Páginas filhas
  • Accounting Classification Import


Product Line:

Microsiga Protheus




Fixed Assets (SIGAATF)


Assets (ATFA012)

To update the already existing fixed asset forms of an environment with management accounting data of type 10 - Accounting/Managerial Depreciation, you can use a routine for accounting classification import, the functionality of which follows rules through CSV formatted text files.

This functionality is available on the Assets registration browser menu, in option Import Classification.


    1. In Fixed Assets (SIGAATF), in routine Updates/Registers/Fixed Assets (ATFA010)
    2. In Other Actions
    3. Select Import. Classification
    4. Enter parameters:
      • File for import?: Name of file.csv for import: Path and name of file with the accounting classification.
      • Delete previous classification?: If the asset already has a classification and the user selects yes, the routine deletes the previous classification and adds the one described in the file.
    5. Click OK
    6. Processing log generated


The routine will only execute the deletion if no transaction exists after the asset classification.

The CSV file to be imported has a default layout, considering only the addition of classifications of type 10 - Accounting/Managerial Depreciation with a specific structure, following the rule below:

Configuration of text file fields

      • Row 001: Define the table - Table SN3 – This line has the identifier “0”:
      • Row 002: Define fields of table SN3 – Accounting Data and Financial Balances. This line has the identifier “1”:


      • Lines of Data: From the line with the fields structure onwards, the following lines will contain the accounting classification data of the asset form, given that the classification data of an asset form must be grouped. This line has the identifier “1”:


1;010101;010121;001;10;TESTE IMP ALT;10102;10000;10;;01012021;1;3


The CSV file must contain at least the required data pertaining the classification of one asset form item. Fields defined as required must exist in the structure of the .CSV file regardless of containing data.

Hence, we must respect the following parameter settings:

    • MV_ALTLCTO - (Allow changes to the accounting entry of integration?) = N (no)
    • MV_PRELAN - (Enter whether the accounting entry is automatically entered or goes through Pre-entry.) = S (yes)
    • MV_CT105MS - (Enter whether to display message S/N) = N


Although fields with values in other currencies are not required, if parameter MV_ATFMOED is set to a content other than “1” the import process validation displays the fields related to the currency configured.


If the file contains other classification data not of type 10 – Accounting/Managerial Depreciation, they are disregarded.

If the asset form corresponding to the accounting classification is not found, or if the asset form does not have item 01 - Tax Depreciation, the classification data are disregarded.

The import process is subject to the regular validations of the editing process for fixed asset forms. If the validations are not met, the accounting classification data are disregarded.

If the same import file contains data both valid and rejected, the valid data are activated, whereas the invalid data are recorded in a processing log file.



  • SN1 – Fixed Asset Register;
  • SN3 – Balances and Values Register