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Unable to start OpenEdge Architect, Debugger and install Service Pack on Vista

Unable to start OpenEdge Architect, Debugger and install Service Pack on Windows 7

Unable to open PROMSGS when starting prowin32.exe

Launching prowin32 fails with "error msgopen:unable to open msg file for promsgs"

Launching OpenEdge Architect gives error Unable to locate installation information for version:10.2B

Unable to locate installation information for version:10.2B

Launching Data Dictionary gives error msgopen:unable to open message file:PROMSGS

msgopen:unable to open message file:PROMSGS

Launching Data Administration gives error msgopen:unable to open message file:PROMSGS

Installation of 10.1C service pack fails with:

OpenEdge r10.1C installation corrupted:
"DLC" registry key not found.
Click OK to exit.

Starting OpenEdge Architect errors out with Not Licensed to run OpenEdge Architect version: <version>

Debugger fails to start on Vista with following error messages:

Registry information for Progress is invalid.
Can't find where the Java VM executable is to run debugger. (14529)

Not licensed to run OpenEdge Architect for version: 10.x

AdminServer does not start and does not create any log files

FACT(s) (Environment):

Windows Vista
During installation, no errors appear
OpenEdge 10.1C
OpenEdge 10.2x
Windows 7
Windows Server 2008


Bug# OE00182600


Several keys under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PSC\PROGRESS and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PSC\PROGRESS have an incorrect version number 10.1CÀ, 10.1CA~, 10.2AA, 10.2Bv, 10.2Bu or similar instead of just 10.1C or 10.2A,10.2B preventing various components to determine the location and version of the OpenEdge installation.



Use regedit to perform the following steps. Make sure to back up the registry first before you modify the registry.

- Verify the registry keys with the incorrect version number have data under them.
- Ensure/verify that there are no registry keys with the correct version number remaining from a previous installation.
- Replace every occurrence of the incorrect version number with the correct one for the OpenEdge version installed.

It might be easier to export the registry key for PSC as orig_psc.reg. Then Right mouse click on the orig_psc.reg file and replace using text editor feature and replace, for instance, OE10.2Bv with OE10.2B, and save the file as modified_psc.reg. You can then double click on the modified_psc.reg file to reimport it to the registry. After that, you need to go to the registry and delete the OE10.2Bv key and all its contents.