Páginas filhas
  • Natures - FINA010 - Financials - P12



The Natures work as classifiers of financial operations payable or receivable, being the case that, in accounts payable situations, they offer control of the process without direct collaboration of accounting. They are also responsible for defining the tax withholdings calculation.

You must previously group the Natures in accordance with the operation (payable or receivable) with the aim of making it easier to filter data in queries and reports. In this register, controlling management data involves the following routines:

  • Budgets.
  • Payable and Receivable Bills.
  • Incoming Document.
  • Sales Orders.
  • Outgoing Documents.
  • Financial Transactions in general.

Thus, the Natures Register is important for management control and for automatic generation of bills. They can be classified as detailed or summarized.

You can use natures to classify the origin of revenues and expenses, grouping the transactions with common characteristics. For example:

  • Payment of suppliers.
  • Receipt from customers.
  • General expenses.
  • Payments of utilities.


To make it easier to identify the natures in system queries and reports, you must define a mask that, in fact, is the format for presenting the nature identification codes. In this case, you can use parameter MV_MASCNAT to set the number of levels and characters that define the format of the code; that is, at each level you can classify the origin and destination of each financial transaction.


If the parameter content is 242, the code is treated in three levels:

  • 1st level with two digits: identifies the expense of the department.
  • 2nd level with four digits: identifies the department.
  • 3rd level with two digits: identifies the cost center.


To better organize natures, you can set revenues and expenses to start with different codes, simplifying their grouping and totalization in queries and quotations.

  • XXXX.XX – Expenses.
  • XXXX.XX – Revenues.

By creating categories, you can add subcategories, as there may be different sources of revenues and expenses. This possibility allows that, when querying bills payable or budgets, the balances be totalized by category and, at the end, be grouped from the main (parent) category.

  • 100 - Revenues – Total.
  • 1000.01 – Revenues – Maintenance Services.
  • 1000.02 – Revenues – Equipment Sales.

Bills Payable Number



Due date



ABC of Brazil




Total - 20.1000.01



DEF of Brazil




Total - 20.1000.02


Total - 20.1000



ABC of Brazil




Total - 20.1010.01



DEF of Brazil




Total - 20.1010.02


Total 20.1010


Total - 20


See below an example of related use: Type of Nature, Parent Code and Apportionment in Multiple Natures. 

Generating an accounts receivable bill:

Generating a accounts payable bill:


Parameters MV_IRF, MV_ISS, MV_INSS and MV_FORINSS indicate the natures used when applying taxes in the deployment of bills payable and receivable. Default is IRF, ISS, INSS and INSS, respectively.

Related search: Parameter MV_NATSINT in configurator - Field Nature Type in Nature Data.

Mental Map

In this diagram, the data refer to the features of the routine: 

In the main page of the routine, the following options are available:


From version 12.1.27 onwards, the option Edit gains a new function: that of replicating the summarized nature of the Rural Producer Digital Cash Book (LCDPR) for detailed natures.

    Use this function to add data to the natures register, to be used in the classification of bills payable and receivable, depending on the operation.

    Upon selecting this option, choose the Branch desired and click Ok.

    Fill out the data in accordance with the instructions described in Main Fields.

    See also the features available in Other Actions.

    Use this function to edit data in the natures register, to be used in the classification of bills payable and receivable, depending on the operation.

    Upon selecting this option, choose the Branch desired and click Ok.

    Adjust the data in accordance with the instructions described in item Main Fields.

    See also the features available in  Other Actions.

    In this option (from 12.1.27 onwards), in environments in which the nature has the Summarized / Detailed structure, you can also set a group of detailed natures, from the parent nature (summarized) of the group, that belongs to the Natures that refer to the Rural Production for generation of the Rural Producer Digital Cash Book (LCDPR).


    By editing the data in the summarized nature, all the detailed natures below it can be replicated with the same information Generate LCDPR?

    Use this function to delete data from the natures register, to be used in the classification of bills payable and receivable, depending on the operation.

    In main window, select desired record. Click Other Actions, select option Delete and confirm procedure.

    Use this function to view data in the natures register, to be used in the classification of bills payable and receivable, depending on the operation.

    Upon selecting this option, choose the Branch desired and click Ok.

    See also the features available in Other Actions.

    Allows the use of filters to order data based on the index selected, considering, for example, branch+code.

    Main Fields 




      Code of nature.




      Description of nature.


      Simple nature.

      Nature Type:

      Defines the type of Nature as selected between Detailed and Summary. When associated to the content of Parent Nature code, you can use this data to shape the structure of the natures register like an accounting plan, so you can extract management data both as a report or as a specific query.

      When you do not fill out this field, its assumed nature is Detailed.


      For this feature, you must set parameter MV_NATSINT to content 1.

      Parent Code:

      Code of summary nature above the current nature in the structure of Summary/Detailed natures.

      Nature Use:

      To define the content of this field, select from the following options:

      • Free: indicates that the nature can be used in any financial transaction.
      • Accounts Receivable: indicates that the nature can be used only for transactions originated from Accounts Receivable portfolio (additions, invoices, settlement, etc.).
      • Accounts Payable: indicates that the nature can be used only for transactions originated from Accounts Payable portfolio (additions, invoices, settlement, etc.).
      • Bank Transaction: indicates that the nature can be used only for transactions originated from procedures that involve bank transactions (manual, transfers among current accounts, general transactions, checks, etc.).

      Addition Date:

      Date of nature addition.



      Allows Bank Transactions:

      Identifies whether the nature performs bank transaction.





      Calculate IRRF:

      Define whether to calculate the IRRF (Withheld Income Tax) for the routines that use the natures registered.

      When you add bills payable and receivable and this field is filled out with Yes, the system calculates the respective IRRF amounts on the value of the bill, in accordance with the percentages set in field IRRF Perc..

      To compose the IRRF calculation, use parameter MV_ALIQIRF to set the tax rate. However, the system first takes into account the percentage entered in field IRRF Perc.. If this field is blank, the system uses the percentage in the parameter.

      Example 1

      Application of the Calculate IRRF? in Accounts Receivable:

      If you set the Calculate IRRF field to Yes and the IRRF Perc. field to a 3% rate, when you register a bill receivable of BRL 1,000.00, the system calculates the IRRF amount of the bill as BRL 30.00.

      The system generates a bill receivable type IR- with deduction characteristics, not changing its original value. The system generates the IRFF nature to classify this tax.

      Example 2

      Application of field Calculate IRRF? in Accounts Receivable:

      For bills payable, the system uses fields Calculate IRRF? and IRRF Perc. only when the supplier is a legal entity, because for natural persons the system uses the IRRF Table.

      Suppose the supplier is a legal entity, field Calculate IRRF? is set to Yes and the percentage applied to field IRRF Perc. is 3%. When adding a payable bill of R$ 1,000.00, the system calculates the value of IRRF on the bill of R$ 30.00.


      For financial control, when the IRRF percentage information is included in the nature, customer and parameter registers (Configurator module), the system adopts the following priority during tax calculation to obtain the IRRF percentage:

      • Natures.
      • Customers.
      • Parameter MV_ALIQIRF.

      Natures Register:


      Calculate IRRF

      IRRF Perc.

      001 - Labor Services



      002 - Transportation Services



      Customer Register:


      Rate IRRF

      000001 - General Service Provider


      000002 - RC Logística Ltda


      Content of parameter MV_ALIQIRF set to 15:

      Bill Receivable



      Calculated Amount

      IRRF %





      10% (Classes Register)





      Customer Register





      Register of parameters MV_ALIQIRF

      When you add three bills, all in the amount of BRL 1,000.00, the IRRF amounts are:

      • Bill 000001 with nature 001 for customer 00001. The IRRF is BRL 100.00. (IRRF % of the nature register).
      • Bill 000002 with nature 002 for customer 00001. The IRRF is BRL 50.00. (IRRF % of the customer register).
      • Bill 000003 with nature 002 for customer 00002. The IRRF is BRL 150.00. (IRRF % of the parameter register).

      Calculate ISS:

      This field defines the calculation of ISS - Services Tax in the routines that use the natures registered.

      When adding bills receivable and this field is filled out with Yes, the system calculates the respective ISS amounts on the value of the bill, in accordance with the following factors:

      • In the customer register, it checks whether ISS is collected, through the Collect ISS? field. When this field is set to Yes, the system does not perform the calculation (because the customer collects the ISS). If it is set to No, the system calculates it in accordance with MV_ALIQISS parameter settings.
      • In the supplier register, it checks whether ISS is collected, through the Collect ISS? field. When this field is filled out with Yes, the system does not perform the calculation (because the supplier collects the ISS). If it is set to No, the system calculates it in accordance with MV_ALIQISS parameter settings.

      Example 1

      Application of field Calculate ISS in Accounts Receivable:

      Rate of  5% in parameter MV_ALIQISS and content of field Calculate ISS? as Yes in the Natures register. For the customer that does not collect the ISS, when adding a bill receivable of BRL 1,000.00, note that the system calculates the ISS amount of BRL 50.00.

      Example 2

      Application of field Calculate ISS? in Accounts Receivable:

      Rate of  5% in parameter MV_ALIQISS and content of field Calculate ISS? as Yes in the Natures register. For a supplier that does not collect the ISS, when adding a bill payable of BRL 1,000.00, note that the system calculates the ISS amount of BRL 50.00.


      For the Transport Management module, field Calculate ISS? is used only for trips with municipal routes.

      IRRF Perc.:

      Determine the tax percentage to be applied.

      Calculate INSS:

      Define whether to calculate the INSS (National Tax on Social Security) for the routines that use the natures registered. When you add bills payable and receivable and this field is set to Yes, the system calculates INSS amounts on the value of the bill, in accordance with the percentage defined in field INSS Perc. and, for bills receivable, the customer register, being the case that field Calculate INSS? must be set to Yes. Likewise, for bills payable, in the supplier register, the Calculate INSS? field must also be set to Yes.

      The system checks the parameter MV_INSS, which indicates the nature for classifying the INSS bill.

      Example 1

      Application of the Calculate INSS? in Accounts Receivable:

      When registering a nature that calculates INSS with a rate of 8% and a customer with INSS calculation, upon adding a bill receivable of BRL 1,000.00, the system calculates the amount of BRL 80.00 for the INSS.

      Example 2

      Application of field Calculate INSS? in Accounts Receivable:

      When registering a nature that calculates INSS with a rate of 8% and a supplier with INSS calculation, upon adding a bill payable of BRL 1,000.00, the system calculates the amount of BRL 80.00 for the INSS.

      INSS Perc.:

      Determine the tax percentage to be applied.

      Calculate CSLL: 

      Define whether to calculate the CSLL (Social Contribution on Net Profits) for the routines that use the natures registered.

      When you add bills receivable and this field is set to Yes, the system calculates the respective CSLL amounts on the value of the bill, in accordance with the percentage defined in field CSLL Perc. and also with the customer register, given that field Calculate CSLL? must be set to Yes.

      The system checks the parameter MV_CSLL, which indicates the nature for classifying the CSLL bill.


      Application of the Calculate CSLL? field when adding bills receivable:

      When a nature is registered with field Calculate CSLL? set to Yes and field CSLL Perc. to 5%, upon adding a bill receivable of BRL 1,000.00, the system calculates the CSLL value of BRL 50.00. 

      Calculate COFINS:

      Determine the calculation of COFINS (Contribution to the Financing of Social Security) for the routines that use the natures registered.

      When you add bills receivable and this field is set to Yes, the system calculates the respective COFINS amounts on the value of the bill, in accordance with the percentage defined in field COFINS Perc. and also with the customer register, given that field Calc. COFINS? must be set to Yes.

      The system uses parameter MV_COFINS to determine the nature that classifies the COFINS bills.


      Application of the Calculate COFINS? field when adding bills receivable:

      When you enter Yes in field Calculate COFINS? and 2% in field COFINS Perc., and then add a bill receivable of BRL 1,000.00, the system calculates BRL 20.00 for the COFINS of this bill.

      Calculate PIS:

      Determine the calculation of PIS (Social Integration Program) for the routines that use the natures registered.

      When you add bills receivable and this field is set to Yes, the system calculates the respective PIS amounts on the value of the bill, in accordance with the percentage defined in field PIS Perc. and also with the customer register, given that field Calc. PIS? must be set to Yes.

      The system uses parameter MV_PISNAT to indicate the nature that classifies the PIS bill.


      Application of the Calculate PIS? field when adding bills receivable:

      When you enter Yes in field Calculate PIS? and 0.65% in field PIS Perc., and then add a bill receivable of BRL 1,000.00, the system calculates BRL 6.50 for the PIS of this bill. 

      CSLL Perc.:

      Determine the tax percentage to be applied.

      COFINS Perc.:

      Determine the tax percentage to be applied.

      PIS Perc.:

      Determine the tax percentage to be applied.

      COFINS Ded.:

      Indicate whether COFINS is deducted.

      INSS Base:

      Indicate the calculation base percentage for bills upon which social security is levied.


      • Calculate INSS: Yes.
      • INSS Perc.: 11.
      • INSS Base: 60.
      • Bill Value: 1,000.00.
      • Calculation base value: 600.00.
      • INSS value: 66.00.

      SEST Calc.:

      The calculation of SEST (Transportation Social Service) payment amounts, which the Financials module can generate when the Transportation Management module is not in use. 

      SEST Base:

      Indicate the calculation base percentage of teamster bills upon which Transport Social Service is levied. 

      SEST Perc.:

      Determine the tax percentage to be applied.  

      IRRF Teamster.:

      Determine whether the IRRF must be collected for teamsters, checking all bills generated by suppliers during a month. The calculation is based on the sum of all teamster contracts for the current month.

      The Calculate IRRF field must also be filled out with Yes.


      Parameter MV_TMSVDEP, which indicates the base value for calculating dependents in teamster contracts (SIGATMS). Example: MV_TMSVDEP = 106.

      When it is necessary to calculate IR for teamsters, the system performs the required deductions according to IR table value + dependents (MV_TMSVDEP) + INSS.

      Teamster IR Base:

      Enter the calculation base percentage of teamster bills which incur income tax. If you do not fill out this field and the nature requires a rate, the system may use the content entered in parameter 

      MV_ALIQIRF or the contents of field IRRF Rate of the Suppliers register.

      Additionally, the Calculate IRRF field content must be set to Yes.

      INSS Teamster.:

      Determine whether the INSS must be collected for teamsters, checking all bills generated by suppliers during a month. The calculation is based on the sum of all teamster contracts for the current month.

      The Calculate INSS field must also be filled out with Yes.

      If a nature is related to the supplier register, it will be used.

      Parameter MV_LIMINSS indicates the maximum value for INSS withholding in SIGATMS environment (Transport Management).

      IRRF Base:

      Indicate the calculation base percentage for bills upon which Income Tax Withheld by Tax Authorities is levied.

      COFINS Base:

      Allows you to prepare the Transport Management Environment (SIGATMS) for COFINS credit, to calculate the base as specified by law.

      In the Transportation Management (SIGATMS) module, the Teamster Contract provides the value for calculation. As provided by the law at issue, the carrier calculates COFINS on 75% of the total value of payments related to this service; hence, the carrier uses only 75% of the value for calculation.


      • In the Transportation Management (SIGATMS) module, a Teamster Contract is generated in the amount of R$ 1,500.00.
      • In the Nature Register, field COFINS Base is filled out with 75.
      • When COFINS is calculated in Tax Records (SIGAFIS) module, the value calculated for the Teamster Contract (BRL 22,50) is displayed in the COFINS Deduction folder.
      • Value of freight payable: BRL 1,500.00
      • Rate to calculate COFINS established in the parameter MV_TXCOFIN (as percentage): 2.
      • COFINS Base (in percentage): 75.
      • Base for calculation: (1,500 * 75) / 100 = 1,125
      • COFINS value: (1,125 * 2) / 100 = 22.50 

      PIS Base:

      Allows you to prepare the Transport Management Environment (SIGATMS) for PIS credit, to calculate the base as specified by law. 

      IOF Perc.:

      IOF percentage in transfer of bills to Discounted Collection. 

      Cap. Interest:

      Define, by selecting one of the options 1-Yes and 2-No, whether the financial nature is for Interest on Own Capital.

      Rec. Tp.:

      Define, by selecting one of the options 1-Non-cumulative and 2- Cumulative, the type of system. 

      Funrural Wth.:

      Define, by selecting one of the options 1-Yes and 2-No, whether the customer must withhold Funrural.

      Withhold IRRF:

      Enter whether IRRF withholding is done by:

      1-Customer (Yes).

      2-Document Issuer (No).

      3-In accordance with Customer registration. 

      Withholding Cd:

      Withholding code for generation of DIRF. 



      PIS Calc:

      Define PIS calculation type. Fill out this field by selecting one of the following options C – Credit and D – Debit.

      Monthly Calculation Statement COFINS:

      Define PIS calculation type. Fill out this field by selecting one of the following options C – Credit and D – Debit.

      PIS Cal %:

      Enter percentage for PIS calculation.



      COFINS Cal %:

      Enter percentage for PIS calculation.



      Cumul. Ind.:

      Define the cumulativeness indicator of a nature. Fill out this field by selecting one of the following options 1 – Cumulative and 2 – Non-cumulative.

      PIS TSC:

      Enter the Tax Status Code used for PIS calculation.


      01 – Taxable Operation (regular rate).

      Wth. Ind.:

      It defines the nature indicator of withholding.


      02 – Withholding by other Federal Public Administration Entities.


      Enter the Tax Status Code used for COFINS calculation.


      01 – Taxable Operation (regular rate).

      Financ. Op.:

      Financial operations classification code.


      03 – Acquisition of assets used as input.

      COF Red. %:

      Enter the reduction percentage for COFINS calculation.

      Revenue Tp.:

      Enter the type of revenue. Fill out this field by selecting one of the following options:

      1 - Domestic Market Taxed.

      2 - Domestic Market Not Taxed.

      3 - Export.


      Enter whether to compose the gross revenue that constitutes the calculation base of CPRB (Social Security Contribution on Gross Revenue).

      1 - Yes

      2 - No



      Nature Cond.:

      Enter the condition regarding Nature classification. Fill out this field by selecting one of the following options R – Revenue and D – Expense.


      Define the office responsible for the expense.

      Legal Grp.:

      This field defines the legal group only if field Office is filled out with option Yes.



      Ledger Account:

      Define the ledger account in which to post the manual accounting entry in budget plans related to the accounts payable process.




      Define table code of Revenue Nature.


      001 – Table 4310 – Fuel Resales - Zero Rate.

      AP INSS WTH:

      Enter whether financial nature withholds INSS on Advance Payment. Fill out this field by selecting one of the following options 1 – Yes and 2 – No.

      CSLL Rec. Cd.:

      CSLL Revenue Code, related to Record R36 PER/DCOMP.

      Dtd. Rev. Cd.:

      Detailed Revenue Code used in Block I.

      Disc. Nat.:

      Nature of Discounts sent in Block I.

      Fine Nat.:

      Nature of Fine sent in Block I.

      Interest Nat.:

      Nature of Interest sent in Block I.

      Dtd. Ded. Cd.:

      Detailed Deduction Code used in Block I.

      Retirement Tp.:

      Define the retirement type in accordance with the percentage entered in field INSS Per. (of Taxes folder). Fill out this field by selecting one of the following options:

      1 - Regular.

      2 - 15 Years.

      3 - 20 Years.

      4 - 25 Years.

      F100 Interest:

      Specify whether to consider interest, fine and indexation in block F100 by entering its nature in parameter MV_NATRNT.

      Gen LCDPR ?

      Enter whether the Nature refers to Rural Production activity, thus appearing in the Rural Producer Digital Cash Book file. (From 12.1.27)

      Automatic Routine

      Procedure performed automatically in routine Nature (Fina010), without display of screens or the need for user interaction.

      Used in customizations in which the process does not require user interaction (MSEXECAUTO)

      Example of Automatic Routine
      #INCLUDE "Protheus.ch"
      LOCAL aArray := {}
      PRIVATE lMsErroAuto := .F.
      aArray := { { "ED_CODIGO"  , "TST"             , NIL },;
                  { "ED_DESCRIC" , "DESCRIÇÃO TESTE" , NIL },;
                  { "ED_CALCIRF" , "N"               , NIL },;
                  { "ED_CALCISS" , "N"               , NIL },;
                  { "ED_CALCINS" , "N"               , NIL },;
                  { "ED_CALCCSL" , "N"               , NIL },;
                  { "ED_CALCCOF" , "N"               , NIL },;
                  { "ED_CALCPIS" , "N"               , NIL },;
                  { "ED_DEDPIS"  , "2"               , NIL },;
                  { "ED_DEDCOF"  , "2"               , NIL },;
                  { "ED_COND"    , "R"               , NIL } }
      MsExecAuto( { |x,y| FINA010(x,y)} , aArray, 3)  // 3 - Addition, 4 - Editing, 5 - Deletion
      If lMsErroAuto
          Alert("Nature successfully added!")
      LOCAL aArray := {}
      PRIVATE lMsErroAuto := .F.
      aArray := { { "ED_CODIGO"  , "TST"                , NIL },;
                      { "ED_DESCRIC" , "DESCRIPTION EDITED" , NIL } }  
      MsExecAuto( { |x,y| FINA010(x,y)} , aArray, 4)  // 3 - Addition, 4 - Editing, 5 - Deletion
      If lMsErroAuto
          Alert("Nature successfully edited!")
      LOCAL aArray := {}
      PRIVATE lMsErroAuto := .F.
      aArray := { { "ED_CODIGO" , SED->ED_CODIGO , NIL } }
      MsExecAuto( { |x,y| FINA010(x,y)} , aArray, 5)  // 3 - Addition, 4 - Editing, 5 - Deletion
      If lMsErroAuto
          Alert("Nature successfully deleted!")


      The reports below use the structure for Detailed/Summarized nature.

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