Árvore de páginas


This page has been revised to take into account server settings for update 1.6 or higher.



The purpose of this guide is to advise the environment administrator on creating backup copies of the TOTVS Fluig Platform database, installation folder and file directory.

Application backup

To back up the platform application, it is best to do a full backup including the installation folder, the complete volume and the database. This backup can be manual or automated, depending on what they find best. For volume backup, just save the entire folder.

The installation backup can also be for the entire folder, so you can restore it if necessary.

See below for the procedure for each operating system.


    1. Stop all Fluig services (fluig_RealTime, fluig_Indexer, FLUIG).

    2. Access the database manager and make a copy of the Fluig database.

    The Client is responsible for installing the Database. Call your IT team for guidance on how to perform the backup.

    3. Copy the application files (installation directory and volume).

    3.1. Delete the temporary folders data, log, servers and temp located in [installation_directory]\appserver\domain.

    3.2. Make a backup copy of the installation directory (where the system files responsible for running the platform are stored) and the volume directory (where the documents, forms, templates and other files published by users on the platform are stored).

    The location of the volume is defined by the administrator when creating the company in Fluig.


      1. Stop all Fluig services.

      Using init

      service fluig stop
      service fluig_Indexer stop
      service fluig_Realtime stop
      Using systemd
      systemctl stop fluig
      systemctl stop fluig_Indexer
      systemctl stop fluig_Realtime
      No services
      #To identify the fluig service number
      ps -wef | grep standalone.sh
      #To end the service kill 
      [nº serviço fluig]
      service fluig_Indexer stop
      #To identify the node service number
      ps -wef | grep node
      #To end the service
      kill [nº serviço node]

      2. Access the database manager and make a copy of the Fluig database.

      The Client is responsible for installing the Database. Call your IT team for guidance on how to perform the backup.

      3. Copy the application files (installation directory and volume).

      3.1. Delete the temporary folders data, log, servers and temp located in [installation_directory]/appserver/domain.

      Temporary folders
      #Go to the /appserver/domain folder in the installation directory and delete the temporary folders  
      rm data -R
      rm log -R
      rm temp -R

      3.2.  Make a backup copy of the installation directory (where the system files responsible for running the platform are stored) and the volume directory (where the documents, forms, templates and other files published by users on the platform are stored).

      Pasta de Instalação
      #Copy the fluig installation folder
      cp -R [pasta de instalacao] [diretorio de backup]
      #Copy fluig volume
      cp -R [volume] [diretorio de backup]

      Learn more about setting up and using volumes at Plataform ❙ Volumes (wcmadmin).