Árvore de páginas

Este documento compartilha o Release Notes relacionado à plataforma Carol - release 3.28.3 (deployment semanal).

Carol Platform


Explore and filters (https://trello.com/c/UucL1CJG)

  • Carol has the bug that sometimes, the first filter was not considered fixed.

Data Processing

Data Decoration is available (https://trello.com/c/AY5iU9nH)

  • The feature Data Decoration is available. This feature manages the data sequence making sure that lookup for Data Models and Staging tables will happen only when the data you are looking up is available. The feature also manages the ETL Join, making sure both sides are available before joining the records. For records waiting for the foreign side, Carol will keep them for one hour in purgatory before processing the data (and eventually rejecting the data). This feature is enabled on-demand while in beta.

Ps.: This deployment is related to Sprint 3.30.2 (weekly deployment). The deployment happened on November 30, 2020.

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