To group bills payable in bordereaux and send them to the bank along with payment method instructions.
You can print the bordereau or create a TXT file the layout of which uses the same mechanisms that create the CNAB remittance file.
You can automatically transmit the bordereau via TOTVS Connect Bank through CNAB TCB.
After the payment bordereau is generated, bills are automatically posted.
If in a release equal to or more recent than 12.1.23, you can make the Automatic Transmission of the bordereau via TOTVS Connect Bank in case the CNAB TCB configuration files are already generated in \system\ through routine CNAB Cloud.
After bordereau generation, if it has not been Transmitted through TOTVS Connect Bank, you will need to prepare the File to be Sent to the bank when using CNAB Banking Communication.
Both procedures require registering data in the Bank Parameters routine.
In this diagram, the data refer to the features of the routine:
To generate the payment bordereau, press key [F12\] to set routine parameters, following these criteria:
Field: | Description |
Consider Bills? | Fill out this field by selecting one of the following options:
Consider Branch? | Define the need to consider the branches entered below the payments bordereau by selecting between options Yes and No.
From Branch? | In this field, enter the initial code of the branches to be included in the payments bordereau when the content of field Consider Branch? is equal to Yes.
Until Branch? | In this field, enter the final code of the branches to be included in the payments bordereau when the content of field Consider Branch? is equal to Yes.
Autom. Select Bills? | Define whether to automatically select bills by selecting from options Yes and No.
Tax Calculation? | This field involves only the Taxes Bordereau routine. To set its content, select between options Actual Due Date, Bordereaux Generation or Both.
Display Entry? | Define whether to display entry by selecting between options Yes and No. Example: Yes. |
Select Branches? | Select the branches to be included in bordereau generation. Fill out this field by choosing between options Yes and No.
Consider Paymt Method? | Use options Yes and No to set your preferred payment method as a complement of the payable bills filter. |
Sched. Date from? | Enter start date to consider scheduling.
Sched. Date to? | Enter end date to consider scheduling.
In the main page of the routine, the following options are available:
Upon selecting this option, choose the Branch desired and click Ok.
Follow the instructions in Main Fields to fill out the data.
Check data and confirm procedure to generate bordereau.
Find this option in item Other Actions. You can use it to change the order of the bordereau bills in the browser.
The bill search process depends on the setting of parameter MV_F240QRY, which includes the following criteria:
Find this option in item Other Actions. Use it to cancel a bordereau. Upon selecting this option, choose the Branch desired and click Ok.
Enter the number of the bordereau to be canceled and confirm the procedure.
Find this option in item Other Actions. Use it to indicate, with colors, the payment bordereau types.
Field: | Description |
Number: | Enter bordereau number.
Due Date from: | Enter the initial due date to select bills payable. |
Due Date to: | Enter the final due date to select bills payable.
Value Limit: | Enter the limit value of bills to be included in the bordereau.
Bank: | Enter code of bank to be used for bill payments.
Branch: | Automatically filled out with branch number in accordance with information from field Bank.
Account: | Automatically filled out with checking account number in accordance with information from field Bank.
Subaccount: | Enter the Subaccount registered in Bank Parameters tied to the aforementioned Branch and Account.
Contract: | If any, enter the code of financing contract linked to bill. |
Currency: | Enter reference currency that corresponds to bordereau.
Model: | Enter the number of bordereau model that indicates the type of operation sent to the Bank. The models are registered in Table 58 of Configurator module.
Paymt Type: | Enter the payment type considered. The valid types are registered in Table 59 of Configurator module.
Transmit Bordereau Through TOTVS Connect Bank: | Select the checkbox to automatically transmit the bordereau via TOTVS Connect Bank. |