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  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.
  • Anonymize and export personal dataallows searching and taking action regarding personal data in the platform. Actions may include anonymizing data found or exporting such data to a report in JSON format.
  • Personal data: lists and manages requested personal data across all platform features.
  • Log control: registers all actions performed by each user in order to help identify situations affecting platform use. By enabling this feature for a specific user, a separate log file containing all user actions is generated after such user’s next platform authentication.
  • Usage statistics: allows an overview on how the platform is being used. Different usage information is extracted, namely number of users, registered groups and roles, number of registered and released processes, number of open and finished requests, number of posts, support, comments and communities, number of published documents and further information related to the use of features the platform provides.
  • Controlled copy log: Issued controlled copy log is the information record of each controlled copy printing. The record is important because it offers total control and traceability of the copies. Through this function, you can also analyze and verify the controlled copies already issued, since it shows the following information: document number, description, issuer, printing date, target area, person responsible for the area and others.

titlePlease note!

This documentation is valid from the Lake (1.7.0) update. If you use a previous update, it may contain information different from what you see on your platform.