Páginas filhas
  • EFDCON - PIS/COFINS Calculation and EFD Contributions File

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The information is only saved in tables SFV and SFW if there is a balance to be carried over to the next period. For further information on how to request Refund/Compensation for PIS and COFINS Withholdings, refer to PIS/COFINS Withholding Control

At the end of the calculation, if the questions for bill generation and bookkeeping are set to YES, then bills payable are saved with the contribution value, and the standard entry for bookkeeping is executed.


Who is it aimed at

Private legal entities in general and those matched to them by Income Tax laws, which calculates the Contribution for PIS/PASEP and for Social Security Financing Contribution - COFINS based on monthly billing.


Among other things, SPED aims to:·  

  • Integrate tax authorities through standardization and sharing of accounting and tax information, following legal restrictions.
  • Rationalize and unify accessory obligations for taxpayers, establishing only one transfer of different accessory obligations from different tax authorities;

To accelerate the identification of tax offenses through improved process controls, faster access to information, and a more effective inspection of operations with data cross-checking and electronic audits.

Delivery Term




Application made available by Tax Authority


Application version supported by TOTVS®


Where to find it


Tables used

CKR, CKS, CKT, CKU, CKV, CKW, CKX, CKY, CL1, CL2, CL4, CL5, CL6, CL7, CL8, CL9, CLA, SFT, SF3, SF1, SD1, SF2, SD2, SB1, SB5, SF4, SA1, SA2, CDT, CDG, CCE, CCF, CD3, CD4, CD5, CDG, CDN, DT6, SA1, SA2, SAH, SB1, SD1, SD2, SE4, SF2, SF1, SF3, SF4, SFT, SFU, SFX, SFI, SLG, CVB, CDT, CT1, CTT, CCZ, CCY, CCW, SE1, SE2, SED, SFV, SFW, SN1, SNG, CVD, CD6, SB5, CE9
