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  • Sales Orders - MATA410 - Billing - P12

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Deck of Cards

N = Regular

The type of invoice that fits the default sale situation.


Registration Type

Field Content

Type of Order


labelPurchase Return

D = Return

  1. Used when it is necessary to return goods.
  2. Use the Add option and, in the Order Type field, select D - Purchase Return.
  3. Find the Product When you position the cursor, the system opens the edit screen.
  4. Find the field Original Invoice (C6_NFORI), position the cursor, and type F4 to view the Incoming Invoices.
  5. Select the Invoice you wish to return.
  6. After you confirm, the system loads the Sales Order with the source invoice data.
  7. Complete the information and confirm to continue.
  8. The system makes the order available for release and preparation of the Outgoing Document.

When needed, enter the Sales Orders referring to the Purchase or Goods return item by item (the Grid Transaction is not implemented for this type of order).

The tax code does not necessarily have to be related to returns. In this case, the Sales Order is not generated for the customer but for the supplier, since it is an incoming invoice.

Return of value only, without quantity.

  1. Use a return TIO compatible with the Sales Order that has the Zeroed Vl. (F4_QTDZERO) field set to Yes;
  2. Adjust the quantity to 0;

The value fields Unit and Total must contain, respectively, the difference of the Value to return.

labelPrice Complement

C = Quantity/Price Complement

  1. When it is necessary to complement an Invoice, add a new Sales Order and set the Order Type field to C-Quantity/Price Compl.
  2. At the Compl Type field, set the type of operation: 1-Price or 2-Quantity;
  3. Enter a TIO (Type of Inflow and Outflow) taxing as in the original invoice;
  4. Enter a Product, Quantity, Unit Price, and the Total Value.
  5. Find the Original Invoice using the C6_NFORIG field and make the binding
  6. Then, confirm the inclusion.
labelIPI Complement

P = IPI Complement

This type of invoice is required when the rate of value of invoice IPI is registered lower than the due value.

The IPI value will always be the order total.

  1. In Tax Records, the IPI value is displayed in the column Taxed, regardless of what is set in the TIO (Types of Inflow and Outflow).
  2. The ICMS is calculated when the question Levy IPI in the TIO file is filled in.
  3. The completion procedure must be:
    • Type = P;
    • Product Code = original product code;
    • Quantity = 0 (zero).
labelICMS Complement

I = ICMS Complement

This type of invoice is required when the rate of value of invoice ICMS is registered lower than the due value.

The ICMS amount will always be the invoice total, irrespective of the definition of the question Calculate ICM (S/N) of the TIO file. In this situation, the IPI amount is not calculated.

In Tax Records, the ICMS value is shown in column Taxed, regardless of what is set in the question ICM Tax Record from TIO File. The invoice is not generated.

The completion procedure must be:

  • Type = I;
  • Product Code = original product code;
  • Quantity = 0 (zero).

A limitation exists on purchases made by customers not registered in the taxpayer record of the state of Alagoas, according to the configuration of parameter MV_LIMFTAL.

To release these blocked orders, use the Rule Release.


B - Processing - Use supplier and Processing Operation

Return or Remittance in Third-Party possession (according to TIO used).

  • When sending a product for processing, you must perform the following tasks:
  • Register in the structure a processing code.
  • Issue a raw material invoice referring to remittance to processing. This invoice is saved in the file for balance held by third parties, to track each invoice.
  • Open a PO (Production Order) referring to the product resulting from the processing.
  • When receiving the material through the incoming invoice, enter the code of the product for processing, as well as the previous PO Thus, the request for the same product is generated for the reference PO.

Remittance at Inflow is the remittance to the client, use:

  • Invoice type (B), and
  • TIO with (R) in the Third-Party Poss. field (F4_PODER3).

Remittance at Outflow is a remittance to your supplier, use:

  • Invoice type (B), and
  • TIO with (R) in the Third-Party Poss. field (F4_PODER3).

Return at inflow is the return of a remittance already run to the supplier. Use:

  • Invoice type (N), and
  • TIO with (D) in the field Third-Party Poss. (F4_PODER3).

Return in outflow is the return of the remittance already run by the customer. Use:

  • Invoice Type (N=Regular),and
  • TIO with (D=Return) in the field Third-Party Poss. (F4_PODER3).

Processing operation

When sending a specific product to custody/fixing/processing in third parties, the System provides tracking on these quantities.

To track third-party possession, the Billing, Purchases, and Stock/Costs environments must be implemented.

The system controls the quantity of the company's products in third-party possession and vice-versa.

In third-party possession, there are two basic cases:

1 - With stock transactions:For third parties with stock transactions, the system makes a cost transaction depending on the operation, i.e.:

a) For third-party operations, the cost will be equal to the entry cost.

b) For operations at third parties' facilities, the cost will be the weighted average cost.

2 - Without stock transactions: For the third parties without stock transactions, the system stores the net balance of the product in third-party possession, but that still belongs to the company's stock.

Completion procedure must be: a TIO in Third-Party Possession = (R=Remittance) or (D=Remittance Return) exists according to processing needs.

When the option is "D" (Return), if the source invoice is not typed or selected through the [F4] key on the field "Quantity" (C6_QTDVEN) of the Sales Orders routine, the system will display the remittance invoices with the balance to be returned, where the invoice must be selected and [Enter] pressed.

labelSales Order - Services

When a Sales Order involving the rendering of a service is issued, check whether the product (service) has a service code registered in its file.

If not, the registration can be done in the Sales Order itself using the field ISS Serv. Code of the Products File.

The Service Code is important because the ISS Registration books perform the calculations based on this code (D2_CODISS), in accordance with the legislation in effect.

labelSales Order with Reduction at the ICMS Calculation Basis

The Reduction in the ICMS Calculation Basis is a tax benefit granted by the government according to the Product Type.

Sales outside the State in which the ICMS calculation basis reduction apply, may or may not be subject to the same Solidary ICMS calculation basis reduction (withheld).

Important: The system offers the parameter MV_BASERET, which defines if the reduction in the ICMS basis is also applied to the Solidary ICMS calculation base (withheld).


Notice the example of the invoice with a 30% reduction in the ICMS calculation basis and the Tax Substitution calculation, in which the supplier and the customer are located in Sao Paulo, given a 35% profit margin for Solidary ICMS calculation.

  1. In the TIO (Type of Inflow or Outflow) file, the following fields were defined:

ICMS Red. % (S0_BASEICM) = 41.66

Aggregate Value (F4_AGREG) = S

An order with the following information was saved in the Sales Orders File:

  • Product B.
  • Quantity = 10.
  • Unit Value = BRL 100.00
  • Total Value = BRL 1,000.00
  • Outflow TIO Configured for ICMS Reduction.
  • Order released for invoicing.
  • Credit approved.
  • Stock released.
  • Invoice issued by the Outgoing Document
  • After issuing the Invoice, you can query it and check its calculation:

Goods Value = 1,000.00

Reduced Basis % = 41.66%.

ICMS Rate: 18%.

Value of Calculation Basis = 1000.00 x 41.66/100 = 416.60.

ICMS Value: 416.60 * 18/100 = 83.988. 

labelSales Order with CSSR

When generating invoices, the amount of the CSSR Rural Social Security Contribution Tax) will be calculated and saved in the Sale Invoices Header File - SF2, field F2_CONTSOC).

To issue a Sale Invoice for a Rural Producer, the following configuration must be followed:

  1. In the Customers File, the field Type (A1_TIPO) = L - Rural Area Producer.
  2. In the Products File, the field Sec. Cont. (B1 ContSoc) = Yes. This field indicates whether the Social Security Payment is levied on the product.
  3. In the Parameters File, Configurator environment, note the content of the parameters:
    1. MV_CONTSOC. This parameter indicates the CSSR (Rural Social Security Payment) percentage to be calculated. Which are: Natural Person (2,2); Special Insured (2,3); Legal Entity (2,7).
    2. MV_DIAFUN It indicates the day when the Social Security Payment bill is generated (FUNRURAL).
  4. In the Companies File, Configurator environment, option Company Creation, set the Rural Producer field (M0_PRODRUR) in Registration Data, folder Complement:

F: Natural Person

J: Legal Entity

L: Special Insured (works with the family group according to IOB Bul. Occupational Social Security Legislation 48/94).

This field is automatically configured by the system as a blank field, i.e. the company is not subject to payment of FUNRURAL. When filled in, it is directly related to the parameter MV_CONTSOC.


The Product must contain information on the Levy of the Rural Social Security Payment (FUNRURAL) in its record.

After configuring the above-mentioned information, the amount of the Social Security Contribution will be calculated, and the TX-type bill will be generated in the Accounts Payable of the Financials environment.

In the outgoing operations to which the payment of the Rural Social Security Fund (FUNRURAL) must be applied, when the company is a Legal Entity or a Natural Person (M0_PRODRUR = J or F) and the customer is a Natural Person (A1_TIPO = F), a bill payable to the Federal Government will be generated because the responsibility for the payment lies on the company. When the customer is a Legal Entity (A1_TIPO=R), a deduction bill will be generated for the customer, as the responsibility for its payment lies on the customer.


Deck of Cards
labelBlock the edition of a Service Order

To maintain the integrity between the service order and the Sales Order records, some adjustments were made to block the editing of points from a service order when a sales order is pending.
For that, the parameter MV_LIBVINC was created. It is verified when the sales order items are edited.

When set to False (.F.), it blocks editing and adding new items, and, when set to True (.T.), it allows the edition and inclusion of new items.

labelReopen Purchase Order after returning the Invoice

This option is available after an Outgoing Document of the Return type is added.

This situation happens when goods are received via an Incoming Document, but they have to be returned using a return invoice with a TIO that generates a stock transaction. Thus, the Purchase Order becomes available to be reused with the quantity returned.

Among the fields that must be filled in in the Adm/Fin/Cost folder of the Types of Inflow and Outflowfile, it is important to consider the following criteria:

  • Inflow TIO: field TIO File filled in with the Inflow option and field Stock set to Yes.
  • Output TIO: field TIO Type filled in with the Outflow option and field Stock set to Yes.

The generation of the Outgoing Document is made using the Sales Order. When the Purchase Order is partially or fully released, the field Expected Incoming Qty. is updated.

After the Outgoing Document of the return type is added, the Purchase Order may change its status to:

  • Pending Order (green caption ): the total order quantity is returned.




Purchase Order


Outgoing Document - Return


Order Partially Served (yellow caption ): only part of the goods is returned.




Purchase Order


Outgoing Document - Return


After each transaction, it is necessary to observe the product balance, i.e., the content of the fields Current Balance and Expected Incoming Qty. 

The process described here follows the following order:

  1. Purchase Order;
  2. Incoming Document;
  3. Sales Order - Return;
  4. Outgoing Document - Return;
  5. Released Order - Partial or Total;
labelCalculation - TPDP

This procedure enables you to establish the Calculation Basis for the Public Spending Processing Fee (TPDP) for:

  • Sales Orders; 
  • Outgoing Documents, and 
  • Deletion of Outgoing Documents.

After you make the necessary registrations in the Customer and Product with YES and enter the Tax Rate, the System performs the Invoice transactions normally.


Sales Returns

When the goods are returned, if the bills payable of the TPDP generated by the issuance of the Sales Invoice are not yet posted in the Financial module, it is the customer's responsibility to manage them by posting them manually.

However, if the bills payable to the TPDP were posted, resulting in the return of the goods, it is the client's responsibility to seek information from the State to be indemnified or compensated for the amounts unduly paid. This action can be done through an Administrative Process.

  1. To generate, register the parameter MV_ALITPDP according to the procedures.
  2. Register a new Customer with the field TPD = YES. 
  3. Register a Product with the field TPDP = YES.
  4. In the Billing module, access Sales Order and add a new order.
  5. The system makes the Outgoing Invoice transactions normally, calculating the Public Spending Processing Fee (TPDP) and generating financial bills. 

The System validates the following conditions for TPDP calculation, according to three (3) main topics:

The payment processing formalized by creditors of the Federal Union's Direct and Indirect Public Administration Bodies, Autarchies, Foundations, and Mixed Economy Companies is not a taxable event for the TPDP due to:

I - payment lower than BRL 100.00 (one hundred reais);

The amount of R$ 100.00 was also used in the generation of the bills payable in installments. If the value of the installments does not reach the minimum value of BRL 100.00, this is not generated.


  • Invoice R$ 1000.00 in 12 installments of R$ 83.33 does not generate a payable bill.
  • The TPDP rate corresponds to BRL 1.50 (one real and fifty cents) for each BRL 100.00 (one hundred reais) or a fraction of BRL 100.00 (one hundred reais) to be paid by the States to their debtors.
  • TPDP cannot be greater than BRL 30,000.00 (thirty thousand reais).

Bills generated on Financials to Accounts Payable (regarding fee collection) have their due date set to three days prior to the bill's date on Accounts Receivable (regarding the Invoice) and account with validation in workdays.

labelCompose the Withheld ICMS Basis

The parameter MV_ICMPAUT sets the withheld ICMS base composition method when an ICMS basis is entered into the operation.

If the parameter is set to .T. (True): The ICMS calculation withheld base will be started by the base value, even if the sales price is greater or lower than the Base value.

When the parameter is set to .F. (False): If the sales price is lower than the base value, the calculation base withheld ICMS will be the base value, but if the sales price is greater than the base value, the calculation base withheld ICMS is obtained by the sales price value.


The composition of the calculation base withheld ICMS according to parameter configuration and several different sales prices.

Adding a Sales Order using a product with a solidarity margin of 30% and a tax exception with an internal rate of 12% and ICMS BASE of BRL 9.60.

Parameter MV_ICMPAUT = .F. and sales price LOWER (BRL 8.00) than the Base value;
ICMS Basis = 8.00 * ICMS Rate 12% = ICMS Value = 0.96
Withheld ICMS Rate = 12.48 Composition (9.60 + 30% margin)

ParameterMV_ICMPAUT = .F. and sale value GREATER (BRL 10.00) than the base value;
ICMS Basis = 10.00 * ICMS Rate = 12% = ICMS Value = 1.20
Withheld ICMS Basis = 13.00 Composition (10.00 + 30% margin)

Parameter MV_ICMPAUT = .F. and sales price LOWER (BRL 8.00) than the Base value;
ICMS Basis = 8.00 * ICMS Rate 12% = ICMS Value = 0.96
Withheld ICMS Rate = 12.48 Composition (9.60 + 30% margin)

Parameter MV_ICMPAUT = .T. and sale value GREATER (BRL 10.00) than the base value;
ICMS Basis = 10.00 * ICMS Rate = 12% = ICMS Value = 1.20
Withheld ICMS Basis = 12.48 Composition (9.60 + 30% margin)

labelTax Payment Form and Bill Payable for Local ICMS

Use this routine to generate, in Sales Orders and Outgoing Document, the National Tax Payment Form (GNRE) of Local ICMS, as well as generate bills payable in the Financials module for each outgoing invoice issued to another State.

  1. In Billing (SIGAFAT), access Outgoing Document Doc. Prep. andselect YES for the following questions:
    1. Generate Local ICMS Bill?
    2. Generate Local ICMS Form?
  2. Use a TIO configured for Local ICMS calculation with the Customer, Nature (SA1), and Product (SB1) files:
    1. F4_ICM = Yes;
    2. F4_LFICN = T;
  3. Confirm saving of Outgoing Invoice.
  4. The generation of the GNRE national tax payment form is displayed, and a bill of ICM prefix is generated in Financials (SIGAFIN).
labelTax Payment in the State of Mato Grosso

The system contemplates the calculation of several contributions, check some of them below and click the corresponding link to get more information.

The State Fund for Transport and Housing (FETHAB) is the contribution targeted at financing planning, execution, follow-up, and evaluation of transport and housing works and services in the state of Mato Grosso.

The Support fund to soybean cultivation (FACS) is the contribution aimed at financing actions targeted at the support and development of soybean cultivation, and the organization of the respective Production System through entities represented by this segment.

The Support fund to cattle development (FABOV) is the contribution aimed at financing actions targeted at cattle support and development, and the organization of the respective Production System through entities represented by this segment.

labelCalculation of PIS and COFINS Basis - Used Vehicles

Tax calculation in outgoing Invoices to consider the calculation basis of taxes and payments regarding used vehicle operations.
