The item Other Actions has features that complement the use of Protheus system such as the generation of reports, calculator, trackability of information and help.
In this Menu option, the resources can be found in the main page of each routine and/or in the Add, Edit and View options.
Action: | Description: |
Calculator | This option is available when accessing the Add, Edit and View options and displays a calculator to perform the basic functions such as: adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, percentage, etc. |
Spool | This resource is available in the Add, Edit and View option and allows you to print information registered in the routine. |
Prt. Reg | This resource is available in the Edit and View option and allows you to print information registered in the routine, however, it also displays alternatives to select the type of view such as: File, Spool, Spreadsheet, E-mail, HTML, PDF and ODF. |
WalkThru | This resource is available in the Edit and View options and allows the trackability of information, easily identifying the origin and destination. You can browse in an intuitive manner and view the whole relationship and integrations between environments. |
Mashups | This resource is available in the Add, Edit and View options, and allows you access the content desired and add it to the Microsiga Protheus® routine. To search and update, provide information requested, which were preset by the admin in the Configurator environment, so, the other data are automatically added formulating a complete and updated record according to the online content. Types of query available:
Note Further information about Mashups resource, refer to Configurator nodule. |
Help | This resource is available in the Add, Edit and View options and display the information of the routine help on-line. |
In this Menu option, resources are found in the main page of each routine in item Other Actions.
Field: | Description |
Management of Companies | It allows you to filter information considering the Management of Companies criteria. Select the following options: Companies desired, click Next. Units desired, click Next. Branches desired, click Next. |
Customize | It enables you to customize the contract information choosing criteria defining the height of row, space between columns, margin, initial number of page and font. |
Configure | It allows you to adjust the order of information for viewing in the report. The sequence definition is manipulated through arrows up and/or down). |