Páginas filhas
  • Investment Statement (FINR820 - SIGAFIN)

If investment was redeemed in system base date or the estimated date is blank in financial investment register, this report displays investment transactions with their profit.

If the estimated date is not blank, redemption date is compared with the reference date entered in the report parameters.

Financial investments are displayed and information about values of daily quotas is requested to calculate the investment gain.


Remember that values of quotas entered are just for report issue. This information is not registered in the system.


Issuing the investment statement:

  1. In Investment Statement, a window is displayed to enter the value of daily quotas, according to the routine description.
  2. Enter the value and confirm it.
  3. Click Parameters.
  4. Configure them according to field help instructions.
  5. Check configurations and confirm the report print.


See Also