Let us adopt the example of changing only currency 02 to 4 decimal places. You need to edit table SX3 via MPSDU as this is not a common process. Note that the size of decimals in value fields is blocked for editing via Configurator.
If any data is already in tables CT2, CT7, CT3, CT4, CT6, CTC, CTK, CTI, CTU, CTV, CTW, CTX, CTY and CTZ, then copy the tables so they can work as origin for the later data APPEND for tables with changed decimal places, besides the already recommended backup.
Exclusively access MPSDU and delete tables CT2, CT7, CT3, CT4, CT6, CTC, CTK, CTI, CTU, CTV, CTW, CTX, CTY and CTZ through command DROP TABLE. In case of CodeBase environment, just delete the tables and their respective indexes, though you may also execute the process via MPSDU.
To increase the size of decimals for currency 02, change the following content in SX3:
Change decimal places to 4 in field CT2_VALOR (do not change picture if currency 01 has 2 decimal places).
Change decimal places to 4 and picture to @E 999,999,999,999.9999 in fields:
- CTK_VLR02,
- CT2_VALR02,
(x) consider the tables: CT7, CT3, CT4, CT6, CTC, CTI, CTU, CTV, CTW, CTX and CTY.
Field CT2_VALRxx (xx represents the currency) is used virtually when editing accounting entry (used in TMP assembly); however, values in other currencies are saved as other records (lines), the value in another currency is saved to column CT2_VALOR with field CT2_MOEDLC that corresponds to the currency.
In case you apply this rule to more currencies, increase the decimal places and the picture of fields CTK_VLRxx and CT2_VALRxx considering xx the currency that needs to have its decimal places increased.
When you access the accounting entry routine again in SIGACTB, the tables are recreated with decimal field sizes already changed to 4 decimal places.
If the tables had data before being recreated, access MPSDU again, open the newly created tables and execute the APPEND from the previously copied tables.
Configure the currency register in accordance with the decimals entered in SX3 (to be presented in reports).
If you configure multiple currencies with different decimal sizes, follow the rule of always keeping the larger decimal size in use. The locking of other currency values is done through picture in SX3.
With these changes the system will be ready to manipulate currencies with more than 2 decimal places.
Note: Some reports may not display correct decimal place data. The user must evaluate which reports to use and customize them.