Páginas filhas
  • Generation of DLPA/DMPL Financial Statements - ECD - Bookkeeping Center - CTBS001- Managerial Accounting - P12



Generation of records J210 and J215 referring to the information of the statement of accumulated profits or losses (DLPA) or the demonstration of changes in Net Equity (DMPL) in the accounting bookkeeping.


In records J210 and J215, information regarding the statement of accumulated profits or losses (DLPA) or the demonstration of changes in Net Equity (DMPL) shall be generated. They compose through the configuration of the managerial view when generating the accounting bookkeeping - ECD being it annual or quarterly calculation.

Entering, in Record J215, the details of the Accounting Event that changes the accumulated profit account or the accumulated loss account, or the entire Net Equity of the period.

An explanatory note can be linked to this accounting statement if there is a need for this information.

The preconditions of this routine comprise:

  • Having an annual or quarterly accounting calendar;(CTBA010)
  • Having a record of accounting entries (CTBA102)
  • Having a managerial view record;(CTBA161)
  • Having ledger configuration binding (CTBA130);
  • Performing the calculation of the annual or quarterly results (CTBA211);


This routine consists of extracting data from the ECD bookkeeping. 

1.Access the Managerial Accounting Module (SIGACTB) >Updates > Acct Bookkeeping > Bookkeeping Center (CTBS001)

2. Select the ECD option, and click Add.

3. Follow the steps by filling in the options according to the status of the company to be booked, paying attention to the following parameters:3.1) Enter the indicator of the bookkeeping purpose 0- Original or 1- Substitute

4. Select the ledger type of bookkeeping G- General/ R- Summary Journal or B- Daily Balance Sheet

5. On question J210: Indicator of statement type Select DLPA or DMPL

5.1) on Question J210: Stat.Check.Code? Select the configured managerial view (F3 Query)

5.2) On question J200: Accounting Event History- Register? Disabled field from layout 7.0 (for previous layouts, enter 1- YES)

5.3) On question J215: Detail Accounting Event - Detail? 1- YES Click Next and Finish

6. In the registration of Record J215, click Add.

6.1) Cod.Aglut field .(query F3) To select the entity of the managerial view;

6.2) Cod. CTB fact field, enter the code of the accounting fact;

6.3) Fact Desc field, inform the description of the accounting fact;

6.4) Value field, inform the value of the accounting fact;

6.5) Value field, indicator regarding the value of the accounting fact ( D- Debtor; C- Creditor; P- Subtotal or positive total; N- Subtotal or negative total);

6.6) Period field, leave blank ( for Annual Calculation) Note: This field should be entered only when the unified quarterly file option is chosen. And, for each specific period, enter where the event took place according to the accounting transactions.

7. Click Finish

After the file is generated, check if records J210 and J215 are displayed correctly.


For the ledgers Z- General Ledger and A- Auxiliary Journal, records J210 and J215 are not generated.


The Period field in the registration of record J215 serves for information when generating the Unified Quarterly File, which will be available for use in version 12.1.17 and layout 7.0


Example of completion:

|J210|0|1.1|ACCUMULATED PROFITS|0.00|C|0.00|C|240

Field 01 - Type of Record: J210

Field 02 – Demonstration type indicator: 0 (DLPA)

Field 03 – Code of Grouping of Net Equity Accounts: 1.1

Field 04 – Description of the Grouping Code: RETAINED EARNINGS

Field 05 – Initial Balance of the Grouping Code: 0.00

Field 06 – Indicator of Initial Balance's Status: C

Field 07 – Final Balance of the Grouping Code: 0.00

Field 08 – Final Balance Status Indicator: C

Field 09 – Reference to the Explanatory Notes Numbering: 240


Field 01 – Type of Record: J215

Field 02 – Code of Accounting Event History: 10

Field 03 – Description of Accounting Event: Distribution of profit from the period.

Field 04 – Value of Accounting Event: 1000.00 (Corresponds to 1,000.00)

Field 05 – Balance Status Indicator: D


From layout 7.0, record J200 - History Table of Accounting Events that Modify the Accumulated Profit Account or the Accumulated Loss Account or the Entire Net Equity was deleted


Table From/To - CTx tables for CSx for ECD preparation


Accounting Source Tables

ECD Tables

Use Generic Function for Accounting Balance Extraction*

Company Data/ECD

SIGAMAT.EMP - Companies/Branches

CS0 – ECD – Revision
CS1 - ECD - Additional Revision Information
CS2 - ECD – Companies  
CSZ - ECF - ECF DATA                             


Ledger Account

CT1 - Chart of Accounts

CS3 - ECD - Chart of Accounts


Cost Center

CTT - Cost Center

CS5 - ECD - Cost Center


Reference Account

CVD - Referential Chart of Accounts

CS4 - ECD - Reference Chart of Accounts


Statement Management Plan

CTS - Management View

CS6 - ECD - Managerial View / Account


Default History

CT8 - Default History              

CS7 - ECD - Default History



CVB - Accountant Data

CS8 - ECD – Accountants



CVC – Participants

CS9 - ECD – Participant



CVS – SCP Record

CSR - SCP Bookkeep. - Rec. 0035         



CVR - Auditors File       

CSP - Auditors Bookk. - Rec. J935   


Co-related Sub-accounts

CVT - Co-related Sub-accounts

CST - Co-related Sub-accounts Book.   


Accounting Transactions Export

CT6 - Batch Totals (P11)
CTC - Document Balances (P12)
CT2 - Accounting Entries         

CSA - ECD - Transactions Headers

CSB - ECD - Transactions items  
CSL - ECD - Referential transactions items


Export Trial Balances/Balances

CT7 - Chart of Accounts Balances (P11)
CT3 - Cost Center Balances (P11)
CT7 - Charts of Accounts Balances (P12)
CQ2 - Cost Center Balances (P12)

CSC - ECD – Trial Balance

CSK - ECD - Reference Account Balance


Accounting Statements:
ECD Balance sheet/ECD Income Statement/ECD DMPL

CTS - Management View
CTN - Accounting Ledgers Configuration 
CT7 - Chart of Accounts Balances (P11)
CT3 - Cost Center Balances (P11)
CT7 - Charts of Accounts Balances (P12)
CQ2 - Cost Center Balances (P12)

CSD - ECD - Balance Sheets header      
CSE - ECD - Balance Sheets items          
CS6 - ECD - Managerial View / Account 
CSO- ECD- Accounting Event Detail

Yes (use of managerial view)

Export of .rtf Files

CSF - RFT Balance Sheets ECD 300b
