Indicates the currency code. A two-digit code must always be entered.
Use Currency 1 as the system's main currency.
Note: The system automatically generates this currency code; however, it can also be typed.
This field defines the name that will identify the currency in the system. Although not necessary, we suggest that this entry be made because the generation of reports may be confusing.
Is the symbol used whenever the currency is referred to in the system.
Example: R$
This field indicates whether the currency will be blocked or not. If blocked, no amount of the accounting entry will be converted to that currency.
This field allows to register validation for a currency
Two effective periods cannot be used.
Currency 01 - Initial Date = 4/15/88 Final Date = 10/1/90
Currency 02 - Initial Date = 6/15/90 Final Date = 12/31/92
When you register currency 2, the system displays a message informing that a currency is already registered for the period, and it only allows to save it if the initial date is over 10/1/90.