Páginas filhas
  • General Accounts Payable Status Report - FINR330 - Financial - P12




 This report presents a general position of Accounts Payable, enabling the control of payments performed in a selected period.

The report allows you to analyze all transactions in the period by topic, in quantity and values, divided by:

  • Purchases (in the month), with the respective values paid in cash and divided in installments;
    1. In cash
    2. On credit
  • Values posted:
    1. Received
    2. Interest Rate
    3. Fine
    4. Discounts
    5. Advance Payment
    6. Accessory Values
    7. Original
  • Bills due, listed by period:
    1. Up to 15 days
    2. From 16 to 30 days
    3. From 31 to 60 days
    4. From 61 to 90 days
    5. Over 90 days
  • Bills overdue, listed by period.
    1. Up to 15 days
    2. From 16 to 30 days
    3. From 31 to 90 days
    4. From 61 to 90 days
    5. Over 90 days
  • By bill type:
    1. Duplicate invoices (DP)
    2. Invoices (NF)
    3. Predated Checks (CH)
    4. Payment voucher (BOL, FT)
    5. Taxes
    6. Advance Payments (PA)
    7. Debit Memos (NDF)
    8. Other
  • Late Purchase Orders, bills from the Purchases module:
    1. Up to 15 days
    2. From 6 to 30 days
    3. From 31 to 60 days
    4. From 61 to 90 days
    5. Over 90 days
  • Advance Purchase Orders, bills from the Purchases module:
    • Up to 15 days
    • From 16 to 30 days
    • From 31 to 90 days
    • Over 90 days


The report displays the bills values based on mathematical formulas:




Mean Absolute Term (PMA)

S (a-b) / n

a = Bill's actual due date

b = Bill's issue date

n = Number of open bills

Weighted Average Term (PMP)

S [ (a-b) * c] / S c

a = Bill's actual due date

b = Bill's issue date

c = Bill balance

S = Sum

Quotient of Delay (QA)

QA = (S (a+b+c+d+e) / Sf) * 100

a = Balance of bills overdue - deductions + interest lower than 15 days

b = Balance of bills overdue - deductions + interest between 15 and 30 days

c = Balance of bills overdue - deductions + interest between 30 and 60 days

d = Balance of bills overdue - deductions + interest between 60 and 90 days

e = Balance of bills overdue - deductions + interest higher than 90 days

f = All bills - deductions + interest, with and without delay

S = Sum


Below is an example of how the report is displayed in the system:

Questions (F12)

List of parameters applied to FINR330 and their processing



    Print By?

    Select Branch if you want to print the report considering only data from the current branch, or Company for the report to consider data from all the current company's branches.

    List Posts by Date?

    Select Posting for the posting transaction to be considered by the posting date, Typing for the posting transaction to be considered by the date when the posting was typed, or Credit for the posting transaction to be considered by the credit date.

    Select Types?

    Select Yes to make the option of selecting bill types available for the report issuance, or No to consider all bill types.

    Initial prefix?

    The initial interval of prefixes to be considered when issuing the report.

    Final prefix?

    The final interval of prefixes to be considered when issuing the report.

    Consider interest?

    Select Yes to consider possible interest when issuing the report, or No to ignore the interest when issuing the report.

    Consider Purchase Order?

    Select Yes to consider the purchase orders when issuing the report, or No to ignore the purchase orders.

    Compose Retroactive Balance?

    This field indicates if bills with dates previous than the report issuance date will be presented when printing. The bills can be payable or receivable.


    Issue: 9/05/19

    Due date: 9/10/19

    Net value: BRL 100.00

    On 9/9/2019, this bill is partially posted for BRL 70.00. Therefore, the bill balance becomes BRL 30.00.

    In the process of extracting the Bills Payable report (FINR150):

    System base date: 10/1/2019 (The report considers the content of the "Base date" field)

    Example of two use cases:

    ·   In this base date, the report is extracted for the verification of the company's financial data on 9/10/2019. The result presented is the bill above, for BRL 100.00, but with the balance of BRL 30.00. This is because, on 09/10, a partial posting had been made (on 9/9).

    ·   On this base date, the report is extracted for the verification of the company's financial data on 9/6/2019. The result presented is the bill above for BRL 100.00, but with a balance of 100.00, since, on 9/6, the partial posting had not happened yet. It occurred on 9/9. Therefore, the balance was rebuilt for 9/6, displaying the actual data for that day.

    Which Currency?

    This field indicates which currency must be considered when generating the report.

    Other currencies?

    This field indicates if foreign currencies will be considered for conversion according to the "Which Currency?" question.

    If "Convert", the currency will be converted and issued on the report. If "Do Not Print", bills in other currencies will be ignored when generating the report.

    Qto. TES Purchase Order?

    Select Consider to consider the TES when issuing the report according to the question "Consider Purchase Order?", or No to ignore the TES when issuing the report.

    There is the possibility of checking the balance of bills payable considering the bill accounting date, not the posting one, which allows listing the information along with accounting, considering the same accounting criteria.




    Add the account used for sending the report e-mails


    Enter the e-mail account password for sending the reports


    Enter the e-mail account server for sending the report


    Enter the e-mail account for sending the messages


    Enter the password of the account entered in the MV_EMCONTA parameter


    The server name for sending e-mail


    If .T., the e-mail server has authentication; if .F., it does not have authentication.

    On the main page of the routine, the following options are available:

      • File

      The report print is made in file format.

      See also more features available in Other Actions.

      • Spool

      The report print is made in the spool format.

      See also more features available in Other Actions.

      • Spreadsheet

      The report print is made in spreadsheet format.

      See also more features available in Other Actions.

      • E-mail

      The report print is in e-mail format, and it is sent to an e-mail.


      In the configuration for sending the report by e-mail:

      Parameter MV_RELACNT defines the account used for sending the report e-mails.

      Parameter MV_RELPSW defines the e-mail account password to send the reports.

      Parameter MV_RELSERV defines the e-mail account server to send the report.

      In the configuration for sending the payment receipt:

      Parameter MV_EMCONTA defines the e-mail account used for sending the messages.

      Parameter MV_EMSENHA defines the password of the account entered in MV_EMCONTA.

      Parameter MV_RELSERV defines the name of the server for sending the e-mails.

      Parameter MV_RELAUTH defines the authentication.

      • HTML

      The report print is made in HTML, and the user chooses the app in which to open the print.

      See also more features available in Other Actions.

      • PDF

      The report print type is PDF.

      See also more features available in Other Actions.

      • ODF

      The report print type is ODF.

      See also more features available in Other Actions.

      See also more features available in Other Actions.

      See also more features available in Other Actions.

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