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FAQ: 11800-How Data Exportation Works:
11800-How Data Exportation Works:
How Data Exportation Works:

Data exportation is done through program prgint/ufn/ufn717aa.r. This program aims at exporting certain information existing on database, usually situation(s) that by any reason has a problem on database will be exported, for example document(s) that generate some problem related through a call.

*** Note that when executing the program, there is a field where we define module and field "Source", through which you can export the following information:-  Investments and Loans                                                                                                                                                               - Fixed Asset                                                                                                                                                                                              - Exchange: Exportation Contract, Importation Contract, Exportation Exchange, Importation Exchange Importation                                           - General Ledger: GL Layout, Range of Accounts, GL Distribution, GL Lot                                                     - Accounts Payable: Statement, Payment Lot, APB Document, Addition Lot, Prepayment or PEF                                        - Accounts Receivable: ACR Document, Addition Lot, Settlement Lot                                                                                          - Expense Control

For example, for APB we can export a document, one addition lot, one payment lot via cash or check or even a statement. It is very important that if your problem (problem that was reported through the call) relates to the addition routine, that you export the addition lot, if the problem relates to a statement, that the statetement is exported and so forth. If the problem relates to statement reversal or check, one should export the payment lot or statement and not the document that is being reversed.

For problems of the Exchange module, reported through call, data referring to the contract entering contract company and site, without necessity to translate to EMS5.

NOTES: Execution of this program should be done through option "Execute Programs" of the EMS 5.0 menu, entering: prgint/ufn/ufn717aa.r. Preferably, with user "super" logged in the system or with another user with the same permissions as user "super".

How the above program works:
The user should enter the situation with problem, for example, in APB he can enter several documents in option of APB document or export a lot of integer payment, or one statement with all documents, being necessary to change the source field to Payment or Statement lot, entering its key in the displayed fields.  The document key should be entered and click on button "Enter" to list the information selected in the browser. After selecting the documents, click on  button "Execute List". So, some DUMP's will be generated on a directory called "ems5_dump"will be generated and they will be created within the temporary directory of the progress session (at the end of the processing, a message with the name of the generated directory will be displayed), please compact (zip) all files on this directory and send them to us as a supplement to the above call.

1) Several documents may be expoprted at the same time. By only entering their "key" or several statements or lots of payments according to the module. After adding the documents in the browse, you should click on button "Execute List" (higher left corner of the program).2) The created directory will be always emptied initially, that is, the last execution always prevails.NOTES: The created directory can be deleted after dispatching files for analysis in Datasul.Doubts please make an analysis in the call that might be opened, if it does not have a call, please open it.---------------------------------------------------------------------
See also how to export programs, FAQ 11.801.