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The objective of this document is to specify how to do the parameterization of the Logix line to use Fluig Identity.

Minimum requirements

In order to use the integration with Fluig Identity, make sure that:

  1. TOTVS Tec server is greater than or equal to build 7.00.131227 P *; and
  2. TOTVS Tec server is configured as the HTTP server, for more information see http://tdn.totvs.com.br/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=6064821.

* To update the environment, see our download center at the following address: http://www.totvs.com.br/suporte.

Configuring the integration

To enable the integration with Fluig Identity it is necessary to configure it in ERP Logix by following the steps below (click on the images to enlarge them).

    In the Fluig Identity tool, search and click on the ERP Logix application previously registered and configured:

    On the application Settings page, click on the Show configuration token button and copy the string that will be displayed:

    After copying the content of the application token, run ERP Logix authenticating yourself as an administrator user. In the Settings button clickConfigurator:

    In the Fluig Identity option of the configurator, click Edit:

    Enter the URL where the Fluig Identity that will be integrated is and the application configuration token copied in step 2, and then click Configure:

    After a few moments, the Fluig Identity status indicator should be green and application information will be displayed. Check out the returned information and validate it if it is the same as that of the application you selected in step 1:

    After checking the data, click Save and you will be asked if you want to use Fluig Identity as authentication tool. If this feature is clicked (recommended), users will log into ERP Logix with their email address through Fluig Identity:

    Save the settings, click the message Fluig Identity service configured and running, click start the synchronization of product information to synchronize the information of UsersCompaniesGroupsMenuQuick QueriesPermissionsand Favorites with Fluig Identity.

    The synchronization may take a few hours depending on the connection and the amount of existing records in ERP Logix . During the synchronization, note that the message was changed and a LOG is generated in the LOG folder inside Logix ERP server folder. Through this LOG it is possible to know if there have been errors and if the synchronization has been completed.


    It is highly recommended to perform synchronization on a separate server so that it is carried out more quickly and without affecting the execution of the product.

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