Árvore de páginas

Project: MA-3

Date: 11/12/2017

Author: Fabio Cazarini

Contact data: [email protected]


2. MA-3
3. Translation Tools
3.1. Translation Server
3.2. Flavour
3.3. Smartcat
3.4. Translation provider
3.4.1. ABBYY
3.5. AtuSX
4. Translations suggestions
4.1. How to submit suggested changes to Translation Server
4.1.1. Reply current translation to current filtered items
4.1.2. Check English, Spanish or Portuguese original
4.1.3. Checking registry history
4.1.4. Labels status translation
4.2. Translation suggestion approval
4.3. Send translations suggestions to Translation Server
4.4. Update translations status and labels from Translation Server
5. Integration between MA-3 Application Server and Smartcat
5.1. How to send and receive labels to and from Smartcat
6. How to update Flavour
7. How to update AtuSX
8. Parameters to be configured in MA-3 Application Server


MA-3 is composed by more than 70 modules, and not all of them are used in Russia. Due to the product integration model is not easy to isolate which objects (from metadata, help or sources) are being used in MA-3 released environment, and translate only the objects that will be used for Russian clients. On the other hand, translating all would be expensive and senseless.
This tool is intended to solve this issue, logging every object used in any environment a Russian consultant or programmer is using, and providing translation for this objetcs.

Translation Tools

Translation Tools is a set of client and server side customized routines aimed to manage our translations, making it possible to consultants or programmers submit translations suggestion to be approved, send labels to Smartcat to be translated by a translation provider, update AtuSX translations and update client Flavour.
This tool is available in our homologation environment or in any local environment (once installed). All environments clients have to point to the same MA-3 application server.

Translation Server

Translation server is MA-3 application server that have the following functions:

  • Log items in system that shoud be translated
    • This is done through Statistics routine
  • Edit current translations to suggest corrections
  • Approval suggestions by consultants
  • Send labels to Smartcat or export to RESX files to be translated by a translation provider
  • Receive translations done by a translation provider
  • Update ATUSX translations
  • Provide translation done by the translation provider


Flavour is a structure in MA-3 applications to display strings in a selected language or in a more appropriate terminology.


Smartcat is a collaborative platform that links who needs translations with translators. They can be approached on Marketplace or invited to a specific project.
How it works in MA-3:

  • MA-3 sends labels to Smartcat to be translated by a translation provider
  • The task is assign to a translation provider, supported with translation memories and glossaries
  • MA-3 receives translations done by the translation provider

Translation provider

Translation provider is a company or a freelancer invited to participate in a translation project.

Translation provider can use SMARTCAT tool, in which case labels will be exported directly to SMARTCAT server, or can us its own trasnlation tool, in this case, files will be generated in RESX forat and should be sent to provider


ABBYY is the selected translation company for MA-3 localization project in Russia that provides translation solution using the Smartcat platform.


Atusx is the tool used for creation and maintenance of data dictionaries, header files (.ch), menus, help fields and messages in MA-3 application.

Translations suggestions

In the Translation Interface NP Team can submit translations suggestions changes in MA-3 client application.  This translations should be approved in order to be udated in Flavur or in ATUSX server

How suggested in Translation Server

  1. Access Any Module in translation server, connection parameters:
    1. Server:
    2. Port: 12200
    3. Environment: HOM_TRANSL

  2. Type CTRL+U in any part of MA-3 Application Client to access the translation interface:

  1. Filter Russian labels:

Click in the word Filter in the top right of the screen and then in Create Filter:

Select field Idiom and type ru in the Expression Box, then click Add:

Click in Save and then mark the new item Idiom Equal to 'ru'. After that, click Apply selected filters:

  1. Search the label to be translated. For example, if you need to translate the word Acd, select the key Short Text in the Search For Box and then click in the magnifying glass symbol:

The short text has to be the same and it is case sensitive. It is possible to type only the beginning of the string and then click in the magnifying glass symbol. In this case, the first occurrence will be found.

Select the text to be translated observing the origin of the string. It is possible the following origins:

Click Edit then type the translation suggestion in the Suggested Box:

Click in Confirm to save the suggestion:

Notice that the status of the label has changed to Pending Approval:

Reply current translation to current filtered items

It is possible to reply the translation to others labels. In the example bellow, we have two others occurrences of the word Acd:

To reply the translation, click in Other Actions, then in Reply current translation to current filtered items:

Then, confirm:

Check English, Spanish or Portuguese original

You can check the original word or expression in English, Spanish or Portuguese. To get that, when viewing or editing, click Other Actions then select the desired language.

The text will be shown in a window, if viewing, or in the Suggestion Box, when editing.

Checking registry history

It is possible to view the translation registry history when viewing or editing by clicking in Other Actions then Check History:

Labels status translation

There are the following possible labels status translation:

Translation suggestion approval

All translations suggestions must be submitted for an approval.

The approval is done after the integration between MA-3 Application Client and MA-3 Translation Application Server, that will be explained in the next item. To approve the suggestion, click CTRL+U in the Translation Server

The consultant can Approve or Reject. To do that, just mark the labels and then click Approve or click Reject:

It is possible to mark all labels at once by clicking in the left corner of the grid:

After approval the label status is changed to translated:

If the translation is reject, the suggestion text is cleaned and it is necessary to suggest a new translation.

Integration between MA-3 Application Server and Smartcat

By the integration between MA-3 Application Server, non translated labels will be sent to Smartcat and the translator provider will receive these labels, supported with translation memories and glossaries, translate and make it available to be pushed by MA-3 Application Server.

How to send and receive labels to and from Smartcat


How to update Flavour


How to update AtuSX


MA-3 Application Server parameters


AtuSX Server IP and port – IP:Port

Variable name


Content (example)


AtuSX user and password – User:Password

Variable name


Content (example)



Service AtuSX

Variable name


Content (example)



Smartcat URL

Variable name


Content (example)



Smartcat account ID and key – AccountID:Key

Variable name


Content (example)



Smartcat translation code project – SX1 | Origin idiom | Destination idiom

Variable name


Content (example)



Smartcat translation code project – SX2 | Origin idiom | Destination idiom

Variable name


Content (example)



Smartcat translation code project – SX3 | Origin idiom | Destination idiom

Variable name


Content (example)



Smartcat translation code project – SX5 | Origin idiom | Destination idiom

Variable name


Content (example)



Smartcat translation code project – SX6 | Origin idiom | Destination idiom

Variable name


Content (example)



Smartcat translation code project – SXA | Origin idiom | Destination idiom

Variable name


Content (example)



Smartcat translation code project – SXB | Origin idiom | Destination idiom

Variable name


Content (example)



Smartcat translation code project – SXG | Origin idiom | Destination idiom

Variable name


Content (example)



Smartcat translation code project – Help | Origin idiom | Destination idiom

Variable name


Content (example)



Smartcat translation code project - Menu | Origin idiom | Destination idiom

Variable name


Content (example)



Smartcat translation code project – Source | Origin idiom | Destination idiom

Variable name


Content (example)



Smartcat resX path files – MA-3 system root

Variable name


Content (example)



Smartcat sent documents path folder – MA-3 system root

Variable name


Content (example)



Smartcat translated documents path folder – MA-3 system root

Variable name


Content (example)


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