Páginas filhas
  • Bills Receivable Query (FINC040 - SIGAFIN)

Displays original data of bills receivable. This query can be performed either for pending bills or for bills fully or partially written off.

When the bill is pending (green), only its general data are displayed, as registered in Accounts Receivable, such as class, status, customer, issue, due date, original value, deductions, bordereau, accounting data, etc.

When a bill written off or partially written off is queried, besides the information above, data of write-off are displayed, such as date, interest, fine, adjustment, discounts, value received, reason for write-off, bank/branch/account, and reconciliation.

Values concerning bank expenses charged due to electronic collection of records generated during bank reception via Cnab are also presented.


The fee used to write off bills receivable is: 

In Brazil, the fee indicated in the bill is used.

In localized countries, the daily fee is considered.


Querying  bills receivable:

  1. In Bills Receivable Query, select the bill you want, and then the Query option.
  2. In the screen footer, the bill balance is displayed.
  3. Check data and confirm the query.