Bordereau generation and maintenance with API transmission.
For the routines Bordereau - FINA060 and Taxes Bordereau - FINA061, the following components were added:
checkbox to define the transmission of bills to the bank by API.
msget to define the Subaccount linked to the Bank Account.
msget to set the Type of the Registered Bank Slip.
The components will be enabled for the banks parameterized for use (A6_CFGAPI = '1').
The generation of bordereaux with the API transmission checkbox selected will register, in table SEA, the field EA_BORAPI = 'S', EA_SUBCTA with the Subaccount chosen, and EA_ESPECIE with the Type chosen.
Added new captions for the bills receivable bordereaux (FINA590) configured for API transmission.
The process of removing a bill from the bordereau when it is transmitted does not perform the update automatically in the bank system.
In this step, the user will be required to confirm the need for the action manually with the bank's system.