Set of features for the client to manage financial activities in an agile way with a modern interface.
This set of features is available only in the release 12.1.33
Further information on this configuration, access the page Application Server - REST ADVPL.
[HTTPV11] Enable=1 Sockets=HTTPREST [HTTPREST] Port=8084 URIs=URIHTML SECURITY=1 [URIHTML] URL=/html-protheus/rest PrepareIn=All Instances=2,2 CORSEnable=1 AllowOrigin=* [ONSTART] jobs=HTTPJOB RefreshRate=30 [HTTPJOB] MAIN=HTTP_START ENVIRONMENT=environment
Further information on this configuration, access the page Application Server - Seção HTTP.
[HTTP] enable=1 port=8080 path=D:\TOTVS\Protheus_Data\web\portal-cliente defaultpage=index.html
{ "name": "Portal do Cliente", "version": "12.1.27-0.1.0", "serverBackend": "http://localhost:8084/", "restEntryPoint": "", "versionAPI": "", "productLine": "Protheus" }
Mingle is the platform available as service to support TOTVS applications. It resolves three main customers' needs, Authentication, API Gateway and Metrics. It does this without the products having to expose their APIs directly, allowing applications to consume them in a controllable way. For further information access the TDN page.
For the Customer Portal access, request a single ALIAS according to these steps:
Access link Mingle, click "Request Alias", and fill it out according to the image below:
Wait the return via e-mail with the ALIAS created and other information.
These parameters must be updated with data received by the Mingle team:
Registration in charge of the Portal WebServices maintenance, routine FATA230, available in these modules
Access the Portal User routine (FATA220), the Web Service is added to all branches of the Companies Group with the Web Service code "PORTALCLIENTE".
Registration in charge of the Portal Users maintenance, routine FATA220, available in these modules:
The system displays the addition window, split in header and items.
In the upper part header, user identification data are displayed. Note the following fields:
Enter the text identifying the user in the Portal.
Enter user password. Even if this user has group privilege, the creation of a group password is required, as it is the password the group admin will use for maintenance.
Enter the user name created.
Enter the user type as follows:
User - regular user who can access the portal with the rights set on this screen;
Administrator - user with administration rights, being able to create/edit/delete new users in the portal;
Group - User that behaves like a group; will facilitate the assignment of rights to the users who will be part of the group.
Internal User
In case this user is a company’s employee, such as a sales rep, technician etc., link this employee to an internal user.
Users Group
To link this user to a group, click Research to select user, and then click Load Rights so all group’s rights are inherited.
You must confirm to overwrite the user’s rights for the group’s rights.
In the items area, define which customers this user will have access to, as the data that will be viewed in the Customer Portal are from previously selected customers.
Login and Password must be repeated in all branches to which the user has access, because the User’s registration of the Portal is exclusive among branches.
When adding, editing or deleting a Portal User using the tab “Rights”, the “PORTALCLIENTE” related to the Mingle will be integrated to the user platform according to the operation executed.
Login homepage with these completion fields:
User: User login as created in the Portal Users Registration (FATA220).
Password: User password as created in the Portal User Registration (FATAL220).
Company Identification: ALIAS according to what is registered in the Mingle.
Panel with financial information for quick view.
Outstanding bills: chart with percentage and values of the outstanding bills receivable.
Bills in arrears: chart with percentage and values of the bills receivable in arrears.
Values of the bills: chart with the total values per month of the bills receivable.
List of Outgoing Invoices.
Advance search with the main fields.
List of Outgoing Invoices.
Advance search with the main fields.
New feature to select branch and customer for the customer portal session. This resource affects data displayed in the portal, respecting the branches and customers selected.
After logging into the system, click on the user profile button, located at the top right of any screen, and select the "Data Selection" option.
User is redirected to the step by step of "Data Selection" to see theses steps: Branches, Customers and Confirmation.
In this step, the user can select one or more branches used in the portal.
Enter at least one branch.
After selecting the branches, click button Next to proceed with the next step.
In this case, select the customers of the branches. You can select one or more customers.
Enter at least one customer.
After selecting the customer, click button Next to proceed to the next step.
Last step of the process, in which the user view all the values selected in the previous steps, customers and branches. The records displayed are summarized by the customers selected with the customer's branches. To display branches, click customer record.
To finalize the process, click the Confirm button.
When confirming, the user will be redirected to the previous screen of the "Data Selection" request, that is, the screen the user was before clicking "Data Selection".