Árvore de páginas

Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


Basic Path


01. From the main menu, press Control Panel.

02. Press the tab WCM.

03. Trigger My Pages.

04. Select the page to be edited.

05. Press Edit.

06. Change the chosen information.

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The field code is not enabled for change.

When the field "Enable page on mobile application" is checked, it determines that the page has at least one widget that was set to be displayed on the mobile application and, therefore, the page will be displayed on the mobile application. This field cannot be changed, it is automatically set as a page version is posted; if it has a widget to be displayed on the mobile application, the field is checked in the editing of the page, otherwise it is not checked.

More information about the fields displayed can be obtained on Add page.

07. Press Next.

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In the next window you can edit the permissions page. 

08. Edit the permissions you want for the page.

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09. Press Finish.

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To trigger Complete, page appears in edit mode of the slots available, where you can add widgets and customize the presentation of the page.

The edit mode of the slots can also be accessed from the page view, engaging Settings, located next to the user name in the upper-right corner of the window, and then Edit the page

10. Make the desired changes in the slots and the widgets on the page.

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More information about how to customize the page by using the widgets can be obtained on Add page


Alternate Path(s)


Discard draft Page


01. After making unwanted changes on the page, trigger Settings, located next to the user name in the upper-right corner of the window.

02. Press Discard Draft.

03. In the message displayed, press Yes to confirm the deletion of the draft of the page; or Not to drop out of the action.

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To delete the draft of the page all changes made and not published are discarded. 


Change Layout of Page


01. With the page in edit mode of slots, trigger Settings, located next to the user name in the upper-right corner of the window.

02. Trigger Switch Layout.

03. In the window that appears, select the new layout to be applied on the page.

04. Trigger Apply layout.

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When applying the new layout on the page, the widgets are distributed randomly in the slots of the new layout, and can be changed as desired. 

05. To make the publication of the page with the new layout.

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Information on how to make the publication of the page can be obtained in the alternate path publish page. 


Publish Page


01. After making the desired changes on the page, trigger Settings, located next to the user name in the upper-right corner of the window.

02. Trigger Publish Page.

03. In the window that appears, enter a description for the version of the page.

04. Trigger Publish Page.

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When you publish the page, her version is generated. Later, after page through other editions, you can restore an earlier version to version published.

Once published, the page will be available to be viewed by all users who have permission to view it.


View page History


01. In edit mode of the page from which to view the history of changes, trigger Settings, located next to the user name in the upper-right corner of the window.

02. Fire ShowHistory.

03. View the history of changes made on the page in question.


Restore page Version


01. In the edit mode of the page from which you want to restore an earlier version published, trigger Settings, located next to the user name in the upper-right corner of the window.

02. Fire ShowHistory.

03. In the change history, select the version of the page to be restored.

04. Press Restore.

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To activate this option, the version of the selected page will be restored and displayed in edit mode. 

05. Make the desired changes on the page.

06. Trigger Settings, located next to the user name in the upper-right corner of the window.

07. Trigger Publish page, in the settings menu.

08. In the window that appears, enter a description for the version of the page.

09. Trigger Publish Page.

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The restored version along with the changes, if made, will be released for viewing, creating a new version of the page. 



Speaking of Edit page ...

This feature allows you to make changes to existing pages. You can change page settings, their layout and also the arrangement of the widgets that compose them.

When the page has widgets that are configured to be displayed on the mobile application, as it is edited, the field "Enable page on mobile application" is displayed as checked, indicating that the page will be displayed on the mobile application. This field cannot be edited, it is automatically checked to post a version of the page when it has at least a widget configured to be displayed on the mobile application.

The edit mode of the slots of the pages can be accessed both through the Control Panel, after making changes to settings such as from the page view, engaging settings and then Edit the page.

When a user tries to edit a page that is already being edited by another user, a message requesting that he take over the issue. By taking on the issue, this user can perform the necessary modifications, as well as posting them.