Páginas filhas
  • Bindings - General Information


  1. Overview
  2. Example of use
  3. Related Subjects
  4. Tables


Use the bindings routine to bind entities and register the bindings used when controlling by level through table CTA when parameter MV_CTBAMAR is equal to 2.

The purpose of this document is to clarify how to use this routine and how it behaves with the values of parameter MV_CTBAMAR and when you configures its F12 questions.


The bindings routine behaves in various ways, depending on its settings. You can set these behaviors through the parameter in configurator (SX3) MV_CTBAMAR, or through routine parameters (F12) 'Old Model ?' and 'View Binding By ?'

See below an example of how each of these options works.

Click below for examples of how the question 'View Binding By ?' works:

Bindings CTBA250 BRA - MV_CTBAMAR and MV_PAR02


The possible settings and the operation of the Binding routine based on parameter MV_CTBAMAR are:

With MV_CTBAMAR = 0/1:

In this option, regardless of its contents, in its operations parameter F12 only displays the addition of a record in CTA as a binding or a filter on the type in field CTA_NIVEL.


Although the register is no different whether you set MV_CTBAMAR to 0 or 1, the parameter does not respect any binding settings when set to 0.




With MV_CTBAMAR = 2/3:

In this configuration, the routine behaves by displaying the bindings screen originated by consumed routine CTBA810 only when the parameter is set to 2 or 3.

The addition process is the same. The difference is in the question displayed, whether you want to bind something right away or later:

If you press Yes → It displays the bindings screen.
If you press No → It returns to the browser of the routine.

Now to the different options in the F12 of the routine, whether you want to use the Old Model, Yes or No.

Equal to Yes:

When you set the parameter to Yes, the routine presents an older screen model, from older technologies of the product.

This change displays the screen as follows:

On this screen, we can select entities in a From/To range and add them to the binding by clicking any nodes of the entity selected.

Information on the most relevant buttons of the routine and their respective actions:




Open the From/To Range screen with Filter. 


Save changes in binding.


Return to the bindings browser.

Equal to No:

In this setting, the routine displays a newer screen model if question Old Model is equal to No.

In the change:

You can also filter entities in a From/To range and add them to the binding later.

Information on the most relevant buttons of the routine and their respective actions:




Deselect/select all entities desired in tab Source Entities. 


Open the From/To Range screen with Filter.

Apply Selection 

apply selection to tab Target Entities.


Save the entities.


Return to the browser screen.


  • We must emphasize that both models only work differently if the setting of parameter MV_CTBAMAR is different from 0 or 1.
  • This routine makes no distinction between settings 2 or 3 of parameter MV_CTBAMAR. The differences between these two options only matter in other points of the system (such as in accounting entries), not in this routine. Thus, it behaves the same way whether you have set the parameter to 2 or 3.



  • CTA - Binding Rules