The Standard Entry is what Protheus modules use for integration with Managerial Accounting (SIGACTB). They generate the accounting entries in the Managerial Accounting according to the needs of the source module.
To create a Standard Entry, booking rules are defined by the source module according to the business needs.
Another important point is the possibility of tracking an Accounting Entry by searching the source of this accounting entry.
The process that generated the entry can be verified in the entry itself. But this is only possible if all relationships (CTL) are registered before the generation of any standard entry. This registration is made in routine CTBA090.
02. Source codes to change
The source codes to change are 3: CTBA080a, CTBA086, CTBXCTB, and CTBA090 should be adjusted as follows.
- CTBA080a - This source code is responsible for making the standard entry available to the source module. In this source, you must add the ChkCVA function, in the aCVA array the new standard entry to be created, where the 6 array positions must meet the following criteria:
- Code of the new standard entry, respecting the separation rule per module. E.g.: Financial 500, Fiscal 700)
- Usage description of the standard entry: This description should contain the module name + the use of the entry (e.g. "Accounts Receivable - Inclusion of Bills"
- This indicates whether the use of "Online Configuration" will be enabled for this standard entry (Default 2)
- The module where this standard entry will be used (e.g. 01 Fixed Assets)
- The code of the process where this standard entry will be used
- The integration type (1=Online Booking;2=Offline Booking;3=Both)
- CTBA086 – This source code is responsible for building the tree view of the "Standard Entry CTBA080" routine. In this source code, you must add the GetProcOper function, in the {}{}aProcs array the new standard entry to be created, where the 5 array positions must meet the following criteria:
- The module where this standard entry will be used (e.g. 01 Fixed Assets)
- The code of the process where this standard entry will be used
- The code of the process where this standard entry will be used (e.g.: Include, delete, depreciate, cancel depreciation)
- Fixed .T.
- Array containing the entries that will be part of this process.
- CTBXCTB - This source code is responsible for determining the source table of the accounting entry, used in cases of need to trace the source record using the accounting entry. The change should happen in the RetRecnoLP function by adding the standard entry code to the variable in the cPadrao variable and the source table in the cTabOrigem variable. This function is called in the Detprova as in the screenshot below.
- CTBA090 - This source code makes the relationship registration that allows you to track the accounting entry generated in the Managerial Accounting. An example below with the completion of the standard entry 520 of Financial.
- Stand. Entry - Standard entry code. Example: 520 - Posting Payable
- Search key - The search key to track the entry, 520, E5_FILIAL+E5_TIPODOC+E5_PREFIXO+E5_NUMERO+E5_PARCELA+E5_TIPO+DTOS(E5_DATA)+E5_CLIFOR+E5_LOJA+E5_SEQ
- Search order - Search order. In this case, 2
- Description - Description: "POSTINGS RECEIVABLE"
- Rout. Run - Routine to run in Tracking: CTBBAIXARC()
- File Alias -File alias to search - SE5
- Date field - Search date - E5_DATA
- Doc Field - Document to search - E5_FILIAL+E5_PREFIXO+E5_NUMERO+E5_PARCELA+E5_TIPO+E5_CLIFOR+E5_LOJA+E5_SEQ
- Currency field - Currency to search - E5_MOEDA
- Value field - value to search - E5_VALOR
- Corr field - Correlative field -E5_NODIA
Relationships (CTBA090 - SIGACTB)
- CTBA080A - CVA, CT5
- CTBA086 - CVI
- CTBA090 - CTL