Product: | TOTVS Backoffice |
Product Line: | Microsiga Protheus Line |
Industry: | Services |
Module: | TOTVS Backoffice (Protheus Line) - Fixed Asset (SIGAFIS) |
Function: | ATFA050 - AF050FPR |
Country: | Brazil |
Ticket: | Internal |
Requirement/Story/Issue: | DSERCTR1-39974 |
Entry point AF050FPR allows selecting certain assets to be disregarded in the Monthly Calculation of depreciation.
The examples used in this document are merely illustrative.
The impacts caused by using the entry point are the total responsibility of the customer that implements them.
You may run this EP via PROCEDURE or ADVPL. If you perform the depreciation calculation without procedure, use the EP in ADVPL; whereas, if you perform the depreciation calculation with PROCEDURE, use the EP via PROCEDURE
Explanation and contextualization regarding the use of the EP.
Entry point when the Depreciation Calculation is performed by procedures. Note that, to use procedure AF050FPR, you must encode/develop it in the native language of the SGBD you are using. If you use ORACLE, encode it in ORACLE, if MSSQLSERVER, encode it in SQLSERVER and if in POSTGRES, encode it in POSTGRES.
The example below is in Oracle.
Procedure to use the procedure AF050FPR or any other Entry Point in procedure.
Note this procedure is always installed in the database:
Note: note that the EP is always executed in the call of the main procedure ATF001 as follows:
AF050FPR_11_T1 (vcFilial , vcN3_CBASE , vcN3_ITEM , vcN3_TIPO , vcN3_SEQ , IN_DATADEP , vcCalcula );
Example in PROCEDURE:
It is important to pay attention to the procedure in which you must encode, in the database language.
If encoded in ADVPL:
User Function AF050FPR() Local lRet := .F. Local cChave := Paramixb[1] Local aChave := {} // Monta array para itens que não serão depreciados // CBASE CITEM AADD(aChave, "100003 03 " ) AADD(aChave, "100005 05 " ) AADD(aChave, "111111 11 " ) If Ascan(aChave, cChave) # 0 lRet := .T. Alert("Ponto de entrada AF050FPR() executado") EndIf Return lRet
EP Contextualization
If ExistBlock("AF050FPR") If ExecBlock("AF050FPR",.F.,.F.,{cChave}) DbSelectarea(cAliasSn3) (cAliasSn3)->( DbSkip() ) Loop EndIf EndIf
AF050FPR_11_XX (vcFilial , vcN3_CBASE , vcN3_ITEM , vcN3_TIPO , vcN3_SEQ , IN_DATADEP , vcCalcula );
Parameters and Return
Parameters in ADVPL:
Parameters | Type | Description |
cChave - PARAMIXB[1] | Character | Key returned for use |
Parameters in PROCEDURE:
Parameters | Type | Description |
IN_FILIAL | Character | Branch used |
IN_CBASE | Character | Base Code |
IN_ITEM | Character | Base Code Item |
IN_TIPO | Character | Asset Type |
IN_SEQ | Character | Asset addition sequence |
IN_DATA | Character | Depreciation Date |
OUT_RESULT | Character | Result returned from procedure. If "0" skip the record, If "1" do not |
Return of Entry Point ADVPL and PROCEDURE:
Mode | Return | Type |
ADVPL | lRet | Logical |