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Speaking of the Central diagnostics...

The purpose of the diagnostic center is to provide customers with a single place for them to validate inconsistent processes and requests, in addition to extracting data from Fluig workflows, allowing this information to be easily viewed and sent to service, consulting and development teams.

Accessing the diagnostic center

01. On the fluig side bar, go to Processes.

02. Then to Diagnostics Center.

General statistics

Under General Statistics, you can see the number of requests and processes that have some type of error or warning. 

To see the total number of requests and processes with an error, simply click the arrow on the upper right corner of the screen by turning left or right, so you can check previous dates or return to the current date. You can also filter the arrow next to the date and choose one of the available options. 

01. Click the arrow next to the current date and select one of the available filter options.

Today: Shows the total number of requests and processes that have an error or warning on the current date.

Last 7 days: Shows the total number of requests and processes that have an error or warning in the last 7 days.

Last 15 days: Shows the total number of requests and processes that have an error or warning in the last 15 days.

Last 30 days: Shows the total number of requests and processes that have an error or warning in the last 30 days.

Custom period: Allows you to include a period of time to display the total number of requests and processes that have an error or warning. After including the period, click Apply.

View daily environment log

Here you can view the daily log of the environment. With this, you can also make filters, search and select the type of log you want to view.

01. To view the log, simply press the View daily environment log

02. To search for a specific word or term, use the search bar in the upper left corner.

03. To select a specific log, simply select the type you want to filter: Error, Warm, Info or Debug.

04. To filter the log by a specific time, simply press the From option and select the start and end time.

To clean the filters, simply click Clear filters, in the upper right corner.


In the Requests tab, you can see all requests that are in an error state. You can also filter by request type and see each of their diagnostics in detail.In the request list, we may see information such as Request Number, Process, Version, Person in charge, Error Date, Activity, and Diagnostics.

01. In Filter, located above the list, we can filter By request, By process, By person in charge, By activity or By error.

02. Under the results per page, we can set the number of requests that will appear in the listing at 10, 25, 50, or 100 requests per page.

03. To view the diagnostic of the request, simply click .

04. A new window will open, showing some diagnostic information for the request. For more details, click View details and actions.

05. In the Request Diagnostics window, you can view general information such as Error message, Request log, Actions and Contact Help Desk.

06. In the request log, you can copy it to the clipboard by clicking the icon or even expanding it to view it in a larger size by clicking .

07. When pressing View request, the user will be directed directly to the request in Task central.

08. Under Actions, the user can take certain actions regarding the request and process.

On the request:

Resubmit request - allows you to resubmit the request again.

Generate descriptive log - generates a descriptive log of the request so that it can be  rerun.

When choosing this option, click Continue to rerun the request.

Download request - allows you to download the request.

By downloading the request, data related to the process, such as forms, logs and attachments, may be added to the export file.

To continue your request, you'll need to select whether to export your attachments or anonymize your form fields.

To do this, simply click the options you want and leave them in green.

You also need to check the acknowledgment selection box and agree that the data that will be exposed to the download file for the specific request.

After all the steps have been completed, click Download.

A .zip file of the download will be generated with all the information in the request.

On the process:

Process diagnostics - When choosing this option, a new window will open, allowing you to check the diagnostics of the process. Also showing your development warnings, your warning message, and the script. 

If you want to copy the script to the clipboard, simply click .

Edit scripts - When choosing this option, a new window opens guiding the user to the script editor. Thus allows the user to view and edit the process scripts. 

Process script editions generate a new script version applied only to the specific request, if the diagnosed error is corrected, the script version can be updated and become the default for all and future requests related to the process. Editions can be restored through the version manager.

To edit, simply click the edit area under Edit

To view previous versions and manage them, simply click Versions

In the script list of the process, you can view all scripts contained in the process and select one by one for editing.

To copy the desired script, click .

After the checks and editing are finished, click Resend request.

09. In Error message, you can see a brief description of the type of error.

10. You can also contact support directly from the diagnostic center. Just press the Access Help Desk button and you will be directed to TOTVS Fluig support.


In the Processes tab, you can see all processes that are in an error or alert state. You can also filter processes by their status and search by process code or description. In the process listing, we can see information such as Code, Process, Version, Active, Under editing, and Diagnostics.

01. In the By Processes filter, we can filter Processes with Error, Processes with a warning, Active processes, Inactive processes, Released processes, Editing processes, All versions, and Latest versions.

02. Under Show results per page, we can set the number of processes that will appear in the listing at 10, 25, 50 or 100 processes per page.

03. To view the diagnostic process, simply click .

04. In the Process diagnostics window, you can view the Development warnings and Errors in requests

Development warnings tab:

Contains warning and script message information.

Errors in requests tab:

Contains error message information and other error request information.

To view the request, click the to be directed directly to the request diagnostics.

Non-recommended development practices

Below are the development practices we classify in the Diagnostic Center as not recommended:

  • By using a mechanism by user or activity executor, it is recommended to have a manager in the process, in case the respective user is deactivated.

When an activity is configured with a per-user engine, if that user is disabled, when the request is moved, it is moved to the process manager. But if there is no manager, an error will occur. The same happens when using one engine per activity executor and this executor is disabled. Therefore, it is recommended to set up a manager in these cases.

Link:Assignment mechanism


Mecanismo de atribuição - fluig Developer - TDN

  • The AutomaticTasks property is discontinued as of version 1.5.9 and may stop working unexpectedly

This property should no longer be used as it has been discontinued. To avoid problems in future fluig updates, the property should be removed and the process adjusted so that it no longer uses that property.

  • This is a standard fluig process and only the first version is updated. By creating a new version, product updates will not have any effect on this process.

Often in our updates we make minor adjustments, corrections, and improvements to the process of listing tasks and the adhoc subprocess. However, we only apply that in version 1. By making changes to this process you do not receive our modifications.

  • The conditional activity has a timer of less than 3 minutes, which may accumulate multiple requests running simultaneously in a short period of time, in case of failure.

When creating a conditional activity, fluig will run the script as configured. If you do not get the desired answer, a re-execution is scheduled. In the case of an integration that presents instability or even some other code failure, these schedules may eventually accumulate as the number of requests increases, which can lead to an excessively large mass of schedules causing slowness in the fluig as a whole.

  • The service activity has a timer of 1 minute with more than 7 attempts, which may accumulate multiple requests running simultaneously in a short period of time, in case of failure.

When creating a conditional activity, fluig will run the script as configured. If you do not get the desired answer, a re-execution is scheduled. In the case of an integration that presents instability or even some other code failure, these schedules may eventually accumulate depending on the amount of open requests per minute, which can lead to an excessively large mass of schedules causing slowness in the fluig as a whole.

  • The customization script is using fluig’s internal connections with the database. Use the /jdbc/AppDS connection

Fluig provides the AppDS connection that must be used by customizations in place of FluigDS and FluigDSRO.

Link: Dataset development

  • Translation files reference an activity that does not exist

In the translation files, there are activities that do not exist in diagramming. This happens when an activity has been removed normally. To avoid future confusion, it is recommended to remove these translations from activities that no longer exist.

  • The property of the activity is different than in the translation files:

When you configure a process and generate the translations, fluig ignores the properties of the activity and uses it as configured in the translation. Because that can create confusion for the developer, it is recommended that at least one language is the same as the setting for the activity or that a language be chosen and one of the translation files of that language be removed, so when trying to move the request in this language that was removed, it will use the data as configured on the screen.

  • The property of the process is different than in the translation files:

When you configure a process and generate the translations, fluig ignores the properties of the process and uses it as configured in the translation. Because that can create confusion for the developer, it is recommended that at least one language is the same as the setting for the diagram or that a language be chosen and one of the translation files of that language be removed, so when trying to move the request in this language that was removed, it will use the data as configured on the screen.

  • The customization script is raising an error in a method that will not interrupt the transaction and will not prevent movement of the request:

Raise an exception in the script, and stop the script from running itself can prevent the entire request from moving. However, not all methods have this characteristic, since the information has already been persisted at the point where the script runs. Check the documentation to find out what these methods are.

Link: Handling exceptions

  • The customization script is connecting to a service during movement, which may slow down the movement process. Use service activity:

Fluig has the service activity that must be used to perform integrations with other third-party services or even the fluig itself. As an advantage, it offers automatic re-attempts or even a contour flow for any connection or data problems. Using at another point in the product can slow down process movement. More about service activity:

Link: Asynchronous integration via workflow processes


Fique atento!

This documentation is valid from update 1.8 - Mist. If you use a previous update, it may contain different information than what you see on your platform.

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