Páginas filhas
  • Apportionment in Multiple Classes and Cost Centers (FINA080 - SIGAFIN)

This resource allows apportionment of the amount of write-off payable among multiple classes and cost centers. To enable it, mark the check box Apportion Mult. Classes displayed in the routine.

Important Procedures

To enable apportionment of write-off in multiple classes and cost centers, the following procedures must be executed:

1. Create the standard entries as follows:

Standard Entry


To obtain the amount ( Field "Amt. Currency 1")


Write-off of Accounts Payable with distribution in multiple classes by cost center.



Cancellation of Write-off of Accounts Payable with distribution in multiple classes by cost center.


2. Change the standard entries entered. All standard entries concerning write-offs and cancellation of write-offs of accounts payable, to use distribution for multiple classes, must contain the following expression while obtaining the standard entry (Field Currency 1 - CT5_VLR01), the following expression:



Entries Affected:

Standard Entry



Write-off - Accounts Payable


Cancellation of Write-off Accounts Payable


Write-off by Vendor


Cancellation of Write-off by Vendor

3. In Configurator module, observe the parameters MV_MULNAT and MV_MULNATR, which must be configured with T (True).


To write off a bill with apportionment in multiple classes and cost center:

1. In Write-offs Payable, press [F12] to configure the routine parameters.

The routine parameter screen is displayed.

2. Observe the following parameter:

    • Duplicate Apportionment?

This parameter identifies the percentage distributions of the apportionment of the same bill, already defined in other operations:

      • Addition - duplicates the distribution of multiple classes and multiple classes by cost center already entered while adding this bill, only recalculating the amounts in accordance with the amount written-off. The amounts can be edited.
      • Write-off - duplicates the distribution of multiple classes and multiple classes by cost center already entered during a partial bill write-off, only recalculating the amounts in accordance with the amount written-off. The amounts can be edited.
      • Do not Duplicate – a window shows the distribution of multiple classes and multiple classes by cost center for entering their data.

3. Check parameters and confirm them.

4. Select the bill to be written off, and then the option Write Off.

The system displays the write-off screen.

5. Fill out the details and mark the check box Apportion Multiple Classes.

6. Check data and confirm them.

The system displays the screen for Distribution of Multiple Classes by Bills for entering the classes for apportionment and for each, whether there will be apportionment by cost center.

7. Fill out the details, observing the fields:

    • Class

Enter the code of the class to be used in distribution.

    • Movement Value

This field defines the distribution percentage in the class selected. When it is filled in, the system enters the field Distr. Perc.

    • Perc. Distr.

This field defines the distribution percentage in the class selected. When it is filled in, the system enters the field Movement Value.

    • Apportion by Cost Center

This field establishes if there will be apportionment by cost center. For every class marked for apportionment, a window is displayed allowing entry of cost centers involved and the apportionment percentages.

8. If No has been entered   in the field Apportion by Cost Center, confirm the information.

The system displays the accounting entries screen.

9. Enter the information and confirm the write-off.

10. If Yes was chosen in the field Apportion by Cost Center, the system displays the window for distributing the apportionment among cost centers for multiple classes.

11. Fill out data and confirm them.

The system returns to the screen for Distribution of Multiple Classes by Bills.

12. Confirm them again.

The accounting entry screen is displayed.

13. Fill out data and confirm them.


After entering the distribution of apportionment in multiple classes, it is saved only if the operation is confirmed. Otherwise, the bill write-off is considered as a normal write-off, without distribution of amounts to multiple classes and cost centers.

See Also

To check the amounts concerning write-off receivable distributed in multiple classes, the following reports can be generated: