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  • APUICM - ICMS Calculation - MATA953 - Tax Management - P12

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For this operation to be possible, the use of Traceability (Batch) is necessary.

When issuing the Sales Order and then the Outgoing Invoice, it is necessary to enter the Batch and Sub-Batch (if any). When calculating ICMS, the system calculates the Credit Reversal proportionallyaccording to legislation.


Deck of Cards
labelParameter configuration for generating the calculation

Generating the ICMS Calculation

  1. In ICMS Calculation, click Parameters and fill out data according to the field help instructions.
  2. Adjust the data in accordance with the instructions described in item
    Main Fields
    Main Fields
  3. Check and confirm data.
  4. Repeat the confirmation, and the system displays a new screen subdivided into tabs:
    • ICMS - Inflows
    • ICMS - Outflows
    • ST - Inflows
    • ST - Outflows
    • ICMS calculation
    • ST calculation
    • Additional Information
    • Calculation-Fomentar

See also the features available in

Other Actions
Other Actions

labelICMS - Inflows

Tab - ICMS inflows

This tab presents the summary of the incoming invoices organized in columns, totalized, and sorted by CFOP.

labelICMS - Outflows

Tab - ICMS Outflows

This tab shows the summary of the outgoing invoices organized in columns, totalized, and sorted by CFOP.

labelST - Inflows

Tab - ST inflows 

This folder displays the totalization of the Calculation Basis and the Tax Credited, by State, of the interstate inflows of products under the Tax Substitution system.

labelST - Outflows

Tab - ST Outflows

This folder displays the totalization of the Calculation Basis and the Tax Debited, by State, of the interstate inflows of products under the Tax Substitution system.

labelCalculation - ICMS

Tab - Calculation - ICMS

The data is presented in columns containing:

Row, Code, Description, Value, GNRE, and Expiration Class.

labelCalculation - ST

Tab - Calculation - ST

The data is presented in columns containing:

Row, Code, Description, Value, GNRE, and Expiration Class.

labelAdditional Information

Tab - Additional Information

This folder displays the following values related to the ICMS:

015 - ICMS Withheld


A total of the ICMS withheld in return transactions.

016 - Additional ICMS (Tax Rate Differential)

This corresponds to the differential of rates to enter in the ICMS Calculation, local operations, in the Other Debits/Other Credit rows, as needed.

When a debt balance exists, the fields Tax Maturity Date and Collection Agency are enabled. The Notes field is always enabled.

 017 - ICMS Withheld

(Sales Returns)

A total of the ICMS withheld is displayed in the Outflow Return transactions.

018 - ICMS Deferred

The values related to the ICMS Deferred are displayed in documents with TIO indicating the deferral calculation.

019 - Complementary ICMS

Fixed Assets

This displays the calculated Complementary ICMS value related to the inflow of fixed assets.

020 - Complementary ICMS

(Use or Consumption Mat.)

The complementary ICMS calculated value related to material for use and consumption is displayed.

021 - Credit Transf.

This displays the values related to ICMS credit transfer in documents with TIO indicating the transfer.

022 - Debt Transf.

This displays the values related to ICMS debt transfer in documents with TIO indicating the transfer.

023 - Mutual ICMS Credit

Displays the value of the ICMS Solidario, only when the question Print ST Credit? is set to Yes.

In this case, only inflows with TIO indicating the Tax Substitution credit are summed.

024 - Incentive Credit

The value calculated related to the State of Manaus Incentive Credit is displayed.

The value is automatically entered into Other Credits when using the P9AUTOTEXT.AM autofill file; otherwise, the value must be manually entered.

025 - Presumed Credit

The value calculated referring to the Presumed Credit calculation of the State of Rio de Janeiro is displayed. This value is automatically entered into Other Credits when using the P9AUTOTEXT.RJ autofill file; otherwise, the value must be manually entered.

 We also see on this screen the Tax Due Date, the Collecting Agency, and the space for Notes.



This tab shows the data displayed in columns: Status, DIFAL to be collected, Credit DIFAL Balance, FECP to be collected, Credit Balance, and FECP/Special Debits.

labelSpecial Debits

Tab - Special Debits

This tab displays the data in columns: Row, Code, Description, Value, GNRE/Maturity Class.

labelExtra Calculation Credit

Setup Procedure 

Fill in the information in the Extra Calculation Credits tab of the Calculation Entry routine (MATA964) or Invoice Entry (MATA985), verifying that the Credit Usage Code and Credit Adjustment Code fields are properly filled in.

Usage procedures

  1. In SIGAFIS, access the ICMS calculation routine (MATA953) using the menu Miscellaneous->Calculations->ICMS Calculation.
  2. Fill in the initial questions of the routine and confirm the calculation processing.
  3. When you complete the calculation, check that, now, the new Extra Credits tab
  4. In this tab, codes for Extra Calculation Credits will be displayed, with the totalizers of the following values:
    1. Balance of tax credits from previous periods
    2. Total credit appropriated in the period
    3. Total credit received by transfer
    4. Total credit used in the period
    5. Accumulated tax credit balance to be carried forward to the following period

5. When you double-click the row of the code, the details of the amounts will be displayed, separated by the sections Credit Receipt, Receipt by Transfer, and Credit Usage.

6. In this detailed Extra Calculation Credits screen, we have the following values:

    1. A row identifying the section, where 0001 is credit receipt, 0002 is receipt by transfer, and 0003 is use
    2. Type of credit use as defined in the ICMS/IPI EFD layout
    3. Code value, as per the row section;
    4. Number of the document that originated this value (if any);
    5. Electronic invoice key that originated this value (if any);
    6. Source entry code that originated this value(if any)
    7. Type of entry, which can be Individualized Automatic, Grouped Automatic, or Manual

7. To return to the consolidated screen, simply double-click the row that contains the <<<— RETURN description to display the consolidated screen again.

8. When the calculation is completed, this information will be recorded in table CE5 with the details of the values, and also in table CE6 with the consolidated balances

Inclusion of manual rows of extra calculation credits

The inclusion of manual information in this tab can be done in two ways:

1 - Manual inclusion directly in the Extra Calculation Credits tab

On the consolidated screen, via using the Add Row button available in Other Actions, a new row will be added on the screen, and you will need to enter an entry code corresponding to MV_ESTADO UF with the fourth digit equal to 9.

Once a valid code has been entered, it will be possible to access the detailed calculation by double-clicking this new row.

In the detailed screen, you can also add rows in the Receipt, Receipt by Transfer, and Usage sections using the Add Row button available in Other Actions. When a new row is manually added on this screen, the entry type will be identified with the M - MANUAL description, and the credit usage type code and the value must be entered. The balances will be updated automatically. 

2- Manual inclusion in the other tabs of the calculation

Another way to include manual information in this tab is through the manual inclusion of entry codes in the tabs ICMS-Calculation, ST-Calculation, DIFAN/FECP, and Special Debits. If an entry code is manually added to any of these 4 tabs, and this code has a linked Credit Adjustment Code, a new row will also be automatically added to the Extra Calculation Credit tab with the same amount. In short, when an entry code exists linked to a Credit Adjustment Code, the row additions, edits, and deletions will also take effect in the Extra Calculation Credits tab.

Automatic Rows of Extra Calculation Credits

The information may also come automatically to this tab. This will occur when a voucher code is used in the tax document and recorded in the CDA table, which in turn has a Credit Adjustment Code linked, that is, the codes automatically loaded in the ICMS-calculation, ST-calculation, DIFAL/FECP, and Special Debits tabs, which have a linked Credit Adjustment Code will also be automatically loaded in this tab of the calculation. The entry type of the automatic rows may be AI - INDIVIDUAL AUTOMATIC when the adjustment code is individualized, or A - GROUPED AUTOMATIC when the code is configured as grouped.

labelGNRE and bill generation by calculation

Procedures for Configuration

To generate Forms and Bills via calculation, it is necessary to configure some parameters. 

In the Configuration Tool (SIGACFG), access Environment/Files/Parameters to configure the following parameters:








Taxpayer's State Registration Number in another State when there is Tax Substitution.

Example of content


If the MV_SUBTRIB parameter is not sufficient to detail all the State Registration entries of the company, parameters with the name MV_SUBTRI and sequential numeric end must be created to add the remaining entries. Example: MV_SUBTRI2, MV_SUBTRI3, etc.








States to be processed in the calculation of the Tax Substitution ICMS outflows only.

Example of content









States to be processed in the calculation of the Tax Substitution ICMS outflows only.   

Example of content









Indicate the CFOPs that will be used to identify the Transfer Invoices for GIAST processing.

Example of content









It indicates each state standard vendor for generating bills payable of the Tax Substitution ICMS.    

Example of content


When configuring this parameter, you need to enter the code and store of the default supplier to generate the Tax Substitution bills for each

State, with the following format:



CCCCCC = supplier code

LL = supplier store

The supplier code and store must be entered with the exact size of the Code (A2_COD) and Store (A2_STORE) fields available in the

system. In the example above, the Code field (A2_COD) is 6 characters long, and the Store field (A2_LOJA) is 2 characters long.

The acronym for each State is shown next to the parameter

Examples: MV_RECSTRJ (standard supplier for the State of Rio de Janeiro), MV_RECSTMG (standard supplier for the state of Minas Gerais), and so on.

When configuring this parameter, ICMS Tax Substitution Payable bills will be generated for States with UF different from the active company in the system.

The parameters for all states in which the payer has State Registration must be created. The bills payable for Tax Substitution will only be generated

for states with the parameter created and valid content, that is, with the supplier existing in the suppliers' file.








Acronym of the state of the company using the System, to calculate the ICMS (7, 12, or 18%).                         

Example of content









Defines the nature to be used in the automatic generation of the bill with the value of the ICMS calculated in the period by the calculation routine - MATA953.                                                                              

Example of content


Enter the code of the nature to be used. If the nature does not exist, it will be automatically registered by the routine.








Defines the nature to be used in the automatic generation of the bill with the value of the ICMS ST calculated in the period by the calculation routine - MATA953.  

Example of content


Enter the code of the nature to be used. If the nature does not exist, it will be automatically registered by the routine.








Nature of the Complementary ICMS Bill generated through ICMS calculation  

Example of content


Enter the code of the nature to be used. If the nature does not exist, it will be automatically registered by the routine.

Additional ICMS bills payable will only be generated for states that have legislation to do so.








Bill prefix of accounts payable generated by the ICMS Calculation routine.

Example of content









Defines which States will be disregarded for the calculation of ICMS - Tax Substitution according to Decree 27,427

of November 17, 2000 - Section 23 - RJ

Example of content


Enter, in this parameter, the state of Rio de Janeiro, if the taxpayer is established in RJ and has the need to delete the transactions with its State in the ICMS Accounting Registration - Tax Substitution page of Record P9 and create a Summary of Tax Calculation - Tax Substitution - Internal Operations.

This parameter will only have functionality for the state of Rio de Janeiro and for the issuance of the ICMS Accounting Registration – P9.








Indicates whether bills payable generated by the calculation of ICMS should be presented on the screen after confirmation of the calculation for maintenance.  

Example of content

.F. or .T.








Define the NF-e Return Code(s) that should be considered in the ICMS Calculation.  

Example of content


This parameter will have an effect only for SPED, CTE, and NFCE kinds.

The other kinds will be considered in the calculation of ICMS regardless of whether or not the parameter is filled.

If the parameter is not created or is without content, the information considered in the calculation of ICMS for NF-e will be:

  • '' - No return from Sefaz
  • '100' - Authorized use of NF-e

Usage Procedures

In Tax Records (SIGAFIS), go to Miscellaneous/Calculation/ICMS Calculation (MATA953) and set specifically the questions Generate Bills and Generate Collection Form to Yes. Answer the other questions as needed. According to the configuration of the parameters MV_STUF and MV_STUFS, the National Tax Payment Forms are generated by State of the amount related to the Tax Substitution ICMS. If the parameter MV_RECST is set for each State in which the forms were generated, the bills payable will also be saved. The bills payable for the regular ICMS and the complementary ICMS (rate differential) will also be generated. If the parameter MV_TITAPUR exists and is set to .T. (true), when confirming the calculation, the generated bills will be displayed on the screen for possible maintenance.


We calculated the ICMS for a period in which we obtained the following values to collect:

Regular ICMS: BRL 600.00

Complementary ICMS: BRL 500.00

ICMS - Tax Substitution: BRL 2,250.00

Upon confirmation of the calculation, the National Payment Forms and bills will be generated. Each generated bill (for each tax) will be displayed on the screen for possible maintenance.

labelLog MThread

Other Actions/MThread Log

In this option, the system displays the Processing Log screen related to the ICMS calculation.

The Warnings and Processing Errors icon are at the bottom.

Click Search tofind specific items, or Details to view other information for the selected item.

labelCalculation using multithread

To speed up the process of booking the Tax Calculation to the ERP Records, this routine distributes the processing using multiple threads that divide the load of the period, considerably reducing the time.





Enables RESUMEF3 processing via Multithread. 

.F. or .T.


Indicate the number of threads to be used when processing the routine. Default 3

Up to 5


Define the maximum number of threads supported by the routine. Default 5

Up to 5


Enable or not the saving of the processing log in the Console.log file

.F. or .T.


Other Actions/Captions

Click this option to display the table for the system captions.


Deck of Cards
labelSimples - SC

Simples - Santa Catarina

This routine enables the calculation of the tax collectible from micro and small-sized businesses in the State of Santa Catarina which opted for the Simples System.

To use the Simples/SC benefits, the micro and small-sized business must obtain their previous framing based on the annual gross income in the following manner:

  • Equal or lower than BRL 160,000.00 (one hundred and sixty thousand reais) is considered micro business;
  • Higher than BRL 160,000.00 (one hundred and sixty thousand reais) and equal to or lower than BRL 2,000,000.00 (two million reais) is considered a small business.

The micro and small businesses are monthly subject to the collection, by the ICMS, of the equivalent amount:

Taxable Revenue

ICMS Amount Collectible

Up to R$ 5,000.00

BRL 25.00

More than R$ 5,000.00 and equal or lower than R$ 8,800.00

0.5% on the Taxable Revenue

More than R$ 8,800.00 and equal or lower than R$ 17,700.00

1% on the Taxable Revenue

More than R$ 17,700.00 and equal or lower than R$ 35,600.00

1.95% on the Taxable Revenue

More than R$ 35,600.00 and equal or lower than R$ 71,000.00

3.75% on the Taxable Revenue

More than R$ 71,000.00 and equal or lower than R$ 106,800.00

4.85% on the Taxable Revenue

More than R$ 106,800.00

5.95% on the Taxable Revenue

It is considered a Taxable Revenue with the value corresponding to:

  • goods sales and services rendering not involved in the Cities tax competence;
  • non-operational incomes, excluding from them the financial incomes of interests, indexation, and discounts;
  • revenue made by all sites of the same company, inside or outside the State of Santa Catarina;
  • Own revenues, and revenues made by trading funds or commercial/industrial sites acquired by the company when it is exploiting under the same corporate name or another one;
  • Sales of assets acquired for integrating the fixed assets, except when they occur after the regular use, considering a period not less than 12 months.

According to the current legislation, the taxpayers fitting this system, when performing goods outflows or services rendering dedicated to taxpayers not fitting to the same system, must emphasize the ICMS relating to the operation for the purchaser to be credited of the value.

The ICMS detailed in the tax document must be registered in the Tax Debited column of the Outflow Records, but it must not be displayed in the ICMS calculation, since the calculation of the tax collectible must be performed based on the Taxable Revenue of the period, as previously described.

Therefore, a new process was developed to calculate the ICMS for companies choosing the Simples/SC performing operations for both types of companies.

Who is it aimed at

Taxpayers choosing the Simples/SC system.


Calculate the ICMS amount to be monthly collected, taking into consideration the operations performed with companies that opted or not for the Simples/SC system.

Delivery term

No delivery The ICMS amount must be displayed in the ICMS calculation of the site.


State - Santa Catarina

Where to find information


Legislation involved

ICMS Rules 2001 RICMS01, Annex 4 (about the Different and Simplified Process of Micro and Small Business - Simples/SC).

labelCredit reversal - PE

Credit reversal - Pernambuco according to Section 34, III, of Decree No. 14.876/91 - State of Pernambuco

By the ICMS Calculation, it is possible to calculate ICMS credit reversal based on inflow operations.

The following paragraph has been copied from the Section abovementioned.

The use of reduced rate imports a ban on the use of the full tax credit for the purchase of the goods. Thus, in relation to the outflows contemplated with a reduced rate, the taxpayer must reverse the portion of the tax credit proportional to the reduction.

When, at the domestic outflow, the rate of 7% is levied, the portion of the usable tax credit shall correspond to the following percentage:

Internal Rate






X = 41.18%

Therefore, the percentage corresponding to 58.82% (100% - 41.18%) should be reversed.

When, at the domestic outflow, the rate of 12% is levied, the portion of the usable tax credit shall correspond to the following percentage:

Internal Rate






 X = 70.58%

Therefore, the percentage corresponding to 29.42% (100% - 70.58%) should be reversed.

Copy the P9AUTOTEXT.PE file to the directory corresponding to \SYSTEM.

  1. In the TIO File (Types of Inflow/Outflow), enter the percentage to be reversed in a said item with the levy of ICMS in the Rev % field(F4_ESTCRED). The credit reversal is only calculated if a percentage is entered in this field.
  2. In the following fields, the system updates the credit reversal value when purchasing a particular good.
  • Rev. Vl. (F3_ESTCRED)
  • Rev. Vl. (F1_ESTCRED)
  • Rev. Vl. (D1_ESTCRED)
  • Rev. Vl. (FT_ESTCRED)

3. In the ICMS calculation, after the routine is processed, see, in the Additional Information tab Row 031, the total amount of the credit reversal. To display this credit value in Credit Reversal in the ICMS-Calculation tab, use the auto-filling available in the file P9AUTOTEXT.PE.

4.This configuration automatically posts the calculated value in the following way:

003.01 - REV. REF SECT. 34, III, OF DECREE No. 14,876/91.


If it is necessary to edit the description or the item placement, adjust the file P9AUTOTEXT.PE.

The sub-item code recorded in the Complementary Information and ICMS Calculation tabs is only entered automatically into the state of Pernambuco because it has a specific treatment for Section 34, III, of Decree 14,871/91. For the other States, it should be evaluated and implemented as needed by each situation.

labelICMS Credit Reversal - DF

Calculation of Credit Reversal for ICMS - Federal District according to subsection V of section 60 of Decree 18,955 RICMS-DF

  1. In ICMS Calculation, complete the routine parameters and confirm.
  2. In the ICMS Calculation tab, the value of credit reversal is displayed, calculated as follows:

(Value of unitary calculation base of the incoming invoice * inflow rate) * (quantity of outgoing invoice/100) * reduction percentage of outflow ICMS base.

Example of calculation:

  • An incoming invoice with calculation base equal to BRL 12,500.00, a rate equal to 7%, and a product quantity of 250.
  • Outgoing invoice, with reduction of 16.67, a quantity equal to 10.

((12500/250) * 0.07) * (10/100) * 16.67 = 5.834 – The system does not round it

The value of the credit reversal is 5.834.

labelDebit Reversal - MG

Reversal of debits in the provision of Transport Services - Minas Gerais according to RICMS - MG Decree 43,080 of 2002, Annex XV Section 4.

Who is it aimed at

To the transferors/senders enrolled in the ICMS Taxpayers Registry who are responsible, as a taxable person for substitution, for the payment of the tax due in the provision of road transport service.


Make the tax reversal, and the transferor/sender of the goods is responsible for the collection of the tax.


State – MG.

Legislation involved

RICMS-MG Decree 43,080 of 2002, Annex XV Chapter II Section I Art. 4.

Copy the P9AUTOTEXT.MG file to the corresponding \SYSTEM\ directory (if version 8.11 and 10). The file is used only for taxpayers in the state of MG.


TIO File: Assign the debit reversal percentage in the F4_ESTCRED field;

The debit reversal calculation is only done if a percentage is listed in this field.

Regarding the legislation implemented according to the bulletin, the reversal should be 100%.

ICMS Calculation: Fill in the respective routine questions.

After the routine is processed, the total amount of the debit reversal is displayed in the Additional Information tab.

For the value to be displayed in the Debit Reversal of the Calculation-ICMS tab, use the auto-filling provided by the file P9AUTOTEXT.MG. This configuration automatically enters the value calculated as follows:


If it is necessary to edit the description or the item placement, adjust the file P9AUTOTEXT.MG.


This sub-item code is only entered automatically into the state of Minas Gerais, as it has a specific treatment for Section 4 of Decree no. 43,080/2002; for the other States, it must be evaluated and implemented according to the need for each situation.

labelIncentive Credit - Manaus

Incentive Credit - Manaus

Based on the inflow and outflow operations with goods encouraged in the State of Amazonas, the system enables the Manaus Incentive Credit calculation.

Finished goods, when destined for civil construction companies or similar works, as well as operations with electronic equipment destined for production, are examples of products/operations that give the right to the Incentive Credit.

The industries with the right to the Incentive Credit apply the reimbursable credit amounts in their ICMS calculation, thus checking the final balance of the period.

Who is it aimed at

ICMS taxpayers from the State of Amazonas.


Calculating the Incentive Credit provided to industries allowed to have reimbursable credits in operations with finished goods.


State – Amazonas

Delivery term

No delivery The calculated credit amount must be presented in the establishment ICMS calculation, thus calculating the ICMS amount to be carried to the next month of the period.

Where to find it


  1. Inthe Products File, assign the corresponding NCM code. The calculation of the Incentive Credit is carried out for the products that have the percentage informed. In the field, indicate if the percentage used in the Outflow is the one reported in the product record or the NCM x Customer Type binding in the MV_CRDM001
  2. Inthe Customers File, enter the framework in the Incentive Credit: 1 = Not Encouraged; 2 = Construction Company; 3 = Others;
  3. The calculation of the incentive credit is made only to those registered for transactions with Constructing Company (2) or Others (3).
  4. In the TIO File routine, assign whether or not to calculate the incentive credit by entering in the field the form of calculation: 1 = Do Not Calculate;2 = Electronic Equipment; 3 = Construction.
  5. The Incentive Credit calculation is only performed in the Inflow and Outflow Types registered for transactions with Electronic Equipment (2) or Construction (3).
  6. Inthe Inflow/Outflow Transactions: Type the inflow and outflow operations using the products and TIO registered, as described in topics 3 and 4.
  7. In the ICMS Calculation: Fill in the respective questions, and, in the Generate Incentive Cred. question,enter Yes.
  8. After processing the routine, the total amount of the Incentive Credit is displayed in the the 
    Additional Information
    Additional Information
    tab, row 024. If you want to display the credit value in Other Credits of the Calculation-ICMS tab, use the self-filling provided by the file P9AUTOTEXT.AM.
  9. This configuration automatically enters the value calculated as follows: 006.01 - Incentive Credit. If it is necessary to edit the description or the item placement, edit the file P9AUTOTEXT.AM.
  10. In the ICMS Calculation Record P9:Fill in the respective questions, and, in the Print Incentive Credit question, enter Yes.
  11. After processing the routine, the information related to the Incentive Credit is displayed in the Tax Calculation Summary, Additional Information Chart, separated by Reimbursable Percentage and Amount, according to the current legislation requirements.
labelStatute No. 4533 - 2005 RJ

Statute no. 4533 - 2005 - Rio de Janeiro

This routine contemplates the State Statute No. 4.533 of April 4, 2005, which regulates the economic recovery policy of the cities of Rio de Janeiro, providing a special tax process to the companies.

The companies allowed a special process apply a specific tax rate on the monthly billing amount, deducing the amount obtained from the ICMS collectible of the period.

Who is it aimed at

Industrial establishments installed or to be installed in the cities existing in the Law.


Providing a special tax process.


State – Rio de Janeiro

Where to find the Statute


For Statute no. 4533 to be properly contemplated, it is necessary to perform the following procedures:

In the Configuration module, option Environment/Files/Parameters, observe the configuration of the following parameter:




Equivalent percentage to the ICMS Collection Special System to be applied on the billing in the reference month.

For the ICMS calculation, only the Internal and Interstate Outgoing Invoices are considered, not considering the Return Invoices and forwarding them to Processing.

In the ICMS Calculation: Fill in the respective questions and confirm the processing.


Since this benefit is unique, that is, the value of the tax to be collected in the period is exactly the specific rate on the amount of the monthly billing, if other debts or credits are included manually, the deduction amount must also be changed manually so that the tax amount to be collected is correct.

labelCredit Use - SP

Use of ICMS Credit - Outgoing Operations for Taxpayer Replaced pursuant to Section 271 of RICMS - SP.

Section 271 - The reimbursement of the value of the withheld tax or the installment of the withheld tax, provided for in Section 269, subsection IV, does not prevent the use of the credit by the taxpayer, when admitted, of the tax levying on the outgoing operation promoted by the taxable person for substitution by entering it in the book ICMS Calculation Record, in the table Tax Credit - Other Credits, with the expression Credit related to the proper operation of the substitute (Statute no. 6,374/89, section 36, with amendment of Statute no. 9,359/96, section 2nd, I). 

  • Paragraph 1 - In the event that the goods have been received from another replaced taxpayer, the value of the tax levying until the previous operation is calculated by applying the internal rate on the basis of calculation that would be attributed to the sender's own operation if it was subject to the common taxation system. 
  • Paragraph 2 - The value of the credit referred to in the previous paragraph cannot be higher than that resulting from the application of the internal rate on the value of the basis of calculation of the withholding made by the taxable person by substitution. 
  • Paragraph 3 - In the impossibility of identifying the incoming operation of the goods, the replaced taxpayer may consider the value of the credit corresponding to the most recent entries, sufficient to carry the amount involved. 

Who is it aimed at

To the taxable person for Tax Substitution (ST) who gives outflow with ICMS levy according to section 271 of RICMS/SP


Control and calculation of the value of ICMS credit in the outgoing operations of the substitute taxpayer in acquisitions.


State – São Paulo

labelCredit granted - SP

Credit granted - Sao Paulo according to Decree no. 56,018 of July 16, 2010, Decree no. 56,855 of March 18, 2011, and Decree no. 56,874 of March 23, 2011, of the State of Sao Paulo.

Credit is granted to sites or companies in the State of Sao Paulo according to the Legal Framework.

Who is it aimed at

Sites or companies of the Sao Paulo state according to law.


Providing a special tax process.


State - São Paulo

Where to find the Decree

Decree no. 56,018 http://www.al.sp.gov.br and Decree no. 56,855 http://www.al.sp.gov.br and Decree no. 56,874 http://www.fazenda.sp.gov


Before generating the credit granted:

  1. The configuration file P9AUTOTEXT.SP must be within the \SYSTEM directory of Microsiga Protheus.
  2. In the TIO File, assign the percentage of the Credit Granted (F4_CROUTSP) applied to the item of the invoice as ruled by the legislation.
  3. The MV_CROUTSP parameter must be filled in with the four (4) first digits of the NCM code that includes Decree no. of July 16, 2010, and Decree no. 56,855 of March 18, 2011, separated by slash ( / ) so that the System displays the value of the credit granted automatically using the P9AUTOTEX.SP routine.

After these settings, generate the incoming and outgoing transactions so that the Credit Granted field is automatically fed according to the application of the configured percentage.


According to Decree no. 56,018 of July 16, 2010, it is considered credit granted if the Common Nomenclature of MERCOSUR – NCM of the product is classified under code 16.01 (sausages and similar products, of meat, offal, or blood; food preparations based on such products) and 16.02 (Other prepared or preserved meat, offal, or blood) and their subheadings.

According to Decree no. 56,855 of March 18, 2011, a manufacturer of sterilized milk (long life) classified under codes 0401.10.10 and 0401.20.10 of the Common Nomenclature of the Mercosur - NCM may be credited with an amount equivalent to the application of the percentage of 14% (fourteen percent) on the value of the internal outflows of the said goods produced in their site.

According to Decree no. 56,855 of March 18, 2011, the site producing yogurt and fermented milk classified, respectively, under codes 0403.10.00 and 0403.90.00 of the Common Nomenclature of the Mercosur - NCM, may be credited with an amount equivalent to the application of the percentage of 7.5% (seven whole and five-tenths percent) on the value of the internal outflows of the said goods produced in their site.

According to the section added by Decree no. 56,874 of March 23, 2011; DOE 24-03-2011; Effective from April 1st, 2011, the furniture manufacturer site classified in code 3101-2/00 of the National Classification of Economic Activities - CNAE may be credited with an amount equivalent to the application of the percentage of 5% (five percent) on the value of the internal inflow of the following products.

I - Wood particle board (MDP) classified under codes 4410.11.10 to 4410.11.90 of the Common Nomenclature of the Mercosur - NCM, except code 4410.11.21 (laminate flooring);

II - Medium-density wood fiber panels (MDF) falling within codes 4411.12 to 4411.14 of the Common Nomenclature of the Mercosur - NCM, except code 4411.13.91 (laminate flooring);

III - Wood fiber sheets classified under codes 4411.92 to 4411.94 of the Common Nomenclature of the Mercosur - NCM.

To generate the Granted Credit value:

  1. In ICMS Calculation, fill out the questions of the routine.
  2. After processing the routine, the Credit Granted amount is displayed and presented in the tab:
  • ICMS Calculation, Row 006/Code 007.32 – Credit Granted – Section 31 of Annex III of the RICMS, and, in the Additional Information tab, row 045, the value of the credit granted.
  • ICMS Calculation Row 006/Code 007.33– Credit Granted - Section 32 of Annex III of the RICMS, and, in the Additional Information tab, row 045, the value of the credit granted.
  • ICMS Calculation Row 006/Code 007.34 – Credit Granted - Section 33 of Annex III of the RICMS, and, in the Additional Information tab, row 045, the value of the credit granted.
  • ICMS Calculation Row 006/Code 007.35 – Credit Granted - Section 34 of Annex III of the RICMS, and, in the Additional Information tab, row 045, the value of the credit granted.
labelPartial ICMS Tax Anticipation

Partial ICMS Tax Anticipation, according to the legislation contemplated, refers to Decree no. 8,963 of February 11, 2004 – BA Ordinance SF 84 of April 29, 2004 – PE Decree no. 52,515 of 2007 – SP Decree No. 52,742 (DOE of February 23, 2008), Decree No. 19,714, (DOE of August 4, 2003) – MA

It performs the treatment to calculate the credit when referring to the Tax Anticipation of ICMS in the incoming operations with differential rate and margin of Solidario, aimed at all taxpayers who make purchases from other States and that have an operation rate of less than the internal rate, or the internal rate greater than 12% (adjusted ST-VAT).

Requirements: In the TIO records, enter if the operation refers to the Tax Anticipation of ICMS.

  • The value related to ICMS Tax Anticipation is calculated using the same calculation rule in the generation of the complementary ICMS, but it is not necessary to generate the complementary ICMS to calculate the anticipation of ICMS.
  • When the operation is ICMS Tax Anticipation, the value is not added to the cost of the product.
  • To calculate the value of ICMS anticipation using the adjusted ST-VAT, the field B1_IVAAJU must be set to 1 (Yes), and the internal rate must be greater than 12%. Otherwise, the ICMS anticipation calculation uses the original VAT-ST.
  • For the states of Bahia, Pernambuco, Sao Paulo, and Maranhao, the value of the anticipation of ICMS is automatically entered after configuring the files BA (Bahia), P9AUTOTEXT.PE (Pernambuco),P9AUTOTEXT.SP (Sao Paulo), and P9AUTOTEXT.MA (Maranhao). This configuration automatically posts the calculated value in the following way:

For the states of Bahia, Pernambuco, and Maranhao: 006.02 - ICMS TAX Anticip. If necessary, change the description or layout of the item by adjusting the P9AUTOTEXT file.

For the state of São Paulo: Local ICMS: 002.12 – Anticipated Payment – Section 277 of RICMS 007.99 – Anticipated Collection – Art. RICMS item 426-A. ICMS ST: 002.99 – Anticipated Payment – Section 277 of RICMS 007.99 – Anticipated Collection – Section 426-A of RICMS.

In Data Processing System, when issuing the report, the value for the anticipation of ICMS is presented in the Note column.

  • If other information is required in the Notes column, such as the date of collection, value, and income code, perform the following procedure:

In the Formula field, add a formula that points to an RDMAKE.

  • Register a GNRE – National Payment Form with the amount paid in advance, and this form will be used by the formula in the included RDMAKE.
  • Register an Inflow TIO related to the formula previously registered and enter YES in the field referring to the ICMS Anticipation.
  • Add an incoming document with this TIO associated, i.e., the document will contain the anticipation value.
  • Check the Data Proc. System report, in which the information included in the RDMAKE is added to the Notes
labelAccumulated ICMS Credit - Bahia

This document aims to assist the generation of Accumulated ICMS Credit related to export or other hypotheses according to Section 106 of RICMS/BA.

Setup Procedure

In the Configuration Tool (SIGACFG), access Module/Files/Parameters and note the configuration of the following parameters:








Acronym of the state of the company using the System, to calculate the ICMS (7, 12, or 18%). 

Example of content 









Indicate whether to use Special ICMS Calculation with Accumulated Credit (T) or not use it (F).

Example of content

.F. or .T.

The completion of this parameter is essential for the correct operation of the process.

Usage Procedures

  1. In Tax Records (SIGAFIS), access Updates/File/Types of Inflow and Outflow and fill in the Accum ICMS Cr (F4_CREDACU) and Accum. ICMS % (F4_PCREDAC) fields.
  2. Miscellaneous/Calculations/ICMS Calculation (MATA953).
  3. Complete the parameters according to the field help instructions.
  4. Check, in the Additional Information folder, rows 35 (Accumulated Credit - Export) and 36 (Accumulated Credit - Other Hypothesis) that the values have been displayed correctly. 
  5. In Tax Records (SIGAFIS), access Updates/File/Types of Inflow and Outflow and fill in the Accum ICMS Cr (F4_CREDACU) and Accum. ICMS % (F4_PCREDAC) fields.
  6. Miscellaneous/Calculations/ICMS Calculation (MATA953).
  7. Complete the parameters according to the field help instructions.
  8. Check, in the Additional Information folder, rows 35 (Accumulated Credit - Export) and 36 (Accumulated Credit - Other Hypothesis), the values presented.
  9. In the Accumulated Cred. - Export or Accumulated Cred. - Other Hypothesis folders, the values previously calculated and displayed in the Additional Information folder must be displayed.


  • In the Additional Information folder, the amounts for Accumulated Credit will automatically be displayed.
  • In the Accumulated Credit - Export folder, the amount for the accumulated credit must be manually entered. Therefore, the taxpayer is the one who will determine the value to be used. The taxpayer must also enter the amounts related to debts.
  • In the Accumulated -Oth. Hypotheses folder, the amount related to the accumulated credit must be manually entered, so the taxpayer will determine the amount to be used. The taxpayer must also enter the amounts related to debts. "
