Páginas filhas
  • VAT - Tax on Added Value - Venezuela (MATA995 - SIGAFAT)


 Tax on Added Value (VAT) results from the transference of assets and services. Impacts all commercialization steps, being:

  • Highlighted VAT (VAT) - In this case, use the formula:

Good Value/(1+ (Rate/100))

  • Added VAT (IVC) - In this case, for the good valued 1000 (calculation base), established tax value is 120 (12% rate).

Rates are established by products group, in Legislation.

Types of Rate

Basically, conditions and rates expected in law for this calculation are:

  • General (12%) fill out the field Type of Rate with the option G-General;
  • Additional (22%) fill out the field % Additional Rate (Variable Taxes File) and the field: Type of Rate (TIO File) with the option A-Additional;
  • Reduced (8%) fill out the field % Reduced Rate (Variable Taxes File) and the field: Type of Rate (TIO File) with the option R-Reduced;
  • Export (0%);
  • Exempt.

Previous registration for Tax Calculation

  1. In Variable Taxes, select Add.

System displays add window.

2. Fill out data according to field help instructions.

3. This file has self-explanatory filling. However, check the most important information to register this tax: