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Check out the new features available in the fluig 1.6.3 update:



Snowflake theme: A brand new look for fluig!

Now with the Snowflake theme you can make your platform look even more beautiful and easy-flowing. An innovative design for the top and side menu, with pages structured in levels, makes the features even more accessible, while giving your portal a fresh look.

Conector de Widget

You can also customize Snowflake based on your company’s logo, favicon image and brand color. Still prefer the classic fluig theme? No problem! You can restore the platform to the previous design with just one click.

titleWant to know more?

Check out how to enable the Snowflake theme in your company, and go to fluig Help to learn about all theme customization options.

Installing items purchased on the fluig Store is now just one click away!

It is now much easier to install certain fluig Store components in your environment, directly via the platform and the new Store items page. Just get the item of your choice on the fluig Store, apply the license and go to the Store Items page to install the purchased product with one click.

A selection of special offers will be available at the Store Items during this first phase, but the store will soon expand and add more products to this model.


Approval is here!

In addition to a new theme for your fluig, the Snowflake update features the Approval application to streamline decision-making. Already available for iOS and Android devices for free, Approval is a must-have for executives who use fluig, showing the most complex processes in a simpler and more efficient way. Approval’s trick is summarizing information, which simplifies extremely complex ERP screens when combined with fluig’s powerful process engine. It is perfect to control your process activities and request approvals, no matter where you are. Come check out the application and its user-friendly features designed to make your day-to-day routine easier.


Forms cannot be edited on Approval. If an activity requires data to be entered on the form, it will have to be redesigned in order to be used in the application

titleStay tuned!

And don’t forget:
A few simple process settings are required to obtain all benefits from simplified approval. Go to our special page to learn all about Approval

Deck of Cards
labelApproval’s screen

Learn about the new process monitor

If you are a manager or administrator user and needs an effective means to control your processes and tasks in progress, we would like to introduce you the new Process Monitoring and Task Monitoring menus. Its essence has migrated from the processes and tasks widget directly to the processes menu, making your routine of monitoring processes much easier. The Processes menu features the Process Monitoring and Task Monitoring items that allow you to control and configure data according to your needs. For more information and a more in-depth understanding of the early versions of the control of process and task deadlines, go back to our 1.6.2 release.
In the Process Monitoring item, it is possible to check all the processes under my management, get information on the status of requests (within the deadline, being notified or delayed) and requests about to expire, filter by process and version, and generate reports containing the list of requests. But the big news is the Load analysis tab, where you can check the number of processes and measure the bottlenecks in each request, in a more thorough and specific way.
After measuring the processes that require special attention, it is time to check the activities in each process. With this, the Task Monitoring item brings us all the data on the tasks under my management. That allows viewing the status of the activities that are delayed or within the deadline and also the tasks about to expire and generating a report containing the activity status list. Here we also have the Load analysis, which shows us a process design and a summary so that it is possible to identify the activities that require greater development.
We have brought you the organization and independence that you need to keep up with your business! Come learn more!

titleLearn more...

For more information, see our user documentation in Process Monitoring and Task Monitoring.

For information on process and task chart settings, see Configure Process and task chart widget.

Deck of Cards
labelMonitoring of processes and Monitoring of tasks

Possibility of exporting requests

Want to export data from the list and do not know how? Take it easy, because now that is possible and it will make things much easier. On the list of requests or processes, simply click the “Export” button and wait for the file to be generated. The default export format is Excel. However, select CSV if you require a different format. Simple and easy to use. Check it out!

titleStay tuned!

For more information, see our user documentation in Process Monitoring and Task Monitoring.

What’s new in the processes and tasks widget

For those who need to view both the tasks whose status is completed or canceled, and the Open tasks, which was already set as default, they can celebrate, because the “Status” field has been added to the Processes and tasks widget, allowing them to add requests to the chart by the status to be viewed: Open, canceled or completed. In the chart, when you click the slice to view the requests, the list shows the requests defined by color, as the caption will indicate. Intuitive and easy as you need it to be! Come check it out!

titleStay tuned!

For more information on the other widget settings, go to the Configure Process and task chart widget page and see our user documentation.

New layout for the Convert requests screen

Tired of non-standard or old layouts? This is no longer a problem. The Convert Requests screen has undergone some layout changes and now it meets the fluig’s Style Guide standard. Its new layout is now much more intuitive and simplified, thus making it easier to convert requests. The fields will be pre-mapped in cases where they have not been changed.
The screen also displays the information containing the link to the FAQ page, which will answer your questions about how to minimize the need for conversion. In addition, there is some information about the effects of conversion on the form.


For more information, go to Convert Requests and see our documentation.

New fields in the request details

If you have a form associated to the request, it is now much easier to view version details on the Request details screen, from the new “Form” field. It allows you to monitor the version of the form.
And there is more, the Process and Task fields now feature the “Show more” button, which enables the user to read the entire description whenever needed. Thus allowing the full text to be minimized and available whenever it is accessed. Optimizing your experience with more information and fewer clicks. Check it out!

titleLearn more...

For more information, go to View request details and My requests and see our documentation.

A new parameter to validate task transfer

Cannot transfer your workflow pending issues because of customized mechanisms? The new WKIsTransfer parameter allows you to know whether it is a regular transfer or it is transferring pending issues. It checks if the user is transferring a task, enabling better customization and better management of their process.

titleLearn more...

For more information, go to Parameters and Custom assignment mechanism and see our technical documentation.

New notification receipt settings

Receiving notifications of delayed or expired tasks out of your working hours is past history.  Now you can use the Task scheduler to configure and define whether or not to receive notifications of Delayed tasks and Task expiration only within your working hours. When you select the new “Notify only within working hours” option, notifications are configured to be received only during working hours, so that you do not receive numerous e-mails when it is not your working hours.
For example, if your working hours are from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday, that means that you can only receive notifications during this time.


If you want to keep the system default behavior and send e-mails at any time, simply do not check this option.

titleStay tuned!

For more information, go to Task scheduler and Working hours and see our online help documentation.


Multifactor security with the safe id application

Want more security when accessing your accounts and web applications? The safe id application’s multifactor authentication provides an additional layer of security through a token only available on your cell phone.

To add an account to safe id, simply scan the QR code provided by your service of choice and you are ready to go! An authentication token is automatically generated by the application and will prevent your account from being accessed by malicious agents, which, even if they have your login and password, will not have access to the code generated by safe id.

Plus, your device does not need to be online to add new accounts or see the tokens already registered.


A new look for the Services feature 

The Services feature has been redesigned and now its creation and handling options are much more accurate. In addition to SOAP and Rest services, the new JDBC service allows SQL queries to be sent to any one of the 3 types of relational databases. JDBC is used when the system has no SOAP or Rest API to provide the data. Go to the Control Panel - General tab - to access the Services

titleLearn more...

For details on how to register each type of the services available, go to our User Help page in Services.
And for technical details, go to Authorization for REST services client and see our technical documentation.

What is new in Dataset service registration 

In addition to the automatic creation of Datasets that consume SOAP-like services, we now have the automated creation of Datasets with JDBC-type services, which allows SQL queries to be sent to any of the databases supported by the flow, whether MySQL, SQLServer or Oracle. In this way it is no longer necessary to develop customized datasets for integration via SOAP and JDBC, making integration with database and external services even easier.
Come and see in the video below an example of the creation and application in form of a Dataset that consumes a service JDBC.

titleStay tuned!

For more information, go to Datasets and see our online help documentation.


Managing registrations is much easier than ever

Remember how many different features you had to access to manage registrations? Well, you no longer need to because that has changed and you can already begin to celebrate: the actions to be performed on registrations are all in one place! Now just a single click and you have everything you need at your disposal. It simplifies your day-to-day routine. Check it out!

titleStay tuned!

For more details on registration management, go to Register, My pending issues and Managing registered students.

Want to learn more about how to release access to these features? Go to Learning and evaluation features.

Deck of Cards

labelAction report

labelMy pending issues

labelManaging registered students

Account management is more beautiful and intuitive

If you deal with accounts to manage learning at your company, we have great news for you! We have redesigned this feature to make it more beautiful, intuitive, easy and usable, thus making it easier to manage accounts and your everyday tasks.

titleLearn more!

Want to know more details about how Type and Credit accounts work? Go to Accounts and increase your knowledge.

Deck of Cards

labelCreate account

labelAdd credits

labelAccount statement

Evaluations: schedule, run and recognize

You can never have too much training, right? Thinking about it, we have redesigned the Evaluation scheduling feature to make it easier to run them in your company. It is now more intuitive and easy to schedule evaluations to measure your participants’ knowledge of a given subject and give them the deserved recognition. Click the link to check it out!

Deck of Cards
idAgendamento de avaliações

labelCreate scheduling

labelApplication statistics
Deck of Cards


Using communities in classes is now optional

You know that feeling you have options and you can really choose what to use or not? Well, you will feel the same when using communities in classes! Now you can choose whether or not to create a community for the class, as you did before, when choosing subjects. Cool, huh?

titleDon’t worry!

All available classes will keep their community after the 1.6.3 update is applied in their environment. Now, if you wish, you can disable the community for those classes.


From now on when you create a new class, by default, it will have no community. If you like communities in classes and want to continue using it, you need to enable its use whenever a new class is created.

Deck of Cards
idComunidades em turmas
labelOption when registering the class

labelAccess via catalog

labelAccess via my learning

labelClass community

Classes: copy, save and you are done!

You often need to create classes that slightly differ from one another? Don’t worry, we can simplify things for you: just create a copy of an available class in the subject of your choice. And it gets even better: we have redesigned the class copy feature to make it simpler, easier and with fewer clicks.

New way to get the file of an exported training course

Now it is possible to get the generated file when exporting a training course from the URL in the received notification – in Notifications Center or by e-mail. Simply copy it and open it in the browser to download the file.

titleLearn more...

For more information on this procedure, go to Export training course.


As of this update, the export file of a training course will no longer be saved in document browsing. Therefore, access to it will be via the received URL only.

Deck of Cards
idExportar treinamento

labelNotification received


Connect is more complete!

Want more efficiency when synchronizing your documents? We have improved Connect’s performance for you!

As of Connect’s 1.6.2 update, you can Automatically Synchronize your documents if you know the synchronization phase through Status, and a progress bar has also been added to show synchronization progress. So you like the news? Update fluig Connect today!

More control when deleting documents, from browsing or the bin!

As of fluig’s Snowflakes update, there are six new events for you to customize how to delete documents from the platform. Now, you can ensure that important documents or form records used in apps or processes are not accidentally deleted.

The before/after events are used for:

Stay tuned!

Go to Document events and check out all the available events.



  • Fixed an issue so that the webdesk/vcXMLRPC.js, address is considered when the library is entered as ../vcXMLRPC.js.
  • Fixed an issue where parent and child tables were not considered separately, in cases where forms already posted on fluig are updated. 
  • Fixed an issue so that the “SetEnhancedSecurityHiddenInputs” method saves the value in fields that are enabled or not by the “enableFields” method.
  • Fixed an issue where, when saving forms containing various components from the parent/child table, the data was lost when moving requests.
  • Fixed an issue with the zoom filter ON/OFF selector so that it respects the filter limit area correctly.
  • Fixed an inconsistency with document browsing paging.
  • Fixed a problem with the zoom field so that it works correctly on forms where there is more than one zoom field. Because when clicking zoom, the data was returned but it was not possible to select them.
  • Fixed an issue to ensure the compatibility between the new platform features and the existing calls for the Document view API. 
  • Fixed an issue with the translation file and updated the translation engine so that the users’ directory works correctly. 
  • Fixed an issue to allow checking individual permission to download, in addition to the inherited permission. 
  • Fixed an issue to allow downloading multiple documents whose folder name had a slash. Fixed a problem so that, when generating a compressed file, the slash in the folder name is replaced by an underscore. 
  • Fixed an issue so that, when searching for content in the global search, it also returns the results from the Documents tab correctly.


  • Fixed a problem that prevented users from registering or canceling registrations in training courses/tracks. Unique keys were assigned in the database to avoid conflicts in this type of request.
  • Added validation for image size in tracks, training courses, subjects and evaluations in order to avoid inconsistency while uploading. Now the maximum size allowed for the image is 4 MB.
  • Fixed a problem when displaying the purpose of the training course. Now it shows the text formatted as defined while it was created or edited.
  • Increased performance in routines to import records (users and groups) from fluig to LMS and avoid inconsistency during this process.
  • Fixed the message that is displayed when a student requests registration in a training course that makes up a track, asking them to wait for registration request approval.
  • Made changes to evaluation registration to allow correctly creating, editing and saving evaluations that have an image, as it displayed an inconsistency message.
  • Added the option to download the file when editing content, because it was not being displayed.
  • Fixed a problem with viewing PDF content, because there was an intermittent inconsistency where the content was sometimes displayed correctly, sometimes as blank and, other times, it was not displayed at all regardless of the browser used.
  • Improved the message that is displayed when a decimal number is entered by using a period as the cost of registration in classes, tracks or training courses.
  • Fixed the posttest access to a track when it is composed of the pretest, two training courses and the posttest, as it was displaying an inconsistency message.
  • Fixed the Content feature to allow file upload using the Internet Explorer browser.
  • Fixed an issue in order to consider the actual server address via request so that the firewall does not block internal rest calls when accessing LMS pages.
  • The following changes were made to avoid timeout inconsistencies when starting up the platform after updating it to 1.6.2:
    - increased performance while creating platform groups within LMS and fixed an issue with the creation so that it considers groups that have more than 120 characters in the description field;
    - improved verification of existing groups;
    - fixed an issue to allow considering more than 1,000 groups and groups from relationship clouds, when the clouds are enabled.

  • Improved performance of permission checking routines in catalogs when they have permissions assigned to groups with more than 80,000 users, for example.
  • Fixed an issue with file upload for the Content feature in environments that use the HTTPS protocol.
  • Fixed a problem with editing users via EAI when LMS is integrated with RM.
  • Fixed the message that is displayed if a comment is not added when grading an open-ended question in the Question grading feature.
  • Changed the integration between the fluig platform and Rest LMS card for EJB to solve problems in environments that use proxy settings, firewall and the like.
  • Made changes to data synchronization between fluig and LMS card so that LMS features are started correctly.


  • Pending tasks for a group or role do not display the description, just the code. Fixed an issue so that the description of the group or role is found and it can display the description in place of the codes.
  • Created 3 new indexes in the database to improve query performance.
  • Released the option to allow changing form field descriptions in the new process version, in the form properties.
  • On a map, when defining a location that has characters not recognized by the database, it returns the characters with question marks. Fixed the issue by checking whether there are any unrecognized characters in the location name so that it suggests a name that the platform may accept.
  • Deleted the setProcess process event from Studio.
  • When there was a pooled group/role activity, the ordering to list the roles/groups considered its code and not its description. Fixed the issue by ordering the list of groups/roles to properly display it in Central, ordering by description and not by code.
  • Now it is allowed only to release processes with error events attached to service activities.
  • Defined that the MIME type files should be included for categorization while downloading attachments. Thus making it easier for the attachment download rest to recognize the file’s MIME type and return the request response in the header.
  • Fixed an issue with importing the numeric field in analytics. Login to import fields was revised
  • Fixed an issue to enable block movements with the substitute user.
  • When the completion deadline was defined “by form field” and there was an automatic flow, it was not allowed to release the process version, informing that there was no defined deadline. This situation has been fixed.
  • Applied validation so that the names of the target activities are displayed, when they are from a regular activity.
  • The “Start new blank request” option has been deleted from the request handling screen.
  • Rolled back the improvement on the request page, so that the form to be viewed is displayed in its regular size, with no fixed layout, as it was before.
  • Fixed an issue with the task central so that the queries opened in memory are checked in the log and a maxResults (1) is deleted.
  • As previously, users are required to enter their User login in the user object in the BPM swagger apis for integration with other cards.
  • When creating a filter on the task central screen and selecting the “process version” column, there was an inconsistency that would not allow displaying the column. Added a method that validates the version format and adds the column to the filter.
  • Fixed a problem with the location map so that, when selecting a coordinate and canceling the action, the next time it is defined, the coordinate is properly displayed.
  • Changed the dataset export in Studio to avoid inconsistencies that prevent new datasets from being exported.
  • When using the wdkAddChild method in a form that did not use the Style-Guide, there was an inconsistency in the method return. Fixed the issue to check that the Style-guide is correctly importing in your environment.
  • Fixed an inconsistency that would not allow importing file attachments via zip such as diagram data, literals, and scripts for Studio. The files generated manually now will bring the files and if they do not, an information message is displayed.
  • Added validation to ensure that the integration return in the service activity occurs with no interruption or inconsistencies.
  • When opening the task central, accessing the “due tasks” tab and changing the user for a substitute, the chart was not shown. Fixed the issue so that when selecting one of the substitutes, the chart is correctly shown in task central.
  • When opening a request where there is a large amount of history, the add-ons tab was empty, not providing any feedback that something is being loaded. Implemented loading when the request history is accessed so that the user can know that it is still loading the history.
  • Fixed an issue with task central regarding the “Remaining time” column, which generated a blank exported file.
  • When configuring the chart to display pending issues that are under management, it displayed all the processes that the user managed in it, regardless of the fact that the process had requests with SLA configured or not. Fixed an issue where it disregards displaying the reset processes when configured for the manager.
  • Fixed the grid in task central so that it displays the description with the name “Process description" in the request tab.
  • Added logic for the UpperCase and LowerCase validity to fix the adhoc inconsistency, where the Oracle database would return the columns in lower case.
  • Fixed the method that caused an operational shutdown, due to the fact that the parameter had been added and it was not overloaded.
  • When configuring a mechanism by association where there is an assignment by form field, selecting a user and sending them to the activity with the mechanism, there was an inconsistency informing that the user was not notified. Fixed the issue by clearing the list of users and disregarding the logic when the activity is configured with an assignment mechanism by association.
  • Fixed an inconsistency that occurred while importing processes with form events.
  • When adding a note to the activity and sending it to another user, an e-mail was triggered informing that there was a new activity, and the “Notes” field in the body of the e-mail was not filled with the user’s note. Fixed the issue in order to search for the notes that the user added to the activity and filled in the notes field in the body of the e-mail to the user.
  • Fixed the Oracle database from where the value conversion from string to long was deleted.
  • When creating a server using identity via Studio, it displayed an invalid password message. Fixed the issue on the server so that it returns an error when it is not authenticated.
  • Fixed an inconsistency that would not filter processes whose name had a comma, preventing processes from being created with a comma in their code/name.
  • Fixed the inconsistency on the reports page, which ordinary users could not open, only administrative ones could.
  • Fixed an issue so that bytes are converted when formatting the string bytes in order to add them to the UTF-8 file.
  • Fixed the ordering of the data in the task central columns.
  • Fixed an inconsistency with the timer, which now runs when the user is logged in.
  • Fixed the inconsistency that returned fork activities when consuming certain APIs.
  • In the Eclipse mobile tab in the approve and reject field combos, the button name was changed to “Disable”.
  • When using the new API that queries a request history, it returnsforms as request attachments. Fixed an issue so that it searches all the attachments to the request other than its own form.
  • Fixed the destination user filter in activity handling with an assignment mechanism by association.
  • Fixed the process link, when trying to view a request to be moved.
  • Fixed a problem with the cancellation notification that was synchronous, causing slowdown. It was fixed to work asynchronously.
  • Fixed the inconsistency when assuming in bulk at the same time. The system created an incorrect transaction when assuming in bulk, resulting in simultaneous commits in different transactions and causing verification discrepancies.