Páginas filhas
  • Main Fields and Controls (OMSA060 - SIGAOMS)

Max Capac. (Maximum Capacity)

In this field must be entered the maximum capacity supported by the vehicle that will be used to calculate load mounting; this information will be evaluated in the routines trip generation making it impossible to overload the vehicle.

See Also

  • Trip, menu Road Collection.
  • Trip, menu Road Transport.
  • Trip, menu Road Delivery.
  • Trip, menu Air Collection.

Active Vehic. (Active Vehicle)

When this field is filled out Yes, it indicates the vehicle is available to be allocated in a trip.

This information will be used in case of Trip Block Generation, Vehicle Movements and Trip Complement, does not allow use deactivated vehicles.


This option has the functionality to indicate the type of fleet the vehicle belongs to: own, third party or aggregated. The system uses this information on the routines Trip Complement, Teamster Contract and Reward Contract. The Field is used only by the SIGATMS - Transport Management environment.


The Teamster Contract can only be generated when fleet is defined as Third Party or Aggregated. It is important to enter complete also the fields Owner/Owner Store. (required fields) that indicate respectively the Supplier/Store to be used in the generation of the teamster contract.

Owner/Owner Store (Code/Owner Store)

On these fields are entered the code and store of the vehicle owner and enter respectively the Supplier and the Store used on the generation of the teamster contracts for third parties/aggregates.

This information will also be used in the routines Teamster Contract and Bonus Contract to generate payable titles. These fields will be used only by the module SIGATMS (Transport Management).

Vehicle Type

This field is bound to the vehicle type register, where must be entered the type of vehicle used by the carrier and its characteristics, for example, regular, horse, special, utilitarian, etc.

This information will be used by the routines Trip Complement, generation of the Teamster Contract, Event Records and Vehicle Movements. This field is only used with the module SIGATMS (Transport Management).


This field defines the status of the vehicle and is only used by the routine Vehicle Movements. This field is used by the environment SIGATMS - Transport Management


  • Not available - the vehicle cannot be used in trips.
  • At Branch - the vehicle is at a branch.
  • In Trip - the vehicle is being used in a trip.


This field allows to enter the supplier code that must receive the teamster contract balance.


After filling out the fields : Benef.Cod., Benef.Store, Benef.Name, it is possible to generate contract balance for vehicle beneficiary through the routines Teamster Contract, Accounts Payable.


This field allows to enter the supplier store that must receive the teamster contract balance.


After filling out the fields : Benef.Cod., Benef.Store, Benef.Name, it is possible to generate contract balance for vehicle beneficiary through the routines Teamster Contract, Accounts Payable.


This field allows to enter the name of the vehicle beneficiary that must receive the teamster contract balance.


After filling out the fields : Benef.Cod., Benef.Store, Benef.Name, it is possible to generate contract balance for vehicle beneficiary through the routines Teamster Contract, Accounts Payable.

Transportation Service

This field allows to determine the vehicle transportation service.


This information will be used only to filter vehicles of a specific transportation service on the scheduling screen.