The Asset Extension routine (ATFA155) makes it possible to increase the asset's useful life, value, or both.
This routine will be added to Brazil's menu in release 12.1.27.
Below is an example of the detailed calculation of how the depreciation rate for an asset is generated in the extension.
The Current Useful Life (Months) field is the total useful life of the asset.
In this case, the asset already has a useful life of 120 months, 2 months of which are already depreciated (Elapsed)
By filling the Useful life (months) field with 132, you are adding 12 months to the useful life.
As the useful life increases, the depreciation rate is recalculated according to the calculation described below.
2. Value Extension:
If, when extending by value (Action: 2-Value) a depreciation rate (An.Depr.Rt. 1) is not entered in the grid "Asset Data: Incorporation", the rate of type 01 will be considered.
3. Extension of Both:
When making the extension of Both (Action: 3-Both), type 11 (Extension) is created, which must contain the value of the difference of the extension in the field Orig.Val C1 which, in the example, is BRL 20,000.00, and the Rate (An.Depr.Rt.1) of 10%
But this rate will be recalculated with the type 1 rate
Calculation Concept
Calculation rule that the system uses to obtain the depreciation rate:
Values Used:
Note: names used symbolically for exemplification:
nVlBem - Asset Value
nVLAcu - Value of the asset's accrued depreciation
nNvVlBem - New asset value (nVlBem - nVlAcu)
nVidaUT - Asset's new useful life (includes current + years/months entered)
nQtdMov - Months already depreciated from the asset
nPrazo - New term used for calculating the asset depreciation (nVidaUT - nQtdMov)
nVlMes - % of the value per month
nTxAno - % per month or year (depending on parameter MV_CALCDEP = 0 - Months, 1 - Yearly)
nTxVida - End value of the asset's useful life.
Step 01:
It generates the new value of the asset by discounting what has already been depreciated by subtracting the value of the asset minus the accrued depreciation value.
nVlBem - nVLAcu = nNvVlBem
BRL 100,000.00 * 1,666.67 = BRL 98,333.33
Step 02:
The number of remaining months TO DEPRECIATE by subtracting the Useful Life from the months that have already been depreciated will be the new updated term.
nVidaUT-nQtdMov = nPrazo
132 – 2 = 130 months
Step 03:
Divide the new value of the asset by the new term to result in the new depreciated value per month.
nNvVlBem / nPrazo = nVlMes
98,333.33 * 130 = BRL 756.41
Step 04:
Value per Month Divided by the New Asset Value multiplied by 100 to return the annual rate in percent (%).
(nVlMes/nNvVlBem)100 = nTxAno *
(756.41 / 98,333.33) * 100 = 0.76%
Step 05:
The new useful life rate will perform the Annual Rate multiplied by 12 if it is Monthly or will use the full rate if it is Annual.
nTxAno 12(Monthly) or nTxAno(Annual) *= nTxVida
0.7693 * 12 = 9.2308%