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  • Procedure for changing the size of accounting entities – 23592

Procedure for changing the size of accounting entities

The fields relating to the codes of the accounting entities Ledger Account, Cost Center, Accounting Item, and Value Class available in the SIGACTB module can have their size changed according to need.

It is worth evaluating the cases in which you can split a code at another level of the accounting entity, avoiding the creation of repetitive codes. A common example is a split from "book" to "off-book" cost centers, avoiding the need to create the cost center code for all the accounts where you can make an entry with it. With the off-book cost center, you only create the new cost center code in the appropriate record and define through bindings the accounts that may or may not receive this cost center in the entries.

If it is still necessary, the size of the accounting entities' codes can vary in the following proportions (see table SXG): 


Minimum size (default)

Maximum size

Ledger Account



Cost Center



Accounting Item



Value Class



(Even if the account has an available space of 20 positions, it is not necessary for the ledger account code to reach this size. The same applies to the other entities).

Changing the size of the codes

The accounting entity code fields are present in the vast majority of the tables in the SIGACTB module, in addition to the question groups in the batch processing, queries, and reports routines. Due to the large number of fields and the number of tables, field groups were created (table SXG) where all code fields of the accounting entities are associated with their respective groups, which contain the size with which the code fields are to be created.

Changing the size of the code affects the "physical" structure of the tables. Therefore, they must be created with the correct structure. If the size of a code must be altered from the field group when the tables already contain data, it is necessary to:

- Copy the data tables (via APSDU),

- Change the code size using configure ("option Database + Field Group" from version 7.10, or using SXG in previous versions),

- Delete the current table (via APSDU), - Create the empty table with the new structure (by accessing the system)

- Copy the data from the source table to the empty table (via APSDU).

If the change is performed before the tables are created, before accessing the SIGACTB module:

- Access the configurator module (Database + Field Groups),

- Set the size of the code for the entities,

- Save the changes.

- Access the SIGACTB module to create the tables.

Note: The accounting entities Cost Center, Accounting Item, and Value Class must have the same size due to the CTU compound balances table. The CTU table keeps the balance per management entity in an isolated way and is used by reports such as the Trial Balance per Cost Center, Trial Balance per Item, Trial Balance per Value Class, and other routines and functions. So if, for example, the size of the cost center code is changed from 9 to 10 positions, the other management entities (field group Accounting Item and Value Class) must also be extended to 10 positions.

The CTU TABLE IS NOT RELATED TO FIELD GROUPS. It is necessary to maintain the size of the CTU_CODE field manually through the data dictionary, making the field size the same as the one indicated for the Cost Center, Item, and Value Class entities.