Árvore de páginas

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  • A formatação mudou.





Speaking of Adding pages ...

This feature allows adding pages to the platform’s main menu, as well as customizing settings and properties, choosing your layout and widgets.

When creating a new page, it will automatically enter in draft mode, not being necessary to perform the action to save a draft, because information will be saved automatically.

When a page is published, a version of it is generated. Later, after going through page edits, you can restore an earlier version to version published.

When you post a page, if it contains at least a widget that was configured to be displayed on the mobile app, the page is enabled to be also displayed on the mobile application. In this case, as you edit it, the field "Enable page on mobile application" is displayed as checked.


Basic Path

01. From the main menu, press Control Panel.


titleLearn more

The press Publish page, the page is displayed in preview mode and becomes available to all who have permission to view it.

When you publish the page, her version is generated. Later, after page through other editions, you can restore an earlier version to version published. 




Speaking of Adding pages ...

This feature allows adding pages to the platform’s main menu, as well as customizing settings and properties, choosing your layout and widgets.

When creating a new page, it will automatically enter in draft mode, not being necessary to perform the action to save a draft, because information will be saved automatically.

When a page is published, a version of it is generated. Later, after going through page edits, you can restore an earlier version to version published.

titlePlease note!

This documentation is valid from the 1.5.10 update. If you use a previous update, it may contain information different from what you see on your platform.

 When you post a page, if it contains at least a widget that was configured to be displayed on the mobile app, the page is enabled to be also displayed on the mobile application. In this case, as you edit it, the field "Enable page on mobile application" is displayed as checked.