the quantity.
  • 03 - Accounting Value: The starting value is the accounting value, calculated in accordance with settings already found in the system.
  • 04 - Value of Presumed Credit: The starting value is the calculated value of presumed credit. Important: This option uses only presumed credit calculated through generic configuration; that is, through fields <F4_TPCPRES> and <F4_CRDPRES>.
  • 05 - ICMS Base: The starting value is the ICMS base, calculated in accordance with settings already found in the system.
  • 06 - Original ICMS Base: The starting value is the original ICMS base; that is, the ICMS base calculated in accordance with settings already found in the system, without taking base reductions into account.
  • 07 - ICMS Value: The starting value is the ICMS value, calculated in accordance with settings already found in the system.
  • 09 - Shipping Value: The starting value for the base is the value of shipping.
  • 09 - Trade Note Value: The starting value is the trade note value, calculated in accordance with settings already found in the system.
  • 10 - Item Total Value: The starting value for the base is the total value of the item, calculated in accordance with settings already found in the system.
  • 11 - Manual Formula: When you select this option, Protheus interprets the contents of tab Calculation Formula Details, enabling a customized calculation of the calculation base in accordance with customer needs. See section Calculation Formula Details of this manual for more explanations on how to use it.



All options refer to the respective calculated value in the document item.

Additions and Deductions

In this section, define the additions and subtractions to be applied on the source value selected in field Source Value.


The available options are:

1 - No Action: The value at issue does not affect the source value.

2 - Subtract: The value at issue is subtracted from the source value.

3 - Add: The value at issue is added to the source value.

Calculation Base Reduction

In this section, if applicable, enter whether a reduction will be applied to the calculated base.

Reduction %: In this field, enter the reduction percentage to be applied to the calculation base.

Reduction Type: This field defines the moment in which the reduction configured in field Reduction % should be applied. Before or after additions and deductions. The options are:

1 - Reduce before additions/deductions: The base reduction is applied before additions and deductions.


= 700.00 + 150.00 = 850.00

= 850.00

2 - Reduce after additions/deductions: The base reduction is applied after additions and deductions.


= 1,150.00 * 70% = 805.00

= 805.00

Calculation Base by Quantity

In this section, available only when the source value is equal to 02 - Quantity, define whether to convert the quantity entered in the item to a specific measurement unit (only for purposes of defining the generic tax calculation basis).

Unit: In this field, enter the measurement unit to be used in the calculation base conversion. 


  • 1st measurement unit of product: CX (Box)
  • 2nd measurement unit of product: PC (Part)
  • Conversion factor: 10.00
  • Conversion type: M - Multiplier
  • Quantity in document item: 3.00
  • Unit entered in field Unit: None

Resulting calculation base: 3.00

If you define a specific measurement unit and it corresponds to the first product measurement unit, no conversion is made either; therefore, the calculation base is exactly the quantity entered in the document item.


  • 1st measurement unit of product: CX (Box)
  • 2nd measurement unit of product: PC (Part)
  • Conversion factor: 10.00
  • Conversion type: M - Multiplier
  • Quantity in document item: 3.00
  • Unit entered in field Unit: CX (Box)

Resulting calculation base: 3.00

If you define a specific measurement unit and it corresponds to the second product measurement unit, the quantity entered in the document item is converted in accordance with the conversion type and factor defined in the product at issue.


  • 1st measurement unit of product: CX (Box)
  • 2nd measurement unit of product: PC (Part)
  • Conversion factor: 10.00
  • Conversion type: M - Multiplier
  • Quantity in document item: 3.00
  • Unit entered in field Unit: PC (Part)

Resulting calculation base: 30.00

If you define a specific measurement unit and it corresponds neither to the first nor to the second product unit, then the calculation base cannot be defined; therefore, the tax at issue is not calculated.


  • 1st measurement unit of product: CX (Box)
  • 2nd measurement unit of product: PC (Part)
  • Conversion factor: 10.00
  • Conversion type: M - Multiplier
  • Quantity in document item: 3.00
  • Unit entered in field Unit: UN (Unit)

Resulting calculation base: 0.00.


Rate Rule Register

Use this routine to register rate rules for generic taxes. This rule is interpreted when bookkeeping the tax document and the value obtained through it is used as a generic tax rate.


In this register, fill in the following data:

Rate Definition

In this section, define the rule code, a description and the source value of the rate, in accordance with the fields below:

Rule Code = In this field, define the rule code. This field is required and you can define as you wish, though you cannot repeat it.

Description = In this field, enter the description of the rate rule. Describe it as you wish, to make identifying this tax easier.

Source Value = This field is required. Enter the source of the rate through the options below:

  • 01 = ICMS Rate - The ICMS Rate specified in the tax document is used.
  • 02 = Presumed Credit Rate - The rate of Presumed Credit specified in the tax document is used. The presumed credit used ins the generic one, defined through fields Pres Cred. (F4_CRDPRES) and Pres Cred Tp (F4_TPCPRES) of the TIO Register.
  • 03 = ICMS ST Rate - The ICMS ST Rate specified in the tax document is used.
  • 04 = Manually Entered Rate - Select this option to define a manual fixed rate. When you select this option, the Manually Entered Rate section is enabled, allowing the manual typing of the rate.
  • 05 = Tax Reference Unit (URF) - Select this option to enable the Tax Reference Unit section, allowing the use of a previously registered URF.
  • 06 = Manual Formula - When you select this option, Protheus interprets the contents of tab Calculation Formula Details, enabling a customized calculation of the rate in accordance with customer needs. See section Calculation Formula Details of this manual for more explanations on how to use it.
  • 07 = Progressive Table - Select this option to use the progressive table rule for rate calculation.



If the source value is not calculated in the tax document, the generic tax rate is zero; hence, the generic tax is also not calculated.

Manually Entered Rate

This section is only enabled when field Source Value is set to option 04. Here you can manually define the fixed rate through fields:

Rate Type = In this field, define the type of rate. Use option 1 - Percentage to define the rate as a percentage and option 2 - Measurement Unit to define the rate as a fixed value to be applied in the tax calculation.

Rate = In this field, enter the manual rate.

Tax Reference Unit

This section is only enabled when field Source Value is set to option 05. In this section, define the use of a URF as rate through fields:

URF Code = Enter the code of the previously registered URF.

URF Perc. = In this field, enter the URF percentage to be used. By default, this field is set to 100% URF utilization.



The URF value is obtained using the bookkeeping period of the invoice; hence, if there is no value for the invoice period when registering the URF, the rate is zero and, consequently, the tax is not calculated.


Bookkeeping Rule Register

This register aims to configure the tax bookkeeping. This rule register is similar to the TIO register, regarding Record and CST field configurations.


In this register, fill in the following data:

Section Bookkeeping Rule Definition:

In this section, define the rule code and a description. The code is exclusive and cannot be changed or repeated.

Section Levy:

In this section, define who the tax is levied, including the tax classification, tax levy, reduced installment levy, effect on invoice total and the deferral percentage.

Section Tax Status Code:

In this section, define which CST to use for bookkeeping a tax configured in routine Calculation Rule - Tax Documents.



The rules defined in this register are used for recording Table CJ3 – Bookkeeping by Item.


Calculation Rule Register - Tax Documents

This register aims to register the generic tax; that is, to define when and how to perform the calculations, using previously registered profiles and rules. This register also defines how to generate financial bills and whether the tax is used in the verification of generic taxes. Thus you can calculate, collect and verify new taxes in a simple and quick way, with no need to create new parameters or new system fields.

For example, suppose we previously register the tax XPTO, a tax for which the following hypotheses exist: Withholding by Tax Authorities, Credit and Collection on Verification. The need to create three calculation rules for this tax soon arises; that is, three tax calculation variations, one for withholding by tax authorities, another for credit and the third one for verification. Thus, you must create the calculation rules for each tax variation. Be mindful that the routine allows registering as many variations as needed.

Rule Definition

This section aims to identify the tax calculation rule using a code, description and validities.

Rule Code (F2B_REGRA): In this field, define the calculation rule code of generic tax. This code is required and cannot be repeated within the same validity. This code is displayed in the fiscal document taxes tab when the tax is calculated.

Description (F2B_DESC): This required field helps to identify the tax calculation rule. This description is displayed in the taxes tab when the tax is calculated.

Tax (F2B_TRIB): In this required field, enter the tax code to which this rule belongs. A tax may have several calculation rules; however, a calculation rule can have only one tax.

Start Date (F2B_VIGINI): Enter the start date of calculation rule validity; that is, if the tax document date is before the start date of validity, the tax rule is not calculated. If after or equal to it, then the calculation rule can be executed. This field is required.

End Date (F2B_VIGFIM): Enter the end date of tax rule validity. Of course, this is used only when the end date is known. When the end date of validity is not known, leave it blank.


When you fill in the initial and final validities, the system checks whether the document date is between the initial and final validities. When there is only the initial validity, the system checks the document date with the initial validity and regards the blank final validity as valid/in effect.

Calculation Rules

This section aims to define how to calculate the tax, how to generate the financial bills (if any) and how to generate it on verification (if any).

Calculation Base (F2B_DESC): Define the calculation base to calculate the tax through a previously registered Calculation Base rule. Be mindful that if the value set in the Calculation Base Rule is not found in the tax document, the generic tax is also not calculated.

Rate (F2B_RALIQ):Define the rate to calculate the tax through a previously registered rate rule. Be mindful that if the value set in the Rate Rule is not found in the tax document, the generic tax is also not calculated.

Financial (F2B_RFIN):In this field, enter a financial rule that defines how to generate the financial bill of this tax. Fill in this field only when you need to generate bills for withholding by tax authorities or collections on tax document issue, otherwise leave it blank. We must emphasize that if the tax must be collected through a verification, it is very likely that you should not fill in this field, otherwise the tax may be collected twice, in the tax document and also in the verification.



For further information on how to register the financial rule, refer to https://tdn.totvs.com/x/NBu9Gg

Round Config (F2B_RND):In this field, define the bill rounding rule, whether rounded or truncated. This field is not required. If blank, the calculated value is rounded by default. This field operates jointly with parameter MV_RNDSOBR. For further information on this parameter, refer to the documentation  https://tdn.totvs.com/x/2Ni-HQ

Tax Limitation Rules

Min. Oper. of Tax Limitation (F2B_OPRMIN) - Limiting operator of Tax being configured. In this field, you may set limits by primary operator values.
Max. Oper. of Tax Limitation (F2B_OPRMIN) - Limiting operator of Tax being configured. In this field, you may set limits by primary operator values.
Min. Manual Value (F2B_VLRMIN) - This field is enabled along with field Minimum Operator, being editable when the value of field minimum operator is = "O:VAL_MANUAL"
Max. Manual Value (F2B_VLRMIN) - This field is enabled along with field Maximum Operator, being editable when the value of field maximum operator is = "O:VAL_MANUAL"

Bookkeeping Rules

Verification Rule (F2B_RAPUR): In this field, enter the verification rule to define how to state and calculate tax values in the generic taxes verification. This field is not required. Fill it in only when the tax must be collected through a verification. We must emphasize that if the tax has an entered financial rule, it is very likely that you should not fill in this field, otherwise the tax may be collected twice, in the tax document and also in the verification.

Bookkeeping (F2B_CODESC): In these fields, enter the bookkeeping rule that defines whether to book the tax as charged, exempt or others. Also the CST of the tax, among other settings allowed by the register.

Complementary Rules

Tax for Increase (F2B_TRBMAJ): In this field, select a tax to calculate the increase.

Deduction per Dependent (F2B_DEDDEP): Rule code that contains data on the calculation base deduction per dependent. 

Progressive Table (F2B_DEDPRO): Rule code for progressive table deduction.

Form Gen. Rule (F2B_RGGUIA): Rule code for GNRE generation.

Auxiliary Calculation Base (F2B_RBASES): Rule code of secondary calculation base, for scenarios with base value calculation, when there is a need to calculate two calculation bases and use the one with the highest value.

Greater or smaller value between bases (F2B_MAXMIN): Select an auxiliary base in field F2B_RBASES to activate the field. Select 1=Higher - to load the higher value between the calculation base and the auxiliary calculation base. Select 2=Lower - to load the lower value between the calculation base and the auxiliary calculation base.

Profile Definition

This section aims to define when to calculate the tax, based on Origin/Destination, Participant, Operation and Product profiles.

The generic tax calculation rule is only executed when the invoice data (State of Origin, State of Destination, Participant, CFOP, Operation Type, Product and Product Origin) match all the profiles entered in this section.

Ori/Des Prof. (F2B_PEROD): In this field, define the Origin/Destination Profile for the calculation rule. Be mindful that the States of Origin and Destination of the tax document are compared with the States of Origin and Destination that compose this profile.

Part Prof.  (F2B_PERFPA): In this field, define the Participant Profile for the calculation rule. Be mindful that the Participant (client or supplier) of the tax document is compared with the Customers and Suppliers that compose this profile.

Oper Prof. (F2B_PERFOP): In this field, define the Operation Profile for the calculation rule. Be mindful that the CFOP and Operation Type (if any) of the tax document are compared with the CFOPS and Operation Types that compose this profile.

Prod Prof. (F2B_PERFPR): In this field, define the Product Profile for the calculation rule. Be mindful that the Product and Product Origin of the tax document are compared with the Products and Product Origins that compose this profile.


Use this routine to register messages. In this initial stage, this register services the messages used in EFD ICMS IPI in records 0460 (Tax Entry Notes Table), C195 (Tax Entry Notes (Codes 01, 1B, 04 and 55)) and C197 (Other tax obligations, adjustments and data on values from tax documents).


In this register, fill in the following data:

Rule Code: Enter the Rule Code.

Description: Enter the name of the Message Rule

Filter Field: 

In field CJ8_TPREGR (Rule Type), selecting Taxes enables, in field CJ8_TRIFIL (Rule to be queried), the 3 spheres (State, Federal and Local), and, by selecting one of the options for query, the field CJ8_REGTRA (Tax) is filtered by Rule Type;

CJ8_TRIFIL (Rule to be queried)


If Rule Type is equal to Generic Taxes, field CJ8_TBCONF (Generic Tax) is enabled with the query in table F2B (Tax Rules).

If, in field CJ8_TPREGR (Rule Type), you select Invoice Data, then, in field CJ8_TRIFIL (Rule to be queried) the options Invoice Header and Items' Data are enabled. By selecting one of the options, then the field CJ8_CONSUL (Value to be Added to Formula) displays information such as Invoice Type, Operation Type, Item Number, Value of Goods, etc.

After selecting the previous information, you may add the content selected in field CJ8_CONSUL (Value to be Added to the Formula) to field CJ8_MENSG (Message Composition), by clicking the Add button. After the addition, just click Validate Message.

Entry Adjustment Rule

Use this routine to register the Entry Adjustment Codes, linking it to a Tax Document Rule to be created by the user, in accordance with its bookkeeping, hence stating the entry code data when the document is generated.


  • Link of Entry Code registered in TIO.
  • Link of Reflection Code for calculation rules, made in FISA072.
  • Linking of messages on table CCE (Complementary Information) or in the TIO register (Table SF4), field F4_CODOBSE (Note Code) 
    • C197 
    • C195
    • 0460
  • Regarding the entry codes related to IPI, there will be a link with block E531 of EFD ICMS/IPI.

Access - Updates → Facilitators → Taxes Configurator 

In this register, fill in the following data:

*Required Fields 

**Fields not Viewable in Browser

Section Entry Adjustment Rule Register. Fill in with Rule header data, where we find the fields:

  1. CJ9_CODREG* - Rule Code
  2. CJ9_DESCR* - Adjustment Rule Description
  3. CJ9_VIGINI* - Start Date of Rule Validity
  4. CJ9_VIGFIM* - End Date of Rule Validity
  5. CJ9_ID** - Which is related to Table CJA - Entry Adjustment Rule Items.

Section Entries. Fill in the fields related to entry, validity and form codes.

  1. CJA_CODREG** - Header Rule Code - To be related to Table CJ9
  2. CJA_REGCAL* - Calculation Rule - We will have a standard query with Table F2B, in which the user selects the calculation rule that matches the Adjustment Code rule. In this field, instead of having a calculation in the reflection register, they would create their own calculation.      
  3. CJA_CODTAB* - Entry Table - In this field, find available 4 entry tables 5.1.1 (CDO), 5.2 (CDY), 5.3(CC6) and 5.3.4(CCK)
  4. CJA_CODLAN* - Entry Code - The table selected in field CJA_CODLAN  CODLAN  updates the standard query, returning the entry codes of each table.
  5. CJA_VIGINI* - Entry Validity Start Date - The user enters the start date of entry code validity found in the TXT files downloaded from the website http://sped.rfb.gov.br/
  6. CJA_VIGFIM* - Entry Validity End Date - The user enters the end date of entry code validity found in the TXT files downloaded from the website http://sped.rfb.gov.br/
  7. CJA_GUIA - Generate Form - In this field, select the code with the rule for generating the Tax Payment Form.
  8. CJA_TITULO - Generate Bill - In this field, select the code with the Bill rule, to be registered in routine Financial Rule.
  9. CJA_GERMSG - Message Type - This field controls how to generate the message for 01 - Entry Code, in which a message is generated for each entry code, or 02 - Entry Code + Product, if a single message is generated for Entry and Product.
  10. CJA_OPER - Operation - Enter the rule x entry code operation type to be used: 01 - Inflow; 02 - Outflow; 03 - Return;  
  11. CJA_CNTRL - Operation State - Enter the State control of the Operation. This field functions jointly with the Entry Code. Example: SP000207 if you configure the State of Destination, to display the entry, your Customer must be from São Paulo; otherwise, if your Customer is from Rio de Janeiro and the entry is correct, just change the State from Control to Origin.

Section Values. Fill out the fields with values to inform EFD ICMS IPI records.

  1. CJA_NFBASE* - Use ICMS Base - This field offers 3 options - Value / Null / Zero, in case the calculation rule requires setting the ICMS Base to Zero, Value or NULL. If needed, record |BLANK| content in SPED.
  2. CJA_NFALIQ* - Use Rate - This field offers 3 options - Value / Null / Zero, in case the calculation rule requires setting the ICMS Rate to Zero, Value or NULL. If needed, record |BLANK| content in SPED.
  3. CJA_VALOR* - Use ICMS Value - Use this field to control how the rule interprets ICMS value contents when you need to generate field 7 of record C197, to be understood as Value. In this field, we have a standard query in CIN with Tax rule filter with field CJ9_REGCAL.
  4. CJA_VLOUTR* - Use Other ICMS Value - Use this field to control how the rule interprets ICMS value contents when you need to generate field 8 of record C197, to be understood as Other. In this field, we have a standard query in CIN with Tax rule filter with field CJ9_REGCAL.


Field CJA_VLOUTR records in Table CDA in field CDA_VLOUTR. This field in CDA is exclusive in Tax Configurator.

This recording in CDA is automatically performed to configure how the Entry Adjustment Code understands the ICMS value to be transferred to Record C197, whether in field Value or field ICMS Other.

Be mindful that this process is fully independent from configurations performed in Legacy flow, using reflex register x field Vl REG 197 .


CDA Recording

Source of the Information

Msg Code Desc. Rec. 0460    



Complementary Msg Code     



Entry Msg Code       



Use ICMS Value Other



Calculation Rule         



Base Option    



Rate Option        



Group Entry Code        



Section Messages. Enter the message data to be used in records 0460, C195 and C197.

  1. CJA_CODMSG - Message Code - In this field, select the message pre-registered in routine FISA178 - Message Register to be used in EFD ICMS IPI Record C197 field 3
  2. CJA_CODCPL - Complement Text - In this field, select the message pre-registered in routine FISA178 - Message Register to be used in EFD ICMS IPI Record C195 field 2 and field 3.    
  3. CJA_TXTDSC - Description Text - In this field, select the message pre-registered in routine FISA178 - Message Register to be used in EFD ICMS IPI Record C195 field 2 and field 3.

Adjustment Rule Code Utilization Example

Follow the steps below to configure how to use the Adjustment Rule register

  1. Make the Registrations
    1. Register the Tax

b. Register the NCM Rules

c. Register the Tax Status Code

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2. Make the Profile Registrations

    1. Product Profile

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    2. Operation Profile

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    3. Participant Profile

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    4. Origin and Destination Profile

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  1.  Tax

 3. Tax Document Calculation Rules

    1. Calculation Base Rule

      1. ICMS Base Example

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      2. ICMS Base Exempted via Formula Example.

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iii. IPI Base Example
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b. Rate Rule

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c. Bookkeeping Rule

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d. Calculation Rule - Tax Documents

In this register, we link the above relationship registers to be used in invoice calculations.

      1. ICMS Rule

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      2. FECP Calculation Rule

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      3. Exempted ICMS Calculation Rule

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      4. IPI Calculation Rule
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  1.  Entry
4. Entry Adjustment Rule

    1. Message Rule
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      Message with Specific Formula:
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      It is not enough to create the message. The next step is binding the message registered to an entry adjustment rule.
    2. Entry Adjustment Rule

i. ICMS Example - Entries Tab

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The proposal of the register is to centralize the entry codes in the widest adjustment rule possible, so there is no need to create multiple entry adjustment rule registers for similar profiles; therefore, for release 12.1.2210, we have added two fields not illustrated in the example above, in which the user can choose when to use the entry code:

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Field Operation - Valid Values (01-Inflow| 02-Outflow| 03-Return)
Field Operation Type - Valid Values (01-Origin State| 02-Destination State)

In the illustration above, we can see that several entry codes have been attributed even from another state, the branch of the example being SP.
Through fields Operation and Operation Type, the user can define when to use the entry code. In the example, an entry code was registered for the State of Rio de Janeiro, in which the fields Operation and Operation Type are respectively configured as "Outflow"|"State of Destination"; that is, the entry code is only displayed when an outgoing invoice is issued with RJ as its State of Destination.

In tab Entries, we also have the field "Message Type" with 3 possible options:

01- Entry Code by Period - In this configuration for EFD ICMS/IPI file creation purposes, the entry codes are grouped by period in accordance with the block in which a specific entry code fits the SPED.
02- Entry Code by Invoice - In this configuration for EFD ICMS/IPI file creation purposes, the entry codes are grouped by invoice in accordance with the block in which a specific entry code fits the SPED. Example: Block C195 and C197.
03- Entry Code by Item - In this configuration, for EFD ICMS/IPI file creation purposes, the entry codes do not have grouping; that is, they are detailed by item, as the record was originally recorded in CDA table.

ii. Tab Values

In tab Values, define how values are displayed in accordance with the entry code. This tab is very useful for the composition of block C197 and similar blocks in SPED FISCAL.

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Example of Entry Configuration highlighting the value Other.

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iii. Tab Messages

Use this tab to bind the messages registered in routine FISA178 (Message Register). In the example below, the fields are used in various ways:

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Note: Fill out the field "Complement Msg Code" to correctly display it in SPED FISCAL.

iv. IPI Example

The IPI dynamic is similar to ICMS.

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5. Applying the Invoice Entry Adjustment Rule

    1. Rule TRIB03, created with Exempted ICMS, was used in the Entry Adjustment register and will be stated in TAB Entry of the Financial Spreadsheet. This rule aims to calculate the values needed for display in the Entries indicated.

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    2. Rule IPI001 was created for generating "Other Credits" adjustment entry for IPI verification and also for its reflex in block E531 of EFD ICMS/IPI.

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      In the IPI verification, the IPI adjustment values from the tax configurator remain separate from values that come through TIO adjustment entries. The example below shows how the verification becomes with both entry types:

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      Manual entries keep the current behavior.


The Tax Rule Code entered in the Entry Adjustment register in field CJA_REGCAL must be a rule created by the customer, as needed and as the entry is understood.


This register aims to define how to generate financial bills of generic tax verification, linking a financial bill rule to a tax through fields:

Tax: In this field, we define the tax to be processed in generic tax verification, which will need to generate a financial bill with the debit balance of the verification.

Bill Rule: In this field, enter the bill rule to be executed in verification, when generating the financial bill. For further information on how to register a financial rule, refer to https://tdn.totvs.com/x/NBu9Gg
