It consists of making information related to outbound invoices available, by only displaying the ones that have been issued for the indicated customer.
Query Fields
These fields are displayed in the query:
- Customer code: indicates the customer code
- Customer Name: indicates the customer name
- Customer CPF/ CNPJ: indicates the CPF or CNPJ of the customer
- Number: indicates the invoice number
- Series: indicates the invoice series
- Issue Date: indicates the invoice issue date
- Type: indicates the invoice type
- Total Value: indicates the invoice total value
- Payment Condition: indicates the invoice payment term
Filters Used:
- Last 30 days: considers the issue date with thirty days from today's date.
- Last 60 days: considers the issue date with sixty days from today's date.
- Last 90 Days: considers the issue date with ninety days prior to today's date;
- Last 120 days: considers the issue date with hundred and twenty days from today's date.
- Last 360 days: considers the issue date with three hundred and sixty days from today's date.
Fluig must be integrated with Protheus, release 12.1.1 or later.
Quick query view
To view the quick query, follow these steps:
Access the community you want to add the quick query:
Edit the page to add new components:
Select the space to display the Quick Query:
Click integrations:
Add the Widget “Quick Query”, then close the window:
In the space for display, choose the Query to be added, define a Title, then enter the name in the "Quick Query" field:
Click "Save", then "OK":
Post the page to confirm the Widget addition:
After being posted, the query is displayed without filters:
Apply filter according to your needs, then wait processing:
For further information, access