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  • RD - Offline Sales Management Portal

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When the Sales Management Portal starts operating Offline, the behaviors of some features are adjusted due to limited connectivity with the server. These behaviors are listed below:

Totvs custom tabs box
Totvs custom tabs box items

Among the specific behaviors of the My Customers option in Offline mode, we find:

titleA list with only the customers the sales representative has entered

Option My Customers displays, on the Customers list, only those selected by the Sales Representative in the Offline Configurator, not displaying the financial status, as shown in the following video:

The operation of other resources, such as customer list filters and viewing types (Table/Cards), remains the same in Online mode, as shown below:

titlePartial viewing of customer data

In Offline mode, the option View Details allows viewing only the Registration Data and Address of the Customer, as shown below:

Totvs custom tabs box items

Option My Notifications is not available for Offline access. Thus, if the sales representative attempts to access it in Offline mode or the connection drops while in use, the following message is displayed:

Totvs custom tabs box items

Among the specific behaviors of the My Quotations option in Offline mode, we find:

titleList only of Quotations added by Sales Representative in Offline mode

Option My Quotations displays only quotations the Sales Representative has added in Offline mode, as shown in the following video:

titleThe taxes calculation is not performed in Offline mode

In Offline mode, the Quotation Total section of sales quotations does not display taxes, because the tax calculation requires an Internet connection.

titleThe option to edit non-synced Sales Quotations is not enabled in Offline mode

Offline mode does not offer the option to delete Sales Quotations. The following video shows this behavior:

titleThe option to edit non-synced Sales Quotations is not enabled in Offline mode.

In Offline mode, the option Edit Sales Quotation is only available for Synced Sales Quotations; that is, Sales Quotations added in Offline mode, sent to the server and successfully added to Protheus when the system came Online. The following video shows this behavior:

titleSales Quotations from the Offline integration of the Sales Management Portal must not be edited in Protheus

This type of change must not be made, because the sales quotations (table SCJ) and their respective items (table SCK) saved in Protheus through Offline integration are associated to the Sales Representative who generated it (tables AQ4 and AQ5). Adding new products to these quotations through Protheus does not generate this association. Thus, these products directly added to Protheus are not integrated with the Sales Management Portal for use in Offline mode, causing divergences between data.

Totvs custom tabs box items

Among the specific behaviors of the My Orders option in Offline mode, we find:

titleList only of orders added by Sales Representative in Offline mode

On the Sales Orders list, the option My Orders displays only orders the Sales Representative has added in Offline mode, as shown in the following video:

titleThe taxes calculation is not performed in Offline mode

In Offline mode, the Order Total section of sales orders does not display taxes, because the tax calculation requires an Internet connection.

titleA opção de filtragem dos produtos pela tabela selecionada não está disponível no modo OfflineThe option to filter products through the table selected is not available in Offline mode

In Offline mode, the option to Filter by Price List in product selection is not available, because the server applies this filter. The following video shows this behaviorNo modo Off-line a opção Filtrar por tabela de preços na seleção dos produtos não está disponível, pois esta filtragem é realizada pelo servidor. O vídeo a seguir apresenta este comportamento:

titleNão está habilitada a opção de exclusão de pedidos de venda no modo OfflineThe option to delete Sales Orders is not enabled in Offline mode

Offline mode does not offer the option to delete Sales Orders. The following video shows this behaviorNo modo Off-line a opção de exclusão de Pedidos de Venda não está disponível. O vídeo a seguir apresenta este comportamento:

titleNão está habilitada a opção de edição dos pedidos de venda não sincronizados no modo Offline.The option to edit non-synced Sales Orders is not enabled in Offline mode.

In Offline mode, the option Edit Sales Order is only available for Synced Sales Orders; that is, Sales Orders added in Offline mode, sent to the server and successfully added to Protheus when the system came Online. The following video shows this behaviorNo modo Off-line a opção de Editar Pedidos de Venda está disponívelsomentepara Pedidos de Venda sincronizados, ou seja, Pedidos de Venda foramincluídos no modo Off-line e que foram enviados para o servidor e incluídos com sucesso no Protheus quando o sistema entrou no modo Online. O vídeo a seguir apresenta este comportamento:

titlePedidos de Venda oriundos da integração Off-line do Portal Gestão de Vendas não devem ser alterados no Protheus.

Este tipo de alteração não deve ser realizada, porque os pedidos de venda (tabela SC5) e os respectivos itens (tabela SC6) gravados no Protheus por meio da integração Off-line são relacionados com o Vendedor que a gerou (tabelas AQ4 e AQ5). A inclusão de novos produtos nestes pedidos por meio do Protheus não gera esta relação. Assim esses produtos incluídos diretamente no Protheus não serão integrados com o Portal Gestão de Vendas para uso no modo Off-line, causando divergências entre os dados.




Sales Orders from the Offline integration of the Sales Management Portal must not be edited in Protheus

This type of change must not be made, because the sales orders (table SC5) and their respective items (table SC6) saved in Protheus through Offline integration are associated to the Sales Representative who generated it (tables AQ4 and AQ5). Adding new products to these orders through Protheus does not generate this association. Thus, these products directly added to Protheus are not integrated with the Sales Management Portal for use in Offline mode, causing divergences between data.




For the Sales Representative to use the Sales Management Portal Offline, they first need to select the Customers, Prospects and Products to be made available when the system enters the Offline mode. You can use the Offline Configurator to perform this task. Thus, before the network connection drops, the system reads and saves the records entered by the sales representative to the local storage of the device. When the system enters Offline mode, the data required for viewing Customers and registering Sales Orders will be available even without a server connection.

To make selecting records easier, the Offline Configurator allows a prior filtering of Customers/Prospects/Products before selecting and saving records, as shown in the example below:

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For further information, access the specific Offline Configurator page.


  • My Customers
  • My Quotations
  • My Notifications
  • My Orders
  • Offline Configurator

Para facilitar a seleção dos registros o Configurador Off-line permite realizar uma filtragem prévia dos Clientes/Prospects/Produtos antes da marcação e salvamento dos registros conforme  mostra o exemplo de uso a seguir:

Image Removed

Para mais informações acesse a página específica do Configurador Off-line.


