Páginas filhas
  • ATFA240 - Purchasing Classification - Improvement Cancellation of Classification



This document aims to explain and exemplify the characteristics and functioning of the Cancellation of Classification functionality in the Purchase Classification routine.


It is important to note that currently the functionality only supports the cancellation of the positioned asset.

About accounts

The cancellation feature reversal ONLINE accounts based on the assets and their respective LP's

Targeted Reversal Entries

  • 805
  • 806
  • 807
  • 808
  • 822
  • 80B

Important that:

Only types that are included in routine ATFA012 are reversed and have no other type of depreciation or different movements.

For the accounting of Classification Cancellation, if a differentiation is required for this standard entries, you can use the Funname() function in the LP.


CT5_VLR01 : IIF(FUNNAME() == "ATFA240",SN3->N3_VORIG1,0)                                                                                                                                                            



An example of the use of the new feature will be shown below

Scenario today

Existing scenario today when you sort an asset incorrectly and try to delete your entry note by the Entry Document or Entry Pre-Note it is no longer possible to delete or reversal, for the good or some good among those of the note would be classified and with this it is not possible to return the action performed.

  • Input Document - MATA103:

  • Pre-Note Entry - MATA140:
    • Reversal Attempt:

    • Attempt to delete:

Full example

Inclusion of title via mata103:

Classified Asset  - ATFA240:

View in browse:

New option in Other Actions → Cancel Classification:

After positioning in the good will be displayed a help informing the operation and asking if it is really desired to proceed:

After the basic validations and exclusions of the asset, the legend of the positioned asset will be modified to classify it:

With this, when trying to delete/reverse the note, it will be possible to proceed with the operation:

After reversing/declassifying the note, the assets linked to it are deleted at the source:

Also the example of deletion in the Entry Document:

It is important that the routine also pays attention to the following criteria as a condition to perform the cancellation of classification:

Conditions for Cancel

The good cannot have any of the following characteristics:

  • Asset to classify
  • Asset blocked
  • Be asset under construction
  • Asset transferred
  • Asset do not have bond with invoice
  • Asset have any type of movement in the good (be Low, Transfer, Depreciation, Magnification, Recoverable Value) in the table SN4

About the cancellation of the classification

If the asset has depreciations or movements for the possibility of performing its cancellation of classification, all movements or depreciations that have the possibility and are pertinent with the exception of the types of N4_OCORR = 05 N4 and 1_TIPOCNT = deployment should be reversed/deleted.

It is worth noting that currently there are some exceptions that cannot yet be included in the classification cancellation process, which are:

  • Goods in which they are linked as components of a good under construction ( N1_SLBMCON / N1_CDCONTR ).
  • Goods that are changed or included by routines other than ATFA012 ( N4_ORIGEM/N1_ORIGEM ),
  • Assets that have the scenario of including depreciations at the time of classification (cases of origin of ATFA012 via classification in which management depreciation is made ).  

It is important to pay attention to these cases, because if their classification is done incorrectly, it will not be possible to reversal this process currently.

And the routine performs the following actions on the asset, provided the conditions are met:

What is modified in the good?

  • All minus entity fields (N3_SUBCCON, N3_CLVLCON ,N3_CUSTBEM ,N3_CCUSTO / N4_COST, N4_CLVL ,N4_SUBCTA) coming from the input document must be modified manually or by group if necessary.
  • Field N3_CCONTAB is cleared whenever the cancellation is made.
  • Blank sort date field (N1_DTCLASS)
  • Rate value fields are automatically reset (N3_TXDEPR/N3_TXDEP from 1 to 99)
  • N4_TAXA in blank in SN4
  • Accounting flag N4_LA
  • Good group (N1_group)
  • Good plate (N1_PANELWORK)
  • The implementation value for other types added to the SN4 table will be reset, except for type 01/03 which will be updated based on the key fields.
  • The balance tables will have their account value reduced in the balances of the respective entities ( SN5, SNA, SN6, SNC).
  • If there are types in the good classified when performing the cancellation of classification, all goods except types 01 or 03 will be excluded and that are not derived from routines outside of ATFA012 and/or have movements.
  • Types 01 or 03 will only be changed and will have the fields described in this document cleared to be able to reclassify them in the correct way.
  • The value fields in table SN3, SN4 (N3_VORIG / N4_VLROC + xx) are reset to zero upon successful asset cancellation.

Watch out

If the base code is modified in the classification and subsequently canceled the classification, the last changed base code will be considered and will not be returned if canceled, thus following with the same code.

The other fields continued with the same value coming from the input document and if adjustments are necessary, they should be modified manually or via group, taking into account that data from the source may be lost.

Bulk Accelerated Depreciation (ATFA175)

If the Asset suffers a Batch Accelerated Depreciation (ATFA175) , where it has not yet been depreciated (No movements in SN4) it is possible to cancel the classification.
In this case, type 07 (Accelerated Depreciation ) in table SN3 will be deleted.


  • SN1 - Immobilized asset                  
  • SN3 - Balance and values              
  • SN4 - Fixed Asset Movements   
  • SN5 - Balance Archives            
  • SNA - Balance per account and item      
  • SN6 - Account balance x Item x Value Cl
  • SNC - Balance Account x Cost Center