Páginas filhas
  • Bank Slips Monitor with Pending Items - FINA710


         In this bank slip monitor screen, it is possible to identify why the bank slips are pending.


We can filter the pending items by bank slips to register, slips that returned with an error, or that had some failure in sending the email.
Description of columns:

    • Status - Sets the status of that record (EA_TRANSF empty when "to register", EA_TRANSF = 'F' returned with error, EA_APIMAIL = 2 failed to send email)
    • Operation - Defines which operation will be done on that bill/bank slip. (This column will only be available after the continuous dispatch from May 10 onwards is applied)
      • INCLUSION - the bank slip will be registered in the bank.
      • CHANGE - a bank slip already registered in the bank will be edited
      • CANCELATION - cancelation will be made on a bank slip already registered in the bank
    • Branch - The branch where the bordereau was registered (EA_BRANCH)
    • Bordereau - Number of the bordereau used (EA_PREFIX)
    • Prefix - Prefix of the bill receivable (EA_PREFIX)
    • Bill No. - The number of the bill receivable (EA_NUM)
    • Type - The type of the bill receivable (EA_TYPE)
    • Installment - the installment (EA_PARCELA)
    • Customer Name - (E1_NOMCLI)


At the top of the monitor screen, there are 3 Cards: To register, Return with error, and Failed to send the e-mail.

These three Cards can be clicked to be selected and deselected, filtering and showing, on the lower grid, only the desired type of pending item:


We can also make a general filter by the bill number, or search for the bill number only within the selected Cards:


For each item in the grid, you can learn more about Bill Details, Error Details, or also Resend E-mail.

    Displays the details of the bill involved in the transmission, allowing the visualization of the history, postings, apportionments, and other data of it.

    Displays the transmission errors of the bank slip or e-mail sending. You can download the log with details of the errors and the main layout settings.

    Resends the e-mail of a bill failed to send

    When you select the resend option, if there is more than one record with an error when sending the email, a message will be displayed asking if you want to resend all records or only the selected one:

    It is important to reinforce that selecting the "Resend All" option will set up an asynchronous job that will process the submissions. When this job is configured and is ready for execution, the following message is returned:

    This process runs only once per company, i.e. if a user triggers this option, and before the end, a second user triggers the same option (in the same company), an error message will be displayed:


    • SEA - Bills Sent to the Bank  
    • SE1 - Accounts Receivable