
This routine was adjusted to comply with the General Personal Data Protection Law (Statute No. 13.70), so that some fields containing data regarded as sensitive and/or personal are blurred, becoming illegible.


This routine recalculates and updates bank balances, everyday, from a period selected up to the system base date. It is used to retroact a bank transaction. As a reference, you should use the date when the balance became inaccurate.

This routine must be processed before issuing bank statement reports or any other report that shows the current bank account balance.


To recalculate bank balances:

  1. In Recalculation of Bank Balances, click Parameters.
  2. Complete fields according to the field help instructions.
  3. Check information and confirm.
  4. the system returns to the routine description screen.
  5. Confirm it.
  6. The necessary recalculation is executed.


  1. The routine works on branches data. In the parameters configuration screen, choose Yes to the question Select Branches? and select branches range.
  2. The routine will recalculate and update the value in the balances table (SE8), in case there is any transactions in the period for the banks/bank branches/accounts entered in the parameters.