Árvore de páginas

Fluig Studio standard language is Portuguese. However, it is possible to activate the translation both for English and for Spanish.

There are two ways to activate the translation of the plugin in Totvs Developer Studio or in Eclipse:

The first one is changing the file developerStudio.ini (eclipse.ini to Eclipse Keppler), adding the parameters Duser.language and Duser.country  passing the values es_ES for Spanish and ef_EF for English.

In the following example, the file is set to English:


 The second way is to pass the "-nl" parameter through the command line . Such as in the example below :

"C:\TOTVS\TOTVS Developer Studio\developerStudio.exe" -nl ef_EF

For the translation into Spanish, the parameters "es", "ES" and "es_ES" must be used


On the command line, it appears

"C:\TOTVS\TOTVS Developer Studio\developerStudio.exe" -nl es_ES .

Attention! The parameters informed on the command line will overlap the values informed in parameters for .ini files.

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