Árvore de páginas

Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.



Name to identify the directory. 

Migrate from SmartSync?

  • Yes: By enabling this option, all users and groups from the directory indicated in the Active Directory field will be migrated once the SmartSync configuration is finished. 
  • No: By keeping the option disabled, the new Active Directory will be created without importing users and groups from the previous SmartSync.

Enable automatic user acceptance?

  • Yes: By enabling this option, all users imported from this Active Directory by SmartSync will be automatically accepted and provisioned into this Identity context.
  • No: By keeping the option disabled, all users imported from this Active Directory by SmartSync will be added to the Pending list until they are manually approved.
<div class="lms">
	<div class="lms-callout">
		<div class="lms-callout-image">
			<img class="lms-callout-thumb" src="http://tdn.totvs.com/download/thumbnails/286221066/nota.png" width="24" height="24">
		<div class="lms-callout-body">
			<p class="lms-callout-text"><b>NOTE:</b><br> If you are adding the first AD, you will be presented with some general settings fields. For more details about each option, see the <b>Change general settings</b> item of this documentation.</p>

User filter
Use the Active Directory variables to filter the users that will be synchronized. If the value has been incorrectly changed, click the  Restore default button to return to the original values.

Groups filter
Use the Active Directory variables to filter the groups that will be synchronized. If the value has been incorrectly changed, click the Restore default button to return to the original values.

<div class="lms">
	<div class="lms-callout">
		<div class="lms-callout-image">
			<img class="lms-callout-thumb" src="http://tdn.totvs.com/download/thumbnails/286221066/nota.png" width="24" height="24">
		<div class="lms-callout-body">
			<p class="lms-callout-text"><b>NOTE:</b><br>The fields corresponding to the <b>User filter</b> and <b>Groups filter</b> must be filled in the <b>LDAP format</b>. When a filter is set for users and/or groups, SmartSync will recognize this parameter and import the users and groups into Identity based on the filter specified in these fields.</p>
			<p class="lms-callout-text">The filter fields are pre-filled with a default value, so no conditions need to be specified for import, allowing all users and groups to be imported.</p>
			<p class="lms-callout-text"><b>Default value:</b></p>
<ul class="lms-callout-text">
<li><b>Users filter:</b> (&(objectClass=user)(objectCategory=person))</li>
<li><b>Groups filter:</b> (objectCategory=group)</li></ul>
			<p class="lms-callout-text">For more details on creating filters, read the <a href = "https://tdn.totvs.com/x/2sxLLQ"><b>LDAP user import filters</b></a> documentation.</p> 



titleLocal AD

Directory name.

Enable automatic user acceptance?

Yes: By enabling this option, all users imported from this Active Directory by SmartSync will be automatically accepted and provisioned into this Identity context.

No: By keeping the option disabled, all users imported from this Active Directory by SmartSync will be added to the Pending list until they are manually approved for context by the company's management.

User filter
Use the Active Directory variables to filter the users that will be synchronized. If the value has been incorrectly changed, click the Restore default button to return to the original values.

Groups filter
Use the Active Directory variables to filter the groups that will be synchronized. If the value has been incorrectly changed, click the Restore default button to return to the original values.

<div class="lms">
	<div class="lms-callout">
		<div class="lms-callout-image">
			<img class="lms-callout-thumb" src="http://tdn.totvs.com/download/thumbnails/286221066/nota.png" width="24" height="24">
		<div class="lms-callout-body">
			<p class="lms-callout-text"><b>NOTE:</b><br>The fields corresponding to the <b>User filter</b> and <b>Groups filter</b> must be filled in the <b>LDAP format</b>. When a filter is set for users and/or groups, SmartSync will recognize this parameter and import the users and groups into Identity based on the filter specified in these fields.</p>
			<p class="lms-callout-text">The filter fields are pre-filled with a default value, so no conditions need to be specified for import, allowing all users and groups to be imported.</p>
			<p class="lms-callout-text"><b>Default value:</b></p>
<ul class="lms-callout-text">
<li><b>Users filter:</b> (&(objectClass=user)(objectCategory=person))</li>
<li><b>Groups filter:</b> (objectCategory=group)</li></ul>
 			<p class="lms-callout-text">For more details on creating filters, read the <a href = "https://tdn.totvs.com/x/2sxLLQ"><b>LDAP user import filters</b></a> documentation.</p>   


Directory name.

Azure AD Identifier
SAML Authentication Certificate ID sent.



The available settings are:

Allow password change
When this option is active, password changes for Active Directory may be made on the user's My profile page page (documentation in Portuguese language).

Save Active Directory password cache
When this option is active, a hash (which cannot be decrypted) of user passwords will be saved in TOTVS Identity, which provides faster authentication.


03. Click Fix – located on the right side.


When you hover over the Fix button, a tooltip will appear with the error that occurred.

04. In the fields indicated field, enter the user's correct , fix the necessary user information.


All the fields relating to the user are displayed for editing (first name, last name, e-mail address and status).

05. Click Fix.


After the fix, the user is shown in the list of pending users with the changed e-mail addressfixed information, and can now be accepted for the user to be created in Identity.

Grupos importados

Imported groups


The requirements for importing groups are: 1. Have groups registered in Os requisitos para importação de grupos são: 1. Possuir grupos cadastrados no Active Directory; 2. SmartSync instalado, configurado e em execução; 3. Diretório no Active Directory configurado na empresa do Identity. 

Após as informações sobre a sincronização entre o Identity e o SmartSync, é apresentada a aba Grupos onde estão listados todos os grupos de permissão importados no diretório escolhido. Os quadros abaixo indicam a quantidade de grupos pendentes, processando, aceitos e rejeitados. Você pode clicar sobre cada situação para conferir os grupos.

Assim como os usuários importados do Active Directory via SmartSync, os grupos também são apresentados em uma lista de grupos pendentes e precisam ser aceitos para que possam ser associados aos aplicativos do Identity.

Image Removed

Buscar grupo

01. Na tela de visualização das informações do diretório, certifique-se de estar na aba Grupos.

02. Localize o campo Buscar e digite o nome do grupo que deseja buscar.

Aceitar grupo

Essa ação é disponibilizada somente na lista de grupos pendentes.

installed, configured, and running; 3. Directory in Active Directory configured in the Identity company. 

After the information about the synchronization between Identity and SmartSync, the Groups tab is presented, which lists all the permission groups imported in the selected directory. The tables below indicate the number of groups pending, processing, accepted, and rejected. You can click on each status to view the groups.

Like users imported from Active Directory via SmartSync, groups are also presented in a list of pending groups and need to be accepted in order to be associated with Identity applications.

Search groups


01On the directory information preview screen, ensure you are on the Groups tab.

02. Locate the Search field and enter the name of the group you want to search.

Accept group


This action is only available in the list of pending groups.

01. On the directory information preview screen, ensure you are on the Groups tab01. Na tela de visualização das informações do diretório, certifique-se de estar na aba Grupos.


Existem duas formas de aceitar grupo no Identity: um por um ou grupos selecionadosThere are two ways to accept groups in Identity: one by one or in selected groups.


02.Localize o grupo que deseja aceitar Locate the group you wish to accept.

03. Clique em Aceitar Image Removed localizado no lado direitoClick Accept Image Added– located on the right side.


02. Localize cada grupo que deseja aceitar Locate each group that you wish to accept.

03. Clique em Image Removed para selecionar cada grupoClick Image Addedto select each group.

04. Acione o botão Aceitar selecionadosClick the Accept selected button.


Com isso, enquanto o aceite de grupos não é concluído, os grupos são apresentados na lista Processando.

Após concluir a ação, caso esteja tudo certo, o grupo passa a ser apresentado na lista de grupos aceitos com o indicativo Image Removed. Os grupos importados do Active Directory e aceitos são listados junto aos demais grupos próprios do Identity na página de Gerenciamento de Grupos.

Rejeitar grupo

Essa ação é disponibilizada somente na lista de grupos pendentes.

With this, the groups will appear in the Processing list until the group acceptance is finalized.

After completing the action, if all is in order, the group is added to the list of accepted groups with the Accepted identifier. Groups imported from Active Directory and accepted are listed alongside Identity's own groups on the Group Management page.

Reject group


This action is only available in the list of pending groups.

01. On the directory information preview screen, ensure you are on the Groups tab01. Na tela de visualização das informações do diretório, certifique-se de estar na aba Grupos.


Existem duas formas de rejeitar grupos no Identity: um por um ou grupos selecionadosThere are two ways to reject groups in Identity: one by one or selected groups.


02. Localize o grupo que deseja rejeitarLocate the group you wish to reject.

03. Clique em Rejeitar Image Removed localizado no lado direitoClick Reject Image Added– located on the right side.


02. Localize cada grupo que deseja rejeitar Locate each group that you wish to reject.

03. Clique em Image Removed para selecionar cada grupoClick Image Addedto select each group.

04. Acione o botão Rejeitar selecionadosClick the Reject selected button.


Após concluir a ação, o grupo passa a ser apresentado na lista de grupos rejeitados com o indicativo Image Removed.

Editar grupo

Essa ação é disponibilizada somente na lista de grupos pendentes.

01. Na tela de visualização das informações do diretório, certifique-se de estar na aba Grupos.

02. Localize o grupo que deseja editar.

03. Clique em Editar Image Removed localizado no lado direito.

After completing the action, the group is added to the list of rejected groups with the Rejected identifier.

Edit group


This action is only available in the list of pending groups.

01On the directory information preview screen, ensure you are on the Groups tab.

02. Locate the group you wish to edit.

03. Click Edit Image Addedlocated on the right side.

04. Type the new name in the indicated field and click Save04. Digite o novo nome no campo indicado e acione Salvar.


O nome de um grupo do importado do Active Directory pode ser alterado no Identity para que, quando este grupo for aceito, ele seja criado com este novo nome de exibiçãoThe name of a group from the imported Active Directory can be changed in Identity so that when this group is accepted, it will be created with this new display name.

titleFique atento!Attention!

This document is valid from Esta documentação é válida a partir da atualização 5.0.0 ou superior do SmartSync. Se você utiliza uma atualização anterior, ela pode conter informações diferentes das quais você vê no seu ambienteupdate. Previous updates may contain different information than what you see on your SmartSync.

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