Páginas filhas
  • Correlative Numbering / Sequential Diary * (Concepts - SIGACTB)

Control of correlative number binds the accounting documents to their origins, using a single method for numbering control.

The text below applies only to the country of Portugal:

Control of sequential numbering - correlative/sequential - meets the particularities of all counties, in which all accounting documents must have a single sequential control number and such number must be increased every movement, restarting at the end of the preset control.

The use of this control is defined by configuring parameter MV_SEGOFI, which has the following options:

0 = Disable control
1 = Sequential continuous
2 = Sequence monthly
3 = Sequence annual
4 = Sequence period
5 = Configured
6 = Control by type of receipt

(*) Seqüencial Diário is the name of this control in Portugal.


Configured with content = 1

Generates the configuration of daily sequential with book code 01, with continuous sequential numbering control for every accounting process.

Configured with content = 2

Generates the configuration of daily sequential with book code 02, with monthly sequential numbering control for every accounting process.

Configured with content = 3

Generates the configuration of daily sequential with book code 03, with annual sequential numbering control for every accounting process.

Configured with content = 4

Generates the configuration of daily sequential with book code 04, with sequential numbering control, by periods preset in parameter MV_CTBRPI/MV_CTBCRPF, for every accounting process.

Configured with content = 5

Generates the configuration of sequential diary with book code 05, with configurable sequential numbering control.

Only content "5" allows to define journal codes, different by processes, using origin movements and standard entries.

Configured with content = 6

Generates the configuration of sequential diary with book code according to the type of standard entry, with configurable sequential numbering control.

The text below applies only to the country of Chile:

The book code depends on the standard entry used in the movement and its configuration is related to parameters:

  • MV_SQSUB01 - inflow standard entry, generates entry with book "07".
  • MV_SQSUB02 - egressed standard entry, generates entry with book "08".
  • MV_SQSUB03 - tranpassed standard entry, generates entry with book "09".

The other entries are posted with code 06.

Use parameter MV_SEQCORR to configure the correlative sequential.