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To identify fluig Identity’s current version, you must be logged into the tool. The version information is available in the footer of fluig Identity pages, including the link to access the Release Notes.

The version indicates the build number generated in our continuous release mechanism. For example: master-49 refers to release 49 of the approval environment.

November 2017


Available on 11/14/2017

SmartSync 4.1.1: Much more efficient memory consumption

The new SmartSync 4.1.1 has been launched to relieve the pressure on the memory usage of your server. With this update, importing a large number of users or groups from Active Directory to fluig Identity will consume up to 18 times less RAM memory compared to the previous version of the tool.

In the scenario below, SmartSync is importing 5,000 users + 1,400 groups with 500 users each from Active Directory, and you can see the dramatic difference in memory consumption between the 3.0.7 and 4.1.1 versions:

Deck of Cards
labelSmartSync 3.0.7

leoberto_consumo_3_0_7_b.pngImage Added

labelSmartSync 4.1.1

leoberto_consumo_4_0_0_b.pngImage Added

Re-importing LDAP Directory accounts with just one click

In addition to performance improvement, SmartSync 4.1.1 offers a new feature to reimport users and groups from the LDAP Directory using the Reimport All button.

This option can be useful in many situations, for example, if an AD registered user has not been imported to fluig Identity, the administrator can use this button to force resynchronization of users.

reimport_all.pngImage Added


Available on 11/07/2017

  • Fixed an issue in the fluig Identity Credential Provider application, used in conjunction with the password reset feature through secret images.


Available on 11/06/2017

  • Fixed the provisioning and deprovisioning of users in RAC applications.

October 2017


Available on 10/25/2017
