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FAQ: 52394-Most frequent doubts about tax retention/compensation in Accounts Receivable EMS2
52394-Most frequent doubts about tax retention/compensation in Accounts Receivable EMS2
Most frequent doubts about tax retention/compensation in Accounts Receivable EMS2
1 – Tax retention trade bill of tax in Accounts Receivable, what to do?
Ans.: As mentioned in the law referring to tax, it is possible to do the compensation of values not received from customers due to tax retention (taxes).
The system is not retaining twice GL post done during issue is just in tax account to be cleared (tax DB to be cleared) existing on file of balance accounts of customers (CD0307) button others.Example of GL Posting with Invoicjng:
CR Revenue    1000,00
DB Retained taxes   
 (Taxes)        100,00 *
DB Customer Suspense   900,00
Integra with Accounts Receivable:
Customer Suspense CR  900,00
Customer Balance DB   900,00
Document issuing Accounts Receivable:
Bank DB    900,00
Customer Balance CR   900,00
Retained Tax CR  100,00 *
Tax DB to Compensate         100,00
* Retained tax account will have its balance transferred to tax account to compensate during document issuing.
2) In Customer return or in a Value Adjustment at less Accounts Receivable is posting tax improperly, what to do?
Ans.: When doing a tax retention on Invoicing, Accounts Receivable is mandatory to execute return or compensation of this retention when doing an AVA at less or a Return in document, this is because the customer will not pay the document in full.The system does this transaction to cover IN381. Invoicing highlights in invoice amount the amounts referring to taxes and does the DB of those amounts in Retained Tax Account, by its turn in issuing of document the Accounts Receivable credits those amounts in Retained Tax Account by zeroing its balance. When the customer does not pay in full the document, the Retained Tax Accounts has balance, in this way it is necessary that GL post of Return transactions (DEV - 3) and Amount Adjustment at less (AVA - 13) Credits the Credit account of taxes, in this way we will be reversing the transaction done in account of retained taxes on note invoicing.When doing an amount adjustment at less (AVA) through program CR0504 for documents retaining taxes on invoicing, it is possible to follow two paths, that is, two ways of GL Posting for AVA.1 – Supplement button CR0504, ticking field 'Reverse Taxes'
The system will generate the following GL grid.

CR – Customer Balance Account       - AVA Amount
DB – Entered Adjustment Account     - AVA Amount
CR – Tax CR account (CD0307) – Tax proportional amount                                                referring to AVA
DB – Tax DB account (CD0307) – Tax proportional amount                                                referring to AVA
2 - 1 – Supplement button CR0504, unchecking field 'Reverse Tax'
The system will generate the following GL grid.

CR - Customer Balance Account       - AVA Amount
DB – Entered Adjustment Account     - AVA Amount
CR – Tax CR account (CD0307) – Tax proportional amount                                                referring to AVA
DB – Tax DB account (CD0307) – AVA Amount + Proportional amount of                              tax referring to AVA
Note: For return, the system will always reverse the tax amounts proportionally to the return amount.3 – I am doing tax return in document settlement in Accounts Receivable and the amounts presented in button retention are different from tax amounts entered in the document, what to do?
Ans.: This occurs because the document customer has amounts of accumulated tax (CR0735) for the document settlement period, that is, in this case the system is suggesting to the user that retention is done based on document amounts to be settled plus tax amounts of accumulated (CR0735). Amounts of tax accumulated are generated when some document with tax amount highlighted is settled and in it the user has chosen not to retain those taxes, thus the system accumulates so that those taxes are retained in the next settlement in this same customer.