Páginas filhas
  • Bills Payable - FINR150 - Financial P12


This report allows you to view bills registered in the Accounts Payable portfolio. 

The parameter combinations during the printing allow you to present bills in various manners, meeting the financial control best practices such as: 

  • Values are displayed in a summarized or detailed manner. 
  • Balance composition with retroactive date in a determined date.
  • Multi-branch transactions with totalizers by Order, Branch, and Company. 
  • Temporary bills statement.
  • Statement of bills in other currencies.
  • Balance composition by posting or typing date. 
  • Evaluation of bills deleted in a specific date. 
  • And various filter options: dates, prefix, number, type, supplier, store, class etc. 


Some examples of use and explanations are presented below: 

    Cons. Branches below (MV_PAR22) and Select Branches (MV_PAR37)

    The questions Consider Branches Below and Select branches in an environment with or without Company Management, when the financial table opening mode is fully shared between branches, are only for determining which branches will have their records executed for display in the report. The ordering selected by the user will determine breaks and record grouping in the report.


    Bills Payable:


    Branch (source)





    BRL 1,000.00



    BRL 1,500.00



    BRL 200.00



    BRL 350.00

    1) The result presented by the report with Cons. branches below? = Yes, From Branch = " .", To Branch = "ZZ", with Order = Banks display records with break by bank:

    2) The same result is obtained if you use Select Branches? = Yes, select all branches and Order = Bank.






    From Number ?                   

    Enter the initial code of the range of bills payable numbers to be considered in the report generation.                                        

    To Number ?                

    Enter the final code of the range of bills payable numbers to be considered in the report generation.         

    From Prefix?                  

    Enter the initial code of the range of bills payable prefixes to be considered in the report generation.                                        

    To Prefix?               

    Enter the final code of the range of bills payable prefixes to be considered in the report generation.                                                  

    From Class ?                 

    Select the initial code of the range of bill payable class codes to be considered when generating the report. The [F3] key is available for querying the Class Registration.                                        

    To Class ?              

    Select the final code of range of bill payable class codes to be considered when generating the report. The [F3] key is available for querying the Class Registration.                                                       

    From due date ?               

    Enter the initial date of the range of bills payable due dates to be considered when generating the report.                                        

    To due date?            

    Enter the final date of the range of bills payable due dates to be considered when generating the report.                                                  

    From Bank?                    

    Select the initial code of the range of bank codes to which belong the bills payable to be considered when generating the report. The [F3] key is available for querying the Bank Registration.                                        

    To Bank?                 

    Select the final code of the range of bank codes to which belong the bills payable to be considered when generating the report. The [F3] key is available for querying the Bank Registration.                                                   

    From Supplier ?               

    Select the initial code of the range of supplier codes registered in the bills payable to be considered when generating the report. The [F3] key is available for querying the Suppliers Registration.                                  

    To Supplier ?            

    Select the final code of the range of supplier codes registered in the bills payable to be considered when generating the report. The [F3] key is available for querying the Suppliers Registration.                                        

    From Issue Date ?                  

    Enter the initial date of the range of bills receivable issue dates to be considered when generating the report.                                        

    To issue date ?               

    Enter the final date of the range of bills receivable issue dates to be considered when generating the report.                                        

    Which Currency ?                  

    Select the currency to be considered when generating the report, if "Currency 1", "Currency 2", "Currency 3", "Currency 4", or "Currency 5".                                   

    Print Temporary ?         

    Yes / No

    Enter "Yes" if the report should issue the temporary bills. Otherwise, enter "No".                                        

    Convert Due by ?         

    Base date / Due date

    Select the date to be used for converting overdue bills values in currencies different from the one selected in the "Which Currency" question.  Select "Base date" if the date to be considered for the currency rate is the system database, or "Due date" if the date to be considered for the currency rate is the bill due date.

    From accounting date ?            

    Enter the initial date of the accounting date range to be considered when generating the report.                                        

    To accounting date ?           

    Enter the final date of the accounting date range to be considered when generating the report.                                                      

    Print Report ?           

    Detailed / Summarized

    Select the "Detailed" option to print the report with complete information, or "Summarized" to print it with the main information of the bills payable.                                        

    Comprise Retroactive Balance?    

    Yes / No

    Select "Yes" if you want the bills balances to be recalculated until the report reference date.  Select "No" if you want to consider the bills balances in the current status (in the bills registration), irrespective of the report issue date.  Example:  Bill Implementation -> 08/04/XX for BRL 1,000.00.  Partial post -> 08/10/XX for BRL 400.00 (a balance of BRL 600.00 remains)  Partial post -> 08/18/XX for BRL 200.00 (a balance of BRL 400.00 remains).    a) With "Comprise Retroactive Balance = Yes" and "Report Reference Date = 08/12/XX", we have:  Bill balance= BRL 600.00 (balance on selected date).    b) With "Comprise Retroactive Balance = No" and "Report Reference Date = 08/12/XX", we have:  Bill balance = BRL 400.00 (in this case, the retroact option is not considered. Balance displayed is the current one).

    Cons. Branches Below ?         

    Yes / No

    To run the branches filter, use the Select Branches? question

    From Branch ?                   

    To run the branches filter, use the Select Branches? question

    To Branch ?                

    To run the branches filter, use the Select Branches? question

    From Store ?                     

    Enter the initial code of the range of stores to be considered when generating the report.

    To Store ?                  

    Enter the final code of the range of stores to be considered when generating the report.                                        

    Consider advance ?         

    Yes / No

    Select “Yes” for the generation to consider the bills registered as payment advances. Otherwise, select "No".                                        

    Print Name ?                

    Reduced Name / Corporate Name

    Select the "Reduced Name" option to print the reduced name in the name of the supplier referring to the selected bills, or "Corporate Name" to print the corporate name in the supplier's name. This parameter only works if the selected order is by supplier.

    Other currencies ?               

    Convert / Do Not Print

    Select the "Convert" option if you want to convert amounts in bills payable in other currencies to the currency selected in the "Which currency" parameter, or "Do Not Print" if you want to ignore bills in other currencies when generating the report.                                       

    Print types ?              

    Enter the bill types you wish to print separated by ";" (semicolon) and with 3 characters each.  E.g.: if you wish to print only duplicate and invoice bills, enter here: DP ;NF.

    Do not print types ?          

    Enter the bill types you do not wish to print separated by ";" (semicolon) and with 3 characters each.  E.g.: If you want to print all bills, except duplicates and invoices, enter here: DP ;NF.  If you enter something in this question, do not enter anything in the previous question, and vice-versa.

    Only Bill for Flow?         

    Yes / No

    Select "Yes" to list only bills flagged for Cash Flow in the accounts payable inclusion. Otherwise, select "No".                                        

    Base date ?                   

    Enter the system base date to be considered so you do not have to change it before printing the report.                                        

    Compose Balance by?            

    Posting Date / Typing Date

    Enter if the balance must be composed by Posting Date or Typing Date.                                        


    Hired rate / Normal rate

    This indicates that the amount will be converted according to the "Hired rate" or the "Normal rate". If you select "hired date", the amount will be converted by the rate hired for the bill. If you select "Normal rate", the amount will be converted by the system base date rate, or, if the bill is overdue, by the rate in the date entered in the "Convert due by" question.

    Tit. Future Issuance?         

    Yes / No

    Select "Yes" to consider bills with issue date later than the report base date. Otherwise, select "No".                                        

    Select Branches ?          

    Yes / No

    Select yes if you want to select the branches.   This question only takes effect in the TOPCONNECT / TOTVSDBACCESS environment.

    Consider deleted bills? 

    Yes / No

    Select Yes to consider deleted bills according to the DataBase in the financial position. Select No to consider bills that were not deleted according to the DataBase in the financial position.