Páginas filhas
  • IPINDEST - Operations with IPI credit in acquisitions with IPI not highlighted



Procedure for acquisition operations involving IPI credit not highlighted in the invoice; however, the operation does allow IPI credit. This procedure aims to make the process more flexible, including both the percentage used for the IPI calculation as well as the message to be displayed in the tax calculation.


Access the TIO register - Types of Inflow and Outflow - and set field Calculate IPI (F4_IPI) to option "R".

Set the field IPI Crd.% (F4_IPIPECR) to the percentage the tax calculation base must use.

In field IPI Ap Txt (F4_TXAPIPI) enter the code of tax credit description. You must register the description in the configurator module (SIGACFG), in table 87 of the generic tables register - SX5.


Considering a product with the total value of BRL 40,000.00, the TIO of which has the following configuration:

Calculate IPI (F4_IPI) = R

% IPI Crd. (F4_IPIPECR) = 25.00

IPI Ap. Txt (F4_TXAPIPI) = 001 (Acquis. of West Amazon Goods)

In the system, we get the following:

      • 25% of original value to compose the IPI base = 10,000.00
      • Rate (entered in the product register) = 10%
      • Tax Value = 1,000.00

When IPI is calculated, the value is displayed from line 005 - Other Credits.


  • SF4 - Types of Inflow and Outflow