Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


Besides making registering and maintenance of management view easier, this routine also enables importing and exporting the structure of views so that structures used in more than one environment can be exchanged. The user can also import structures available for more common management views (DRE, DOAR, BP and Cash Flow), in addition to structures required to management panels.


Management View for Profits and Losses (compliance with ANS)

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When generating the DIOPS, a management view for Profits and Losses must be registered (according to ANS definition, with sequential numbers up to 500).


Management View - Peru


Management View register can receive information required by Cost Records accounting statement.

This information is view in reports: Income Statement - Year Sales Cost Status and Management Statement - Monthly Cost Elements.



  1. To register a management view, access the routine.
  2. Click Add.
  3. In the screen displayed, fill out the fields regarding the management view being created.

The information entered is viewed as main item in the tree structure.

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Management view structure register is comprised by summarized and detailed accounts associated to their superior accounts (summarized).

  • Accounts are displayed on screen using a tree concept.
  1. Select the main item (management view), click Add and create a structure.
  2. You must add summarized accounts with their respective detailed accounts.
  3. Note that there will be ramification in the tree generated in association of accounts with management view and also detailed accounts related to their respective summarized accounts.

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The panel on the right of the screen is updated according to the item positioning in the tree, and displays information of the account.


See Also

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