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Speaking of Control panel...

The Control Panel allows only company administrators to access fluig’s configuration features.

The following tabs make up the Control Panel:

  • General: it has features to manage the platform, such as registration of users, groups, roles, parameters, permissions and task scheduler;
  • Processes: it provides administrative features to automate processes such as working hours, form themes and holiday registrations;
  • Documents: it has administrative features to manage the information in documents, such as registration of subjects, icons, customized fields and watermarks;
  • [ocultada] Collaboration: it provides administrative features to manage social interaction such as the creation of communities, notifications, relationship clouds, and reports;
  • WCM: it has administrative features that allow you to manage the information in portals, such as control of the created pages, component center, themes and indexation.

My last accesses

The control panel has a last access feature that shows the last features accessed in the Control Panel, and displays up to eight (8) items accessed recently by the user. Resources are sorted by access order (i.e. the last accessed resource is always the first shown in the list).
Latest items are stored in the control panel through browser cookies. Last access data is not shown if the user logs into fluig on another desktop or browser.

The My Links group is shown in the Control Panel only when the user has custom pages in the platform. All pages created by the user are centralized in a single group with the remaining features.

Need help?

Access the help center by clicking the icon (interrogação), located in the upper right corner of the Control panel menu pages, for specific information on this feature and links to related documentation. Learn more.


This documentation is valid from update 1.6.2 on. If you use an earlier version, it may contain information different from what you see in your platform.

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