Páginas filhas
  • Renegotiation of Bills Receivable (FINA045 - SIGAFIN)

This routine replaces a group of interim bills for effective bills (from clients defined as periodical), recalculating the maturity dates according to standard payment term.

The renegotiation of bills receivable is useful to clients who have bills generated every day but want them to be grouped on a specific day of the week or month, so their payments are not extremely fragmented.

To renegotiate bills:

1. Update parameters:

    • MV_NATPER - class of bill to be generated. This class must be registered.
    • MV_TIPPER - type of bill to be generated.

2. Modify the periodical client register:

    • Payment Term (A1_COD) - inform the standard payment term to calculate new installments and maturity dates.
    • Period Type (A1_TIPPER) - indicate periodicity to group client's bills:
      • 02 = every Monday
      • 03 = every Tuesday
      • 04 = every Wednesday
      • 05 = every Thursday
      • 06 = every Friday
      • 10 = every 10 days (to group bills only on the 10th, 20th and 30th)
      • 15 = every 15 days (to group bills only on the 15th and 30th)
      • 30 = end of every month (to group on the last day of the month, irrespective of the day: 28th, 29th, 30th or 31st)


Period types 10 and 15 do not consider bills maturing on the 30th for the following months: April, June, September and November. These bills are considered period type 30 (end of every month).


To renegotiate bills:

1. Select Renegotiation AR (accounts receivable).

The parameter screen is displayed.

2. Configure them according to field help instructions.  

3. Check data and confirm.

4. Original bills are replaced. Maturity of installments is calculated from the Movement Limit date and the client's standard payment term.

See Also